Chapter 380: Replacement

My time stop should have ended a long time ago, but it seems like God can extend it. But I'm sure even he has his limits, powers like time stopping shouldn't be used like how I use them to do very unnecessary things, we're messing with things that shouldn't be messed with.

"As for Cain..." he then turned toward the guy and look at him with a sad face "I thought about having him as my replacement."

"Huh?...You want him to become God?"

"Yes, I thought about retiring and becoming mortal. Cain would then be my replacement. But he would need to learn forgiveness himself. He doesn't' forgive himself, and when he does, I'll make him age and a regular person again."

"No offense, but even if you offer him to be your replacement, he won't accept it. The guy have gone through hell and back. Both figuratively and literally, he gone there begging for someone to end his misery and where were you? Watching him from above, for the record, you are not as perfect as people say you are.

"And forgive himself? Like what the hell is wrong with you? Just end him for god sake... I mean for your sake, no for his sake. Or you can just kindly step to the side and let me kill him. It's not that hard since I'm the one committing the sin."

"You have committed many sins." he complained "Intercourse before marriage, dating 2 people at once while openly flirting with another woman, killing people. engage in torture and many other things."

"What wrong with dating 2 beautiful women? Besides, I don't really follow your religious teachings."

"Well pass on my message will you?" he requested "And I wouldn't allow you to kill him yet and I will personally interfere with all your attempts."

"And is there a way I can contact you that doesn't involve praying?"

"Ask your goddess or your aunt, Elektra to make an appointment, I'll be sure to let my assistants to inform me immediately."

He then disappeared as time continues regularly. Hermes have seen that Helios have no traces remaining meaning I accomplished what I needed to do. He then took out a phone to make a call to Hades and confirmed that Helios has arrived there as a soul of a regular mortal.

I want a phone that can communicate across worlds like his, Dabria is refusing to give me one even though she has access to getting them, she is scared at my ability to annoy the living crap out of her.

"Seems like you can't kill me after all." Cain sighs

"No, I can."

"Then why haven't you?"

As I gave him back his inventory, I told him about God's intervention and what he wants Cain to do. Cain's face went through many different ranges of emotions as I talked.

"Well I would tell you to give him a message but he seems to be already watching over me...but as for forgiving myself, I'll do that after I die." he said in a slightly frustrated tone "At least we know that you can kill me now, we just got to find a way where you can kill me fast enough that he won't be able to interfere. So let's finish this whole Kronos fragment thing quick so that it might be possible to do so."

"Well you want me to deliver a message to Zeus, what is it?" Hermes asked as I then beckon him over to whisper in his ear

"I can't say that, Zeus have a short temper, he might punish me in your stead."

"Don't worry, tell him that I'll take full responsibility."


Hermes left the scene to deliver the prisoners back as we then buried the 2 hundred handed ones and give them a proper farewell. We use magic to help bury the rest as well and got Jake to give them all a proper prayer. These guys doesn't really desire chaos and most of these guys just wanted revenge for somewhat proper reasons so giving them a decent farewell is the least we could do.

"Didn't think that you have that kind of compassion." professor Emma said "Frankly, I'm slightly surprised."

"Well the kid always have his values that he tends to stick to, like his donations to people in need." Professor Steel commented "I'm surprised that he's still sticking with it."

We got out keys that we received from Cottus and Gyes to open the bronze gates and head inside. It look to be just a giant hallway that is barely lit up by red torches and then go deeper inside to see cells of locked up gods and titans clashing against the bars.

The cell are basically just giant metal doors with a bared peep hole.

Erix approached one of the cells and touched the bar, I can sense it from over here that I can feel his strength seeped through him and getting mana sucked out of him just from one touch. He quickly released his hand and walked along with us.

"Weird, I can sense 2 of Kronos' fragments in here, I thought that there is supposed to only be one." Cain commented


-Trust him on this, he knows more about this than I do.- Dabria replied

We just followed Cain's lead, he took out one of the essence of Kronos that he possess, and inject some of his mana into it to let the essence guide us to the others.

We took many corners and avoided many booby traps and it took about an hour before we arrive at this cell isolated from everywhere else.

"2 of it is in there, I'm sure of it." Cain said "Open it please and be careful."

-I can sense it, but one of the essence seems to have been turned into a god.-

We use the keys to open it and inside is a decently plainly decorated bedroom with one of those box TVs, a plain bed with barely any furniture.

But what's strange is that there is a beautiful woman inside who has a metal collar on her neck.


3rd person view

Zeus listened to Perseus' message from Hermes and his face went red with rage.

"He thinks just because he can kill a titan, he can call me that, that bastard!" Zeus yelled and slammed his fist "Helios isn't even that strong! I'll kill him!"

"You know, it's slightly impressive that he have the guts to say that to your face." Athena commented from the sidelines "Maybe you hate him because he's the only who challenges your authority."