Chapter 307: Chose wrong

"If you live, you'll be burden to your family, so if I were you, I'll take the selfless option and die a painful death"

"What...What happened to you?" she asked "I heard you were insane but this"

"You know exactly what happened. Just so you know, after that trial, several people killed themselves because they can't get proper justice for their own comrades, your stupid verdict let them off. Look at it now, we were right and you guys are too late to stop it!"

"Don't take revenge!" she continue to plead "You'll only feel empty afterwards"

"Don't worry" I chuckled scaring her even more as she realized that I won't back down "I have many things to keep me occupied afterwards. Choose, have your last words or whatever"

"Can I at least see my family one last time?" she asked "At least a call before I choose"

"What do you think?! Do you think I got to see my family one last time? They died and I failed to stop it. They died for a country who couldn't care less about their lives and the thing they do for this country. I got back to only be accused as part of demon worshippers, the very same people who killed the ones I love, I was tortured for days before I was let go, only for the only chance to give them justice destroyed. Poof, gone!

"Trust me, not only you will die a painful death. Especially those 5, me and Kelly will personally make sure that their death will be the worst. Forgiveness isn't something I do, I waited 17 years, all the people I killed just to get here, I didn't kill them to come here to give any of you forgiveness. I am merciful enough to let you choose, so choose before I create a third option that will not benefit you."


3rd person view

A few days later...

Dawn turned on the TV and watched the news, it is great that gorgers are now mysteriously dying one by one, but the other part of the news scared her. Worshippers, a few military members have died and the most recent, a judge, the very same judge tied to the trial Grace participated a long time ago.

Investigators and the TV have hid the descriptive details of her death, but apparently, from what the forensics at least described, it was that Julia died a very slow death, from her gruesome injuries and everything, it was probably at least 40 hours before she finally took her last breath.

They asked to report to the police or military if they know the culprits which brings her to the group of people who were at the Levens' gravesite. But at the same time, she saw those people, they didn't seem that strong, especially the white haired teenager, it was almost as if he had no presence, if anything, they seemed weak.

"But the ability 'Presence' exist..." she pondered aloud "Its rarity is a tier 10, but due to its lack of usage, they lowered it to a tier 9, but still only 200 people at most have that ability, but the look in his eye was similar...I remember that look from when I worked with the Levens' for the first time

"It was Grace's second mission after his recovery from the infection. He has the sad smile when we talked about his caretaker before he arrived in the country. Maybe hanging out with Grace gave them both the same characteristics"


1st person view

I went after gorgers for a while after I killed that judge, with my current party, I'm pretty sure that we eliminated more than 30% of the world's gorgers. This world doesn't have magic resistance, so even an E-ranked spell can kill a gorger if it hits a vital spot of the gorger.

I got back to the hotel, to see Albert, Aenon accompanied by the 2 reincarnates. Lia is serving them tea and snacks, which is weird since she's a princess and she shouldn't be doing those things.

My bonds are still out killing gorgers and attacking worshipper's base.

-She lives with you now and has asked me to teach her things since she no longer have servants- Dabria said

"Where's Eliza?"

"Oh she's sleeping" Lia answered "Don't worry, she's doing well."

"I'd be worried if she start having morning sickness now, we only find out she's pregnant since we got gods with us, otherwise it'll be a good 6 what did you give to Zeus so that we can have an appointment with Heracles"

"A date with me" Luca answered

"No offense, you're cute, but isn't Zeus into women? And aren't you a bit young?"

"Mentally, I'm older than you, besides, it's just a dinner date. I'll fool him just for a night and no further" Luca replied

"Can't Kate do it then? Zeus won't care if you're a reincarnate or not, he'll blast you all to death if he finds out"

"Don't worry, we told Hera about the date" Aenon reassured "She'll protect us, she thinks that it's a good idea that you're trying to recruit Heracles...she's also taking this date as an opportunity to prank Zeus."

"Just a curious question. How hot is Hera? She's supposedly the most beautiful goddess before Aphrodite came around"

"That's a high standard, Aphrodite was very beautiful" Lia commented

-I do not think that question is necessary- Dabria commented

"Well we do not have a specific date, but it should be in no more than 2 weeks" Albert said as he ignored my question "Zeus has sent a message to his son, Heracles will contact me personally before I redirect him to you"

"Good, then I'll respect my end of the bargain. I will no longer go after people o the long list you gave me, though you might have noticed that a tenth of them has disappeared or gone viral on the news"

"Damn it" Kate cursed "It took us too long. I tried patrolling near some of em, it seems like I chose wrong"

-Well guys, good news, we got an appointment with Heracles-

-I'll prepare a souvenir for him to sign- Damon responded

-Yeah, prepare the highest quality camera- Diana chimed in

-I'll steal one- Ace offered -Ooh, I can't wait to see Heracles in person-

-You all are too excited for this, we are to go there to recruit him, not fanning over him- Siege grumbled

-Are ya kidding me? This is Heracles we're talking about, who wouldn't be excited about such a thing?-

-Everyday, we stray further from logical sense- Dabria sighs