Chapter 381: She was born from what?

"Who are you?" the woman asked

She looks to be in her early 20s, 172 cm tall, has wavy dark brown hair, black eyes and she is wearing a plain white robe. Despite being so plainly dressed, she's really beautiful and I can feel her giving off 'charm' just by standing there despite wearing tat collar. Her powers should have been nonexistence.

"She's one of the fragments." Cain confirmed "And the other one is in that box on her bed over there."

He pointed to a lack cubed box on her bed.

"So you're say that this goddess is also a fragment?"

"Well it appears so, so that means, of the 10 locations, one should be false information I received and may very well be some sort of trap." he nodded "So now, let's just kill her and get along with it."

"Wait, don't kill me." the goddess begged "Why do you have the need to kill me?"

-I thought Zeus placed a curse and made sure that these fragments don't gain consciousness or something. Looks like this one is slightly friendly, can't say the same for the others if they also gain consciousness like this one.-

-She gives off a similar presence to that of Aphrodite.- Dabria commented -Maybe one of the fragments...But if they are really similar, that means...-

I then realized what she's trying to hint at. Aphrodite was born from the sea foam mixing with Ouranos severed genitals, which means that if she's one of Kronos' fragments and gives off charm like Aphrodite...and if she happens to be born the same way...

-Ewww- Diana exclaimed in realization

-Yeah, that's slightly disgusting.- Damon commented

-Though, it's definitely not the strangest thing we heard throughout this novel.- Siege pointed out

-Say, if Ouranos and Kronos severed genitals can form a goddess, what if we do the same to Zeus, will that also create another god or goddess?- Ace asked

-This is the one fragment where I cannot allow you to make Eliza infused with your weapon.- Dabria chimed in -Have her teach you to infuse her into your sword yourself.-

-Yeah, alright.-

Cain then reasoned with her on why we needed her life and I can see her face getting more scared by the minute.

"Now that I told you nicely, Perseus?" Cain asked

"Can't for now, maybe in 2 days."

"Please don't kill me. As for the box, you can take it." the goddess said "I kept it because I feel related to it."

"Well we can't kill her." professor Steel said "I mean, it's not her fault to be born out of a um, well it's not her fault."

"I was born from Phlegethon. As for the essence that I was created with, I can separate it from myself." she said "But I need you to take off my collar."

"How?" Urie asked "Isn't a part of you?"

"Gyes and Cottus told me because I'm young. I was only born a few decades ago, so it hasn't become a permanent part of me, but by separating it from myself, I would have my powers halved even though I would still have my immortality." she explained

After that, I got her out of her collar. She demonstrate it by using her hands to form a circle around her chest. By doing that, we can see a white ball of light floating out of her. Her essence was a mixture of red, black, and white.

And she then hand it to me as I then stored it and she also handed me the box, she bit her finger and let her blood drop on it which the box then changed into a red color and opened itself up to reveal another essence which I also keep.

Cain gave me one of his and keep one to himself for now which I didn't mind since it seems like Cain is determined to help me get Kronos' fragments as quick as possible after he realized that I can actually kill him.

Man, I wanted to name one of my kids, Cain, because it's a cool name, but I'm not gonna since it's going to remind me of this guy.

"Well what do we do with her now?" Erix asked "From the story she told us, she seems to be mostly innocent and doesn't belong in this prison. And we can't bring her to our organization either, it'll mess her up since we're technically terrorists."

"Technically?" Professor Steel questioned "You guys killed thousands of lives just to achieve your goal."

"Well if we didn't, none of us would be celestials and we will not be able to stand a chance to fight in the upcoming war with the gods." Urie argued "Some lives needs to be sacrificed. Well son, will you take care of her?"

"Me? What do I look like? A hotel? I do know someone who can take care of her though. You, goddess, what's your name?"

"My name is Fotia." she answered "Goddess of healing and beauty."

"I can arrange you a meeting with Aphrodite, you can stay with her while working for her. She was also born the same way you did."

"Well, will she accept a goddess who swears to be an eternal maiden?" she asked

"I wouldn't know, I'm not her." I shrugged "Though avoid Zeus, even if you have a vow like that, he will try to pull something, and you'll suffer Hera's punishment."

"So will she be your responsibility now?" Jake asked

"Well until we can find a proper home for her or get Aphrodite to accept her, then yes, I guess she will be my responsibility. Cain, for the other 5, how long will it take to gather them all on our next trip?"

"Will we have the same crew then?" he asked

"I'll come next time since I have nothing to do." Amora said as she raised her hand

"I'm also coming along, this was fun." Urie joined in

"We're still deciding." Professor Emma said

"Well Cain, I plan on inviting a few more to join in after a week of break to recover. In terms of danger, how dangerous will it be?"

"Compared to Helios and the 2 Hecatoncheires? Each one will be slightly more dangerous than the last, we'll work our way up from there." Cain answered