Chapter 92: Jailbreak

We then got to work after a 10 minute break, we sneaked to the boss' room while killing our enemies along the way, hiding their bodies, Ace and Damon were the ones struggling the most since they can't use 'Presence', but they can hide their presence well enough, it didn't take long for the place to go into lockdown after they realized we escaped our cells.

-1 minute short- Diana said

-She's still in the room, I can smell it- Siege added

-Good, it's now time to put her to sleep, Damon, prepare the chained cuffs for her hands and legs-

< Void of eternal dreams> the black glow on my sword then expanded and engulfed everything.

Every living being apart from me and my bonds fell asleep, We dashed inside the room and killed everyone in there as we captured the enemy's leader. Damon cuffed her, I even used metal magic to create a metal rope to tie her up just as a precaution and slung her over his shoulder.

-There's spatial disruption, we can only use spatial storage at most- Ace said

-Well let's run out till we can use a warp gate-

We then dashed out, destroying anyone and anything in your path, we got out and the place we were in just now was engulfed by a black dome, the female boss was starting to wake up but Damon knocked her back to sleep. I closed my skill, the black dome then disappeared, the place we were at looked like an abandoned castle, it was in ruins.

After a few minutes, we can use warp gate again. We then warped to a secret location in a forest where no one will see us

"Now we can interrogate her without disturbance"

-When do you plan to go back?- Dabria asked

"When we get all the information we need, Siege wake her up"

Siege then shot cold water at her face repeatedly until he wakes up spitting water everywhere.

"I don't know what you want, but I'll never give you what you want" She spit at us

"Feisty, this might be harder than we thought. Memory magic: Lie detector"

Her body then glowed blue, she then tried to free herself, but her struggle was futile

"If you lie, the magic will glow red and give you immense mental pain" I smiled "We'll also give you extra physical pain on the side, so if you don't cooperate, it's going to be a long day for you"

She then tried to bite something in her mouth but failed

"You won't kill yourself that easy" I showed a purple pill in my hand


3rd person view

"It's been 9 days, how can we not find one student?" Anthony Magus paced around his office "Williams, is there any clue at all?"

"We are trying our very best, Anthony, but he's strong, it won't be long till we find him" Professor Williams replied "Let's have some faith"

"I hope you're right, old friend"

They were trying to relax by having small talk for about 10 minutes till Professor Woods burst in the room

"Headmaster, we found him!" Professor Woods said "Professor Steel found him!"

"Where? I'll warp us there immediately" Professor Williams got up

"Professor Green is checking up on him right now, not just that he has also captured one of the red sword's co founders" Professor Woods added


Albert was in his room, Cecily and Lucas also decided to visit him

"We should've volunteered instead, I'm stupid!" Albert was on the verge of tears "It's been 9 days and not a word"

"He's strong, Albert, stronger than you, his dragon is also strong despite being so much younger than me, don't lose hope" Aenon comforted him

-Yeah, don't lose faith, he also has Dabria on his side, we should be more worried for his enemies- Helena added

"He's fine, besides it's not your fault" Cecily said

"Yeah, he's the strongest in our year, heck, probably one of the strongest in school already" Lucas added "Even when he was told that we were going to use him to exchange for the hostages, he didn't even put up a fight, he even says that he has a plan, with him and his bonds, those guys that imprison him are probably learning their lessons right about now"

"I'm sorry, you guys are right, I shouldn't lose hope" Albert sat down after thinking about the situation

After a short period, Eleanor called Albert on his communication amulet.

"Is there anything you need?" Albert asked

"They found him, he's alive!" Eleanor replied


1st person view

"Professor Emma, please let me go, I think you're crushing me!"

Professor Emma still refused and kept hugging me while sobbing

"I would say let her be considering her and her bonds were barely sleeping to join us on our search, she was very worried about you" Professor Steel explained

"How are you not injured?" Professor Green inspected my body

"I know healing magic, remember?"

"Ah right, it would've been great if you joined my class instead of that big oaf, your healing skills would've shone out more" she smiled

-I keep forget how beautiful she is-

-I've so had it with you- Dabria sighs

"You also caught the ringleader, good job!" Professor Steel complimented "You go rest and enjoy the rest of your break, let us adult handle the rest"


3rd person view

"What do you mean Leona got captured?! And by a kid?!" A guy shouted

"Maybe she underestimated him too much" another guy reasoned

"Not just a kid, but a kid and a dragon, she apparently wanted to know about the location of a dragon settlement" the guy at the center said "It's now time to proceed with our plan, we might not be able to save her, but we will at least accomplish our goal"


1st person view

"It took you 9 days to escape, good job!" Cordelia clapped

"So why are you at our new house again?"

"I wanted to hang out with my kingdom's hero, is that so much to ask?" She tilted her head sideways in a cute manner

"Like a date?"

"Yes, none of your bonds will join us, so what do you say?" she smiled

"You're lucky you're cute"