Chapter 486: Another bad idea

"Lia, why don't you rest at home? I can just substitute you here, Amora is mostly free and just gone off exploring anyways, I can call her back to help take care of Leonard."

"No no, I need practice and Eliza said that it was fine to bring him out since everyone is busy, or does the father not approve?" she teased "Besides I love holding the baby."

"Alright, but you still have your own pregnancy to worry about."

"I'm still in a very early stage that can only detected by people with your eyes, don't worry, I'm fine." she reassured."

Even though these animals are obedient towards me, I can't say the same about them toward the other creatures, it seem like some of them want to feast on the others as prey, when we release them into the wild, we better be sure of where to let them off.

There's many things that I have to do, Chaos is still out there somewhere, Valhalla is now a winning battle that will take about 1-2 more months to finish, Baeli is out for my blood for breaking the 4th wall too many times and the author is struggling with a guy name Bob, what have my life come to?

But Baeli want revenge and honestly, not just a part of me, but I totally believe in her revenge, it's completely justified, it's just that I'm her target and I absolutely do not want to die, if only I listened to the author's warning.

| Oh now you realized your fucking mistake? |

Shush, I'm having an epiphany here...did I use it right?

| More or less, kinda. |

You're also breaking the 4th wall by talking to me, you know.

| Ahem, I'm the author? I do what I want? |

Any suggestions so that I get to live and raise my kids?

| Get killed? |

I said live, idiot.

| Yeah, I'm sure your memories and legacy will live on, true death comes from being forgotten. |

Since when the hell did you get so smart?

| I'm not, but writing almost 500 chapters isn't an easy job. |

I can do it, I will create 'That time me and my classmates got transported to another world; I had a weak class so I was kicked from the hero's party where I have to roam the world as a regular adventurer and try to earn enough to live a nice mediocre life'.

| Who the hell would read that, the title alone would bore me to sleep. |

For the record, people with those stupid titles can get adapted into shitty comics and earn money and they somehow always get millions of views, who the hell cares if it's shitty if it's somewhat qualify for an animation and earn tons of money?

| You have a point, the long titles get millions of views and somehow high ratings. |

Well that aside, Baeli just wants to kill me, right? What are my chances?

| 2%, 0.5% if she uses any ultimate moves that she secretly have from the beginning. |

-That's better than nothing.- Dabria commented

< Author, only you can hear this, but I got an idea, but only you can help and Dabria can help afterwards. And this time, the plan isn't as grotesque as the vessel plan, but it's just as messed up. >

| Ok, say it. I'll make sure for everyone to not hear me as well from now on.|

< ... >

| I see, it might work, I can see why you won't tell them since your bonds will do anything necessary to prevent that, but it'll have a high chance of calming Baeli's anger once and for all. |

< So will you allow it? We'll be breaking a law that this novel has from the very beginning. >

| Well, how it will go and arranged are all dependent on you, but you can expect my help when the time comes, just tell me when you're ready and I'll call the narrator off the chase, Baeli will get suspicious, but she will pursue you nonetheless. |

< Lia and Eliza would definitely be angry with me, but they'll come around, but I don't think Dabria will like the reunion, she might just end whatever we are right then and there. >

| Is it a chance that you will take? |

< Of course, Baeli might target her and the rest of my family too, so it's necessary for this plan to proceed. >

| It's a terrible idea, you need a lot of faith in her. |

< I do have a lot of faith in everyone around me. >

| Then I'll break my rule just once since it will help bring Baeli back, making it so that only Bob is left. |


"Papa, you have been making a strange face all morning." Dream eater commented as she then tried to pull my cheeks

"I always have a strange face."

We are currently heading over to Eleanor, Marella is now over there now, it seems like they both have foresaw something and needed to tell us in person. Albert, and the royal family was there and we were joined by the ex professor and now headmaster Williams, my teacher for spatial magic and the Steels.

"Hey King, want to do another trial? I'm sure that it will not end the same as last time, or maybe another meeting."

"Arrogant as ever, I do not like you at all, I would team up with every continent possible to fight you, seems like your existence is necessary." he retorted

Albert seems to have also evolved into the black mana stage like me, reincarnates sure do become strong quick, Aenon's death must've done something to him

Now Diana, Ace, and Siege need to find their way of passing into the black core.

"Well prophet, why do you need us all here?"

"Well son in law, I don't know what you are planning, but I'm sure that I do not like it at all." Marella replied

Now everyone's attention is on me.

-Perseus...what are you planning?- Diana asked

-Yeah, do I need to smack you?- Damon joined in

Eleanor then make eye contact with me.

"The future will face a short grim period of time, and it involves with whatever you're planning." Eleanor said

"Yes, it told me to prepare myself mentally and as should everyone." Marella added