Chapter 372: Fighting Helios

I made sure Lia's group got up safely and had Dabria watch over them to make sure they go back to our original world before warping back to meet the others and made our trip to find Helios.

With Cain as our guide, we navigate through the rough terrain and find the safest route to Helios. We arrived at the spot. Helios and is army of fire and light demons are camping out at this green lake of acid. We all then did our best to hide our presence.

Helios is a guy about 171 cm tall, looks to be in his early 40s, has curly golden hair that shines and glowing gold eyes that illuminate his surroundings in the depth of Tartarus. He wears a read cloak over golden armor and is holding rein of a chariot with 4 white horses with golden tails and manes.

-Shorter than I thought- Damon commented

-That's his mortal form which should be as strong as his titan form despite being smaller.- Dabria informed -Being a giant would just create a bigger target.-

-Man this dude is bright, I bet that all the girls he slept with have to either close their eyes when they sleep with each other or wear sunglasses.-

Not just that, the green lake of super strong acid is located next to this giant bronze gate, where he got his horses to guide him to. There are 2 gigantic wardens guarding it. They are several meters tall, have 50 different faces and a 100 lean and muscular arms. They look similar except one has blue skin and the other has gray skin.

| Author's note despite the fact that I'm also currently in the novel, there are no evidence suggesting that there skin is blue or gray, but I made it this way so as to differentiate them. |

-That's one of the prisons that imprisons titans and other enemies of the gods.-

"Well get past that army, the 2 wardens, Helios, and past that bronze gate hold one of the fragments of Kronos." Cain informed "And in that prison holds gods, monsters, and some younger gods that aren't in the myths."

"Shit, the Hecatoncheires. Why didn't you tell us about them?"

-Yo, shit, I pronounced that correctly on my first try.-

-Good job, I would have butchered that- Diana applauded silently

"The Heca-what?" Wilson asked

"The hundred handed ones. Basically, as their names suggested, they have a 100 arms, all possessing incredible strength." Amora explained "They are the wardens of that prison and as you can observe from their friendly interaction with Helios, they got to the other side. The gray one is Cottus and the blue one is Gyes."

"Wasn't there 3?" Professor Emma asked "And shouldn't they be on our side?"

"Oh, you actually studied from the book I wrote for you? I'm impressed"

"This smug and airheaded attitude is why we're divorced, Perseus Silver."

"Wait, you and auntie Emma were married?" Amora asked

"Yeah, it was one sided though. Isn't that right, my dear sweet Emma?"

"I admit that it was one sided from me, yes, but it was your fault!" Professor Emma responded "And don't you address me so casually, you're my student."

"Former student." I corrected "Well to answer your earlier question. It's because Briareus is favored by the Olympians and treated nicely, Poseidon even gave him his daughter, Kymopoleia, a goddess of storms, as his wife."

-I have a question, if she goes in for a kiss, which face will she kiss?- Ace asked

-Good question, I'm curious too.- Dabria commented

-You too, huh.-

-I mean, does she have a favorite face? And does the other faces feel jealous when she kiss the other faces?- Ace continued to question

-Do they have 50 brains?- Siege asked

-I believe I can answer this.- Dabria responded -Yes, but they all share the same thoughts.-

"Dad, I'm seriously going to ask about your relationship with auntie Emma later, but yes, you are correct." Amora confirmed "You apparently confronted them and the reason for their betrayal is because of being forgotten despite their years of loyal services and Chaos has whispered to them and swore an oath to pay them for their services."

"Did my alternate self told you what they want?"

"Yes, they also want Hera and Aphrodite as their wives. They have a very hard time finding a lover due to their looks and so they want the 2 most beautiful Olympian goddesses."

"Oh so that means negotiation is out of the question. I can't promise them that."

We then mapped out their camp and discuss on our best course of action for our attack. The Heco guys-

-The Heco guys?- Siege questioned

It's a bit hard to pronounce Hecatoncheires every time...fine, the hundred handed ones, they're very strong if they are to be made as a warden stationed down in Tartarus, and based on the myths, their physical strength is their strongest point. Dabria confirmed that these guys have no magic whatsoever, but they do possess magical items and mana storage items to use minor spells.

I guess that they probably jump towards the giant hole, grab on to its side and climb up. Anyway, each of their physical strength should surpass all of the people here combined, and if like the myths, they break the ground into boulders and can hurl them at us like a never ending boulder catapult. So we shouldn't try to fight them from long range either.

So from our survey of the area, those 2 and Helios should be the strongest. And Cain isn't joining in the fight, so our current plan is that I will have to face Helios, Urie and Damon will face Cottus, Erix and Diana will focus on Gyes while the rest fight the minor gods and foot soldiers.

The Hecatoncheires like the 3 original cyclopes, they aren't technically fully immortal, they just don't age and have the strength rivaling the gods, they can still be killed.

Amora will help them out and once they make a good dent in the army, she will rush to my aid and team up against Helios, but this battle is going to require us to use our full celestial powers if we're going to stand a chance.

"Amora, you sure that you can incapacitate the few minor gods in that army?"

"Of course." she nodded "I'm a celestial and a high ranking soldier of the rebellion, it's basically my job to face enemies of this level."

Currently, only Jake, Perun, the Steels, and Wilson can't handle minor gods, so they will not get in between us and only fight the foot soldiers, which are the huge army of monsters. Well...if it's minor gods, Jake and Perun have a decent chance of incapacitating them at the very least.

"Guys, you ready?"

"I was born ready" Erix replied as he smashed his fist together