Chapter 485: Sword spirit (3)

I went to the royal forge of Neelofar and Dream eater has stayed outside as a sword spirit ever since and have reverted back to her childlike form because that's what she prefers.

Dream eater has now decided to sit on my shoulder like a child. People are already congratulating me for a having another child as I walk down the streets, the rumors probably reached Lia's ears already since she has surprisingly many followers and she would then call up Eliza.

I went in to ask her some questions since Hephaestus is busy and she's the closest person to him that I know. Sure enough, she gave me some suspicious eyes.

"Which woman's head do I have to bash?" she joked "Don't worry, she's too old to be your child, I won't tease you. Besides, you know how much I adore cute things."

"Eliza, this is why I love you. Unlike what people all around the kingdom has been speculating, she's my sword spirit, Dream eater."

"Yeah, papa maybe a bad person, but he would never cheat on his beloved." Dream eater added "Besides he said I can be of help when he fights Chaos again."

"Should have seen her, she beat Jake in a sword fight." Ace added

Eliza finally managed to got her off me and did some testing on her, Dream Eater even allowed herself to be bonked on the head by Eliza, and sure enough, her head is harder than an anvil. The other forgers are here too, Dream Easter seems comfortable around the forge, maybe it's because she's around her kind.

-She's hard headed, just like you. Both metaphorically and in the literal sense.- Diana commented

-Yeah, she's as tough as my scales, maybe you can pluck her hair and use it to create semi-plotinum clothing.- Damon suggested

-Wouldn't she go bald?- Ace asked -I mean, it's funny and at the same time it isn't considering she's like a part of us now.-

-She can just use magic to grow it back, you don't need an attribute for that.- Siege answered -I do it all the time because stupid kids keep ripping my fur.-

-I'll make sure to tell my kids not to do that.-

Eliza wanted to experiment on her clothing and took her to a private setting somewhere and came back after a few minutes. Dream Eater's clothing is also apparently a part of her, she apparently can't take it off. Her older form seems to be popular amongst the smiths...perverts, first cringy pick up lines about a hammer collection and now they fell for a sword?

"Sure enough, she is the embodiment of a weapon in a very literal sense, her skin is tough like one and her clothing too." Eliza concluded "She can use very little magic, mostly only aura. From the top of her head to her toes, she can deliver a very devastating blow if not careful, but I don't know much else."

"Thank you. Though her calling me 'papa' is embarrassing, since I'm more like her owner and master, she refused to call me by name."

-This isn't the first time in history that a plotinum have a spirit, but first time for this world because they shouldn't be able to.- Dabria chimed in -Every world's plotinum have slightly different properties.-

"Say, if you're papa, does that make me mama?" Eliza asked "Leonard will take a while before he can speak, so having one who would call me that would be nice."

"No, you're not mama." Dream eater shook her head and then pointed at Diana who was perching on my shoulder "She is."

"I'm sorry, but me...and your, whoever Perseus is to you, we aren't together." Diana refuted

"But when before papa awakened me, your flames were the only one that warm me up during my loneliness." Dream eater said "I don't remember much, but your flames share the same warmth."

"What about me?" Damon asked

"You only thought about moving me and claiming me, you can't be my papa." Dream eater pouted

So she remember somewhat of during her time in that cave, she can even sense feelings, Dream Eater...she's very perceptive and smart despite being so timid.

"Lia is at home with Leonard, right?"

"I think she's meeting up with the Steels to talk about those mystical creatures you brought." Eliza answered "Leonard should be with her too."

"Alright, see you at home tonight." I said as I kissed her goodbye


Sure enough, we went to Artia since those animals that I created were brought there. They can't live under water, a few we released around Neelofar since their aquatic creatures, but the land creatures, we brought them here to study a bit to have enough numbers before releasing them to the wild. I created about a dozen of each species, so it won't be long till they become a normal animal in the wild.

Scholars from all over are coming here to see the new creatures that I put under the care of professor Emma, these animals though...they are very obedient under my command, I made them also disciplined under professor Emma and no one else.

"So this is our new daughter?" Lia asked as we met up

"No, just my sword, no other strings attached, say, why are all the animals quiet, I know they somewhat obey professor Emma, but they're still wild animals and actually very powerful."

"Oh, it's because of Leonard, they seems to be able to sense that he's our son and don't want to ruin his sleep." Lia answered "Surprisingly thoughtful, a few even tried to gift me some fruits earlier."

"Oh? Seems like being a child of the creator brought some perks."

"I heard she calls you papa, so who's the mother?" Lia asked

"Is it Eliza because she's a smith."


"It's not any of us?"

"It's me." Diana answered "And do not worry, I do not ever plan on having a relationship more than what I am now with your husband, I'm not Dabria who would have an affair with a married man."

-I hate to argue but you have a point.- Dabria grumbled