Chapter 429: Struan's wedding

3rd person view

Eleanor is visiting Albert's home after she saw something in her visions. She waited in the living area for a while till Albert arrived. She usually just spout random prophecies which scares her family a bit as she still can't control it properly yet, but visions are not uncommon, and about half of them are proven to have come through.

"What did you see?" Albert asked "Your prophecies that we managed to decipher have even managed to stopped many upcoming terrorist attacks."

"Like I said before, all of the things I see are only possibilities, and the worse you try to avoid it, the higher the chances of it becoming true. Baeli will come for you first." Eleanor informed "I did not see much much, but...I saw a glimpse of Aenon dying."

"I see." Aenon replied "May I ask how?"

"I don't want to say." Eleanor shook her head "The lesser you know the better, I shouldn't be telling you this, but in the chance of you being able to avoid it isn't zero, that's what Apollo taught me, and that's how much my vision works so far. Knowing the bare minimum is better than either knowing too much or knowing nothing at all."

"Thanks for summoning the courage to tell me." Aenon replied "Do not look too sad, I've lived for a very long time, I never planned on living the full dragon lifespan anyway."

"It still looks like you have more to say." Albert commented

"I do." Eleanor added "Marella apparently knew it first when I asked her to whether tell Perseus or not. When the fight against Chaos comes up, either Nova or Elektra will die."

"I can see why you won't tell him. Knowing Perseus, he would somehow find a way to save them both, but it will definitely come at a price. Not that he would care, he prioritize those that are close to him over everyone else, and he doesn't care that he would get hate for it."

"Exactly why Marella will not tell him. Knowing the future for her came at a price of some of her life span, mine is that I have to host a spirit. But for those who can not handle it, they might go insane trying to stop their death, so don't do it."

"I will not." Aenon chuckled "But at least I'll go down fighting, no one tells me to give up that easily even if my death is inevitable."


I woke up in my new house and on my newer more comfortable bed since I had to stay up here to complete some of my work up here in Olympus. Saying that yesterday was uneventful would be a complete lie considering that currently Dabria is sleeping next to me with her arms wrapped around me.

"You say a word of this to anyone else, you're dead." she warned as she woke up.

"Well if that's your way of saying good morning, then you suck."

"Why do you think I'm so grumpy right now? Hmm?" she asked "You made me beg. A goddess. That is the most humiliating thing I've ever done, right above Eve possessing me."

"How did we even got to this again?"

"I can't believe you!" she retorted as she turned her back to me

"I was kidding. Though I didn't expect you to be the initiator."

"I made my first move and this is what I get..." she pouted

"Don't be like that."

She then got on top of me and pin both my arms while hovering her face right above mine.

"Don't be like what?" she taunted


Currently I'm visiting Struan who is busy arranging his marriage. Royals really do things quick, it wasn't even that long ago that he proposed to this woman, but here he is arranging the ceremony already.

-Say...Dabria has been strangely quiet all morning, do you know anything about it, Perseus?- Diana asked

-She's oversleeping, I helped her moved into my quarters and last time I saw her, which was this morning, she's sleeping in her work room.-


-Yeah, you know her too well considering the fact that you spend 'girls night' or whatever with her. Though this is her first time sleeping at her new work room.-

-Aren't you the only one in our group who inherited her most of her memories?- Ace asked-You should know her more than us if anything.-

"Do I really have to come?"

"Yes." Struan replied as he go down his list and ticking things off "You are my brother now, so I expect you to be there at the wedding. By the way, what did you do for your honeymoon?"

"We didn't have one, we just got married and that's it." I shrugged "We're happy enough as it is."

"You are certainly not helpful. I can't believe you're given the authority over this world."

"Yep, they make it one of my responsibilities. Not without consequences though, a lot of gods are against it, something along the lines of giving too much power to a person. There was this small bunch of minor gods who tried to assassinate me, didn't work though."

"You killed them?" he asked backing away a bit

"Don't be too scared and no, I didn't. Can't I just take the role as your caterer or something, I can just cook amazing food without having to help you greet guests while wearing uncomfortable formal clothing."

"Yeah, think of this as punishment."

He then just ignored me for a shot moment as Lia approached our group to check on how the arrangement are going, Neelofar is about to have her next queen so everything is being taken seriously. Damon is currently the head of security, a job that I rather have, my bonds are all given jobs to secure the wedding, but as for me, they gave me the worst job ever, greeting guests.

Why should I get the most tedious, I have to put a fake smile on my face while greeting people who I don't even know. Shouldn't that be the couple's job, but nooo...different world traditions and plus the fact that they're royals, the couple would assign either one of their family members to that that job for them.

"How was last night?" Lia asked with a teasing tone

"...You knew?"

"She asked us for advice." she answered "And as your wife who know you best, I helped."

"No wonder."

"She tried to taunt you against our warnings, didn't she?"


"No wonder your bonds said that she's out for the morning." she sighs