
Huff. Huff.

The girl laying down suddenly jump up the bed sweating and panting. Her hand brushed through her face as she wipes the sweat dripping from her forehead.

Her head ache suddenly together with her abdomen. Her eye twitch because of the pain, she hissed and lay down once again, as soon as she was about to close her eyes she realized something making her jump back up.

A large fancy luxurious room met her eyes. It was as if sparkling even though the curtains are closed.

"What the... Where am I?" She mumbled as she got out of the large bed. Limping as she walks toward a body size mirror. Her eyes widen as to she see in the mirror in front of her.

In front of her was a beautiful woman with curly reddish brown colored hair and a sharp eyes with the color of carnation. Skin pale as a snow.

"The hair, the eyes... Everything! Isn't this the Heroine from the novel I've finished ages ago!?"

Suddenly she heard footsteps approaching making her to go back to the bed and processing the situation she was in.

"Did I die? Really? I'm quite healthy there's no way I died in my previous life."

She grit her teeth and touched her nose rubbing it when the door suddenly opened. A guy with a butler attire suddenly entered the room with a shock on his face, he kept opening and closing his mouth as he trembles as if he just saw a ghost.

"Her Highness has woken up!" He suddenly run away from the room yelling in the halls.

Time pass by.

A maid approached the lady who was in a daze as she was sitting onto the bed. She called her out to get her attention, but all the maid get was a furious glare from the lady.

"M-my lady, his highness sir Erik would like to see you, should I let him in?" Said the maid as she trembles, looking scared at the lady who was still glaring at her.

'Why is she trembling like that? Do I look like I'm angry? What the hell?' The lady thought, touching her face pinching and squeezing it.


She clicked her tongue which made the maid flinch. The lady frown at the maid' reaction to her and just wave her hand as she ordered to let the man named Erik in.

"Lucy, how are you feeling? Are you still hurt anywhere? Does your injury throb? Should I call the doctor?"

Her eyes squinted at the man who has been asking questions non-stop. The lady—Lucy started to observe the young man in her side.

Erik Callisto, the first son of the Imperial family and is a sister loving obsessed freak— in short a sis-con. His looks radiates a Red flag attitude, but his real personality is the opposite but he's always misunderstood by people to the point that he just pretended to be a cold blooded prince.

What a gorgeous man he is. He was exactly how the novel describes him; A captivating crimson eyes , long and tall nose, a beautiful silky auburn hair, Thin eyebrows, a lips that fits perfectly in his face and a long dark lashes. He was indeed perfect.

Lucy brushed her face with her hand as she sighed. She felt utterly defeated, how can a man be this beautiful and handsome at the same time. Erik was like a Cat, fierce yet cute little creature.

"How long was I out?"

"Huh? Oh about a month. Mother and father was so worried about you."

"I see." She responded bluntly.

Lucy was an orphan in her previous life as Jade. She didn't gain any Last name for she didn't get adopted and ended up growing up at the orphanage.

While growing up, Jade longed for a parents love, she thought what if her parents were still alive? If she looked for them would they accept her? Love her?

As Jade found a career on being an illustrator, she lead a great life for business is always coming her way. She got hooked reading novels, always putting an all nighter just to finish the webnovel she started.

'Did I perhaps pushed myself to my limit leading me to die? Ah geez.'

Jade—no Lucy glance at Erik who still has that worried look. She smiled then patted his head and tousled his hair which lead him to be shock.

"You should go now, I want to rest. Thank you for worrying about me, Erik. Tell his Majesty and Queen that I feel better now." She smiled but her eyes wasn't smiling at all.

Erik repeatedly open and closed his mouth as if he was going to say something, but in the end he intended not to. He stood up and excuse himself has he leaves his sister in the room.

"What a bunch of lies." She mumbled as she took the porridge from the table beside her bed that Erik bought along and started to dig in.

Jade knows how the Imperial family treats Lucy especially the queen, for she has the blood of a commoner and is the Heir to the throne. Erik was supposedly chosen to be the Heir but he lacks knowledge and other things making Lucy to ascend to the throne.

They call her a trash because she acted like one. She did a lot of trouble just so she can be exiled from the Heir position, she'd rather die than to be queen for people who doesn't even see her as a princess of the empire. People treated her like Shit.

Her plan was a success, for not only she was exiled from the position she was also banished from the empire. She was overjoyed by the news, that is how the trash of the Castillo life began to change.

