Chapter 430: Struan's wedding (2)

The day of the torturous wedding has arrived. I have been forced to come despite all my protest. Can't a guy just take a break from talking with people for once, you think I'm some guy who likes to interact with others or something?! I put on a façade, I prefer to be alone most of the time, that's why there's always one hour of the day where I'm alone to just let me be with myself.

| We're not so different then. |

And sure enough, I can sense 2 wedding crashers that aren't invited.

"Lia, can you take this on by yourself for a bit, maybe the whole day?"

"It seems like you can sense it too." she replied "But Struan will find other ways to punish you, and try not to damage your clothing, they are expensive."



I got to my house quickly to meet these 'guests' of mine. I see a god and a goddess that I've met before, Eros and Nike. And killing them isn't going to do much because like last time, they are currently possessing mortals whose body have now morphed to look like them.

"I don't want to make a fuss and ruin someone's wedding, so hurry the fuck up."

"Someone's cranky." Eros joked

"Maybe earning himself a seat in Olympus gave him a big head." Nike sneered

"All your shoes are hella overpriced anyway." I countered "So why the fuck are you here, if you are here to cause trouble, I swear to Elektra that not even time stopping powers will save ya."

"Geez, calm down, we're here on a peaceful note." Eros replied

"So then hurry the fuck up."

"Baeli Waller is a person completely outside our capabilities to stop. Even our master who I shall not name can't stop even if you become the host." Eros answered "So we want to ask you for some help against the matter before we kill each other."

"Kill the goddess of the 4th wall? Who am I, the author? I'm only just some generic protagonist man, I don't have all the power to do that."

"Then willingly become the host for Chaos." he bargained "We'll spare this world, our master also swore on his honor. But everything else will be rewritten and wiped out."

"No thank you. I'll just kill all of yall in my void and gain all your powers then. I have no interest in letting another parasite into this body."

"I went to visit heaven, you know. I saw Cain, the immortal wanderer." Nike chimed in "We can ask our master to do the same and send you to paradise."

"I'm sorry, but I have no plans to do that for now, Nike. And for the record, I'll make a declaration right now, I'll kill the both of you, I'll kill Baeli and whoever comes the hell after me. You're just insecure that Baeli is more powerful than Chaos, you're scared that I'll delay everything and with enough time, Baeli will finish Chaos off. And for Baeli, that's 2 in 1."

"Don't say that we didn't give you an offer, Perseus." Nike scoffs "Our side will have total victory either way, since you didn't accept the offer, if this world perishes, it's all on you."

"Bye Perseus. Hopefully the rest of your day goes smoothly." Eros waved but he had a mischievous smile.

As they turned their back to me, I condense mana quickly into bullets and shoot them at their heads, they sensed that and turned, but my speed was too quick and I smashed my fist obliterating their heads.

After I see their body morphing to their original look, I went to visit the guardian a bit to see if she's okay in case thy managed to hurt her and found that she's all right and is taking care of the recently hatched leviathans. I got back and helped with the whole ceremony and stuff after I'm sure that the kingdom have no more intruders.

Arion is my failsafe, when we are busy, I have instructed him to go for very long runs and to do it for a long time, but to return back before the banquet, if we lose, he can outrun the destruction. He can run to other timelines too if he likes.

Of course there are a few security problems as some tried to cause trouble, picking fights, drunkards, theft and so on considering that this whole thing is public. But Eros and Nike coming earlier isn't a good sign, even if I can handle Chaos, Baeli can just come clean us all up.

But then after an hour or so, I feel other presences stronger than Eros and Thor coming and I heard a blast from one of the gates that is the entrance to the kingdom, I can see smoke coming from the north gate. I then also received a call from Albert.

"Help!" he yelled "I received calls that there are gods attacking Artia and a few other kingdoms."

"Yeah, I wish I could, but I'm prioritizing Neelofar, but I head there as soon as I can."

-Helena seems to also have descended herself to help alongside other minor gods, but we are being outnumbered.- Dabria informed -I'll go too, this is something that I should help with. But we're losing so far-

I then got a call from the demon kingdom and the crimson kingdom that it's also happening there.

"Lia, you stay at the wedding, I'll go kill those intruding gods."

< Luckily I called a few celestials underlings to come help protect the wedding.>

-I got a call from my birth parents.- Damon said -I'm going to them right now.-

-Got it. Diana, head over to the demon kingdom, Urie should be able to handle the problem at the Crimson kingdom, so Ace and Siege, you 2 go the 10 kingdoms.-

I charged towards the direction of the attack and found myself facing 2 gods, one is a tall blond muscular guy fighting with a cool lightning hammer and the other is a tall muscular old man with one eye and a long white beard.

"Thor and Odin, shit." I cursed aloud