Chapter 375: Fighting Helios (4)

3rd person view

Damon due to his large size and the curse, on his side with the help of Urie, they are doing better than the other 2 who are taking on Gyes. But that doesn't mean they are able to take him down easily, he can still get blown back far away, in that short moment, if Urie is close, Cottus would try to grab him and end him.

Luckily, they are slow and Urie to quick, because if h is caught, Urie would be crushed and killed within a few minutes, he use spirit magic mixed with Damon's snow and ice magic to attack Cottus, but all they managed was cutting one of the faces eyes and a few of Cottus' arms, but it grown back.

Damon tried using spatial magic, but Cottus have several high ranked accessories on him that allows him to have a thin but powerful layer of spatial magic to protect him from spatial magic attacks.

"Might want to use our full power for this one, Damon." Urie chuckled "I may be having fun, but if this continues, in term of endurance, we'll lose. They are the wardens here for a reason."

"Yeah, this is going to hurt, like a lot." Damon replied

They then condense their mana into a mana sword, the sword are both black in color representing the color of their mana core. The sword then quickly stab them through the chest. But no blood comes out, but their eyes started to glow as the mana sword dispersed into black dust.

Damon's eyes glowed with a light blue color and Urie's eyes glowed crimson red. The whole area then froze over with clouds forming in the abyss, it started to lightly snow and quickly turned into a blizzard as the ground starts to form hills and shake.

< Celestial restriction released: Divine Snow deity. > Damon casted

In the hazy environment, Cottus broke out of the ice that froze over his feet, but it keeps freezing again. No matter how much he tried to break it, the ice just followed him. The snow itself melts the moment it made contact with him, and he can feel the blood inside his body started to freeze.

He then used several of his accessories to warm himself up inside and out, but despite feeling warm, he can still feel his blood flow starts to get slower, the tissues of his skin starts to get destroyed, every part of his body starts to feel severely numb.

His skin starts to freeze over and he can then feel 2 presence heading towards him. Urie's body is now no longer like his original self, it's now of that similar to a spirit. Cottus try to swat him away but Urie just goes right through him.

The moment he entered, his body exploded with bursts of lighting coming out. Urie come out of him and his arm starts to transform into a giant fire claw which he swung down and got intercepted by Cottus.

< Celestial restriction released: Elemental Spirit king. > Urie casted as his body then transformed into rope made out of electricity and bind Cottus together

Damon then came out of nowhere and swing his claw at the restricted Cottus and sliced off a few arms and a few of the faces. Ice started to form from the wounds and slowing his regeneration to almost nonexistence.

Urie reappeared as himself again and hurled a lance made of lightning at him. He then create hundreds of ice lances in the sky the shoot themselves at Cottus continuously piercing him and stab him.

He can feel his skin getting dryer by the second and turning into ice. Urie and Damon are beating him and breaking him apart slowly. He tried to counter back but he is too slow. Even if he's quick enough, Damon would tank the damage easily and break his frozen arms.

Urie in his form as the spirit king isn't affected by physical attacks at all and would then use his complete control of spirit magic to destroy him.

"Hope this bring back memories. Spirit magic: Apollo's sun arrow." Urie casted as a bow and arrow of fire and light manifested in his hands.

He shoots out several arrows, Cottus would use his accessories to create a mana barrier, Urie would manipulate the arrows to switch course and change its direction to hit him. With the continuous barrage of the 2, he is slowly broken into pieces and his regeneration is slowly losing its effectiveness by the second.

< I'm dying...> Cottus thought

"P...Please...stop!" Cottus requested weakly through his shattering teeth "I have one last dying wish."

"Not yet!" Urie replied as he transformed into a fireball and exploded on the spot.

Now Cottus is no longer in one piece as he can sense only several of his faces still having some life force left in them. But there numbers are getting smaller as Damon and Urie are eliminating them and turning them into ice dust. His body parts that no longer have life forces transformed into powdered snow and mix itself with the blizzard.

"I have a my ring...deliver it to Briareus please." Cottus begged

"Which ring?" Damon asked as he loomed over him "It's not a trap, right?"

"I swear on...Styx that it only contain...a few of my personal...treasures." Cottus replied a ring appeared and hovered over his last remaining head "And my last...will..."

"I'll do as you asked." Damon nodded "I apologize for having to kill you, maybe if the Olympians had treated you better, you would have been on our side. You seems really nice in the myths, you are after all just victims."

Cottus last face smiled weakly as Damon crushed him and killed him under the palm of his giant claw.