'Come to think of it, the first arc reached it's end. That means I transmigrated somewhere at chapter 30-ish.'

Lucy's Wound started to hurt, as to why she lay back down.

"It would have been better if my soul just went to a commoner or some kind of extra character in this novel." She grumbled.

Disappointed, is was she felt. She do like how she got transmigrated into a novel but she's not happy about being into the trash' body.

Lucy Callisto, she was quite a well written character although like the other characters she too has flaws.

Indeed she was trash, but she only did that to be exiled from the queen position. She's crazy is what Jade thought since, but in others Lucy was a hero for she didn't only save people in her journey she also save a whole damn country.

Surprisingly Jade remember every line from the novel. She remembers every event that'll happen to her— to Lucy, she began to be stiff and sweat as she recalls some scenes from the Novel.


She stood up and walked to the balcony to get some fresh air. She touched her abdomen to feel the bandage in her body.

Looking down at the glorious garden below her, she saw a man with crimson hair with a fancy attire, he seems to be like a Duke. Her eye squinted, leaning more forward to the balcony fence to see clearly who that man was.

As she started to recognize the man she started to hid and run back inside.

'Why's he here? It didn't mention in the original novel that he arrived or visited. So why?'

Here she thought she'll get a fresh air outside but it seems like her day was ruined because of that crimson haired man.

Jazz Burton, the illegitimate child of Duke Dale Burton. He is known for being unapproachable and cold, totally opposite of his friend Erik. He and Lucy are somewhat not in good terms, for they are always on each other's throat when they see each other.

Moreover, Jazz is Lucy's fiance as per say of the king. Even if he was an illegitimate child of Duke Burton, the king still chose him for he exceed his Majesty' expectations. One more thing why he's chosen was because the legal son of the duke was too young to be married for he is still only 5 years old.

'They don't get along yet they got married at end and had 4 children, author your trope is kinda sloppy.'

In Jade' mind she doesn't seem to have a plan on being With Jazz like how in the novel. She doesn't also seem to care if the story change, well it already changed a bit.

It'll be troublesome for sure to be surrounded by men like how Old Lucy was.

"Your highness, the young master of Burton dukedom requested to see you. Shall I let him in?" A voice of an old man was heard, he seemed to be the butler that panicked earlier.

'I just woke up and a headache shows up one after another.'


"Yes, please do." She yelled gently for the butler to hear who was on the outside of the room.

The door opened revealing the crimson haired man, with a dead cold stare looking at Lucy which sent chills down to her spine.

Jazz started to approach her and sat beside her bed. His arms are crossed and as well his legs, an intimidating aura was flowing out of him. He was like a wolf ready to pounce onto his prey.

"How are you feeling?"

"Alright I guess."

"You should really be more aware of yourself and not do reckless things. On top of that, you're the future queen you—"

"Drop the formality, I know you're here because Erik asked you too. Beside no one would care even if I die, there's still Erik who would inherent the throne in my place."

Lucy suddenly feel a glare from jazz. Ah, of course, considering Erik he wouldn't want to take the Heir after her sister died, moreover he lacks handling political issues and the empire itself.

But of course, Lucy—Jade doesn't plan to die. She wants to live longer as much as possible and maybe find a lover who isn't a noble or royalty. A mage, low ranking knight or a mere commoner would suffice, as long as they're in love and happy she will be fine with that.

"Ah, I heard that Lady Amelia of count Vuitton would be coming here in the capital."

Jazz flinch onto what he heard from the princess. He looked at her with a flustered expression.


Lucy snickered as she look at jazz' flustered face. That's right for he has feelings for the Young lady of Vuitton he even confessed to Lucy that Amelia was the only girl she would ever love around volume 3, yet at the end he fell in love with the princess and even gotten married rejecting the poor Lady Vuitton.

"Just so you know, if you like her you should tell her right away before regretting it and before your feelings fades and reject her."


"You're easy to read and you think I don't know about how you always look for The young lady Vuitton in every banquet we attend? As much as I hate you, I at least want to support you for I too don't want us to be married out of force."

Of course Lucy would know such information for she isn't really Lucy she was the reader who suffered alongside you.

"Beside, you two are obviously in love with each other. But due to our engagement things hadn't gotten easy for you to express your feelings for her, so while I'm working on my plan of passing the my title as the Heir to the throne to Erik, go on and meet her."

