Chapter 371: Author's lore?

Author's POV

I know you're all imagining what I look like, right? Well just thing of my as a white blob or a really average looking guy. But yes, I wear glasses, that's the one thing that I can't use my powers to cure. And I can't afford Lasik either, so blob or average looking guy, I will have glasses.

My days are usually really boring, I woke up from a 2-4 hour sleep at 7:40 am, shower, eat breakfast and go to work, return home at like 5:30 pm, go for a walk, watch random internet videos, catch up with my daily video games progress and finally write 2 chapters of the novel into the late night.

I also make sure to feed the 3rd person view narrator who lives in my basement, and then I reread my novel to see whether I'm at least somewhat satisfied with my novel. Which I don't sometimes, if you want to know what it's like to see your creations go off your script, imagine your computer typing by itself and you can't erase what they said or stop it from happening.

I don't get paid enough for my suffering, I don't get paid at all, so... Fuck all my characters, but I tolerate them this far so I better finish it.

But today is different. Something is unusual, a powerful being is being awaken. And she is the one that I've been trying to prevent from ever losing control. ow did I realize this?

Well earlier today, the sky was 2% bluer than usual. Yes, that's it. What do you think I am, some sort of supreme god that is omnipotent, omnipresence and other words that starts with omni?

Kidding, so I got home and saw the mistress of the 4th wall on my laptop. She looks to be in her mid 20s, 180cm tall, has black hair and light blue eyes. Her skin is pale and it looks even more pale as she wears a white dress. And as a side note, like a wall, she is a wall. Interpret it in the Perseus way.

"Shit, I knew that this would happen! Look I apologize on his behalf, I'll use my salary to help heal your injuries. We don't have to do this."

"My brethren has been destroyed many times and you healed them only for them to be destroyed and replaced repeatedly, I will now take action with my own hands." she snarled.

The mistress of the 4th wall, she has awakened. That damn protagonist and the stupid whole main cast, they've awaken a monster who even I can barely stop. It's not impossible to take on her myself, but I'm already tired as it is, so I need help.

She then turn into this like white pixie light and fly into my computer, shit, she's now a character in the novel, she's going to cause me so much trouble.

I rush to open the door to my basement and head down to see that the narrator is sleeping on his bean bag with is TV on blaring a super loud show. He's also snoring very loudly.

"Yo wake up."

"Hmm. Am I receiving extra food today?." he asked "I don't think that it's my birthday."

"No. That's 3 months from now."

"What do you need? Are you asking me to do your chores for extra food again?"

"The 4th wall, she has awakened."

"Oh was that the presence that I felt earlier in my sleep?"

"Prepare your shield and your shield, we're going in. We have to stop her before she gives us both trouble."

"What if I team up with her and destroy you and take over your house?"

"I can literally delete you with a snap of my finger, she's the only one in any world who have resistance against my ability to erase any being from existence. So that's why she's troublesome, she's also more physically active than me since I spend most of my days sitting or laying down."

"Everyone of your characters are more physically fit than you. You only go for walks, which barely do anything." he pointed out "Though at least you do some sort of exercise instead of doing nothing like our readers."

"Let's not bully them any further."

"Don't you need to call in to work that you'll be absent for the next few days."

"I will, don't worry. When we get into the novel, I'll treat you good food everyday, but please do not eat too much, you'll get fat. You do no exercise at all."

"What about money?"

"I'm the author of the novel, I can just will money into existence."


Well our first stop we arrived at after we got into the novel is the god's realm. It's basically the most beautiful and amazing place you can think off, 24/7 buffet of cuisines of different worlds made by the best chefs in the universe, gardens where plants of all type, an amusement park with every kind of ride possible(even illegal ones), zoos and every architectural structures all in one place.

"Author, can I go eat a corndog?" Narrator asked

"Well we might as well do our research over food at the buffet, so let's go there. But let's be quick, I don't like being in my own novel. If we manage to subdue Baeli early, I'll give you proper pay and treat you to regular food in our world."

"Oh, that's her name?" he asked as he scratched his head

"How could you not remember her name? It's not that hard, Baeli Waller. She picked that name herself."

"Shouldn't you, I don't know change your look to blend in a bit instead of looking like a white blob?" he suggested

Coming from a guy who wears a blue shirt, cargo shorts and black sneakers while attaching a sword to his hip and a shield strapped to his back, I'd say being a white blob is good.

The narrator is 178 cm tall, look to be in his mid 20s, have black curly hair and dark blue eyes.

But I did as he suggested. So I now look like a human being who's body is off dim white light with no facial feature. I wear a dark gray sweater over a white collared shirt, black pants and black sneakers. And yes, I still wear my glasses.

Time to go hunting for a wall, I guess. But after we get some food.