Jazz looked at her with a puzzled look. It was as if he was questioning why would she do this?


Jazz sighed and started to speak "I didn't know you have this kind of side, and how exactly do you plan on passing the inheritance to Erik. We both know that he is incapable of being king—But I don't think you need to worry about him not knowing politics, I heard he's been indulge into studying on how to run the kingdom ever since your Highness was unconscious. However now that you're awake I'm afraid he'll stop studying."

'What, he's studying? How? Why?'

The novel never mentioned that prince Erik was studying politics and how to run the empire. It only mentioned him being unable to focus on the training as he was worried that his sister might not wake up.

Why are there a lot of change when Lucy hadn't done anything yet, instead of waking up and laying down.

Could it be the novel has already change ever since Jade' soul went to Lucy?

"By the way, have you eaten? If not I'll ask a maid to get you porridge, you can at least eat that right?"

"Oh my, young master jazz you're so thoughtful, but it's alright for I've already eaten. Also I might take that the other way."

"What do you mean, your highness?"

'What else, I might fall in love with you! As the male lead your charms are irresistible!' is what Lucy wanted to say out loud but of course all she did was kept smiling.

"Right, Lexia." She called out to the maid who was standing at her door.

The maid approached her with a stern look. She was the head maid after all, she won't be faze even if Lucy would raise her voice at her.

"Yes your highness?" The maid bowed.

"I wanna meet the mage who healed me. Where is she?"

As Lucy recall, it was Clair, the apprentice of the owner of the magic tower. Clair became the best friend of the Heroine, she was like a small puppy that follows Lucy around, but of course it was her own choice to follow her.

"The mage had went through some business so he is unavailable and your highness it was a "He" who healed you."

'What!? Why is there a lot of change? Don't tell me it was 'him' who saved me, but he was already out for business— argh.'

"It wasn't Clair?"

"Ms. Clair was bedridden with a high fever that's why the owner of the tower was the one who went and tend you, your highness."

"I see thank you, you may leave us for now Lexia."

The maid did what she was told, now there was only Lucy and jazz on the room.

"I heard the owner doesn't show up even if the royal family asked to. He was rumoured to be rather rude to people, they said he was prideful."

"He probably went to heal me because of my brother begged him." Lucy mumbled under her breath.


"Oh nothing, but that's too bad, I wanted to the meet the mage who saved me. Also aren't you staying here for quite long? Shoo~"

"You became rather expressive but your angry look still hasn't changed. Well, I must go, let's talk about the matter we talk earlier on some other days."

Lucy smiled as the young master Burton as he walked out of her bedroom. Once she was alone she started to lay down.

"I was only here for a day and yet lot has change. First the visit of jazz, second Erik and now the mage who tend me."


It was troublesome, Lucy felt like all her energy was wasted on such a small amount of time. If she died then she should've just died, why bother to send her soul into some complicated novel?

She took a pillow and bury her face as she screamed in it. Her face looks satisfied after screaming she felt refreshed.

Lucy stood up as she went in front of the full size body mirror. How beautiful indeed, the body she was in was really made for a female protagonist. Her face wasn't stupid looking like how the Fl of some Webnovels she have read in the past.

Jade got some bundle of hair of Lucy as she was looking at the mirror. Not like most of the royals in some Webnovels she had read, Lucy has a red brownish hair color and carnation pink eyes. She know she already saw her appearance but she can't help but to be mesmerized by it.

Seeing The protagonist she had read up close felt pretty weird, especially now that it became her body. But Jade is getting comfortable with Lucy's body for her appearance in her past life is close to her.


She sighed "I better write down the story before I forget. Well I remember it fully but let's just write it." She rummage through the table which seem to be Lucy's workplace and look for a plain paper sheet.

As she sat down she got a good look at the room she was in. It was like the size of her apartment, it was so wide that you could fit an entire house in it. And looking around she sees a Jewelry, a whole closet of it. It was mentioned in the novel that the king like to pamper her.

"But Lucy always push the king away. Well the king did order to kill her mother when she was 4, what a complicated family."

She said while writing the content of the book. Her hand writing was elegant, probably because she possessed a royal family's body, comparing to her old hand writing that would be just chicken scratches when put beside this.

There seem to no turning back now. Jade will have to live as Lucy until who knows when.

'This is so Troublesome'