
A tale of the old that is still famous among the nobles and commoners nowadays. It is the tale of the five empire of Ishigar, how it came to history.

     The five empire was built when all people of the land of Ishigar started to Fight each other, forming allies and groups to take one another.

  300 years ago.  Ishigar was once a peaceful large nation without a ruler, not until groups of people started a rebellion, as they brought up the topic that One needs to be a ruler, but who? They all agree to determine this by war, but of course there were also people who have disagreed, which only have led them to their gruesome death.

     It was a bloodbath fight, the lake the river, and at the land, was full of corpses. Ishigar was once called as "The Island of Death", more than a million of people died in this land; even travelers was included, once you step in, there's no guarantee that you will make it out alive or even pass through the land without getting severely injured. Your survival within this island is merely on 3%.

    Seventy years of suffering was outdone by a mage that is said to be originated from the world tree. The mage held a tremendous power, making Ishigar the largest continent to break apart, making the five known islands in current time.

    The mage picked rulers for each lands, and who ever opposed the decision would be punish and would be sentenced to death. There was over hundreds of Groups but only Five has been chosen.

   The Five chosen to be Royals are:

    Eura Eildia-Arieon, was the first ever empress of the Arieon Empire and is the only Female ruler, she was a smart and brave woman, and has the calmest demeanor among the other groups. Necessary needs are always in check by her, storing supplies and food enough for her group. She was a considerate leader and has always kept her composure.

   Ruth Klein-Azazel, was chosen for the Linent Empire to be the emperor. At first he refused the offer for it was a pain in the ass, but in the end his comrades convinced him. He was a ruthless and merciless leader, yet he showed such a soft side to his comrade. Unlike Eura, Ruth has quite a temper but he does not throw hands when he's mad, only his words may hurt. He has a great self control when he's at his limit. 

   Theodore Shapiro-Halvard, he wasn't chosen by the mage, the one who the mage chosen refuses the offer and recommended Theodore instead. He was not smart nor brave, but he has a good heart and has was a good Co leader, it is said that out of the people from their side, Theodore was the only one who made everyone compose and calm. His hobby of making weapons from stones helped them throughout the war, he has stand as a guardian whenever their leader had gone out to fight.

    Rivian Abel-Gozania, he was an orphan yet he was strong, brave, smart and powerful. Even though they had the most numbered deaths on their side, Rivian did not get discouraged, it even gave him more determination. He swore to those people who lost their lives to avenge them. He was a monster on the battlefield almost as ruthless as Ruth. He wasn't like the other candidates the mage had chosen, in his case the powerful mage found him to be a threat to mankind.

    Rivian seems to be a son of a Saintness and powerful dark mage, and it looks like both of his parents died after sealing half of their son's magic.

     The mage ate Rivian's mana that was in rage, For he was the only one suitable to be an emperor, the others are too greedy and selfish. But since the mage ate a large amount of Rivian's mana Gozania was the weakest and powerless empire. Unlike the name of their empire, Gozania was the poorest among the four.

    After evaluating and chosing a ruler for the Five said lands. The mage let people choose where island or side they'll go with, first half of the crowd went to Arieon, another half went to Halvard, the remaining ones went to Either Gozania or Azazel.

    230 years had passed, and no sign of war on ishigar had been proclaimed after that, however their neighboring continents are in the midsts of a gruesome war.

     "But A year later another war would broke out in Ishigar." Lucy said to herself as she flip the page of the book 'History of Ishigar', it was already a week since Jade took over the crown princess's body, Lucy Callisto-Gosania.

    She began to learn more about the empire and the other four. Looking back at her past life, she could say, she'd rather go back to her own body and world than be a crown princess who has a lot of paperwork and studies.

     Lucy looked to her left side to see the 3 stack of books she has finished reading. Before starting her plan, she needed information about the empire's rule, but she got indulge and read up to the history of Ishigar the continent the 5 land is in.

     "The rules In this empire is sloppy and wacky. Like c'mon, Act #576 of X476 'Neither people nor the royal court has the right to expell nor exile the crown heir from their title, only the Emperor has the right to do so.' I mean sure but shouldn't also the royal court has the right to meddle in and take care of such an improper heir, author just what kind of mind do you have?!"

     Lucy groan, She was quite furious, for the novel did not contain alot of information about the etiquettes and rules of the empire. The story was solely focused on the adventures of Lucy and her companions, only back stories and how they fought monsters, Gods and Beast were mentioned in the book.

    Lucy sighed as she placed the book on top of the others and rested her head onto the table.

     Looking at the large window; outside was pouring heavily, Lucy wanted to go out but sadly maids won't let her out as per order of the emperor. Because of that, Lucy just sit all day in her room reading books eventually feeling bored after and even thought off to just jump out of the balcony of the room. But since she's a coward and afraid of heights she cannot possibly jump out from a 300 foot tower, she'll die before she even lands.


    Aggressively standing up, Lucy walked with no energy to her bed And threw herself on it groaning in frustration. It is such a waste for her to just stay at her bed, moreover there has been casualties going on to the details of the said book.

    It has been over a week since she got transmigrated and when she was in her third day, she panicked when she saw that the paper where the important content of the book she had written, were gone. In fact the paper has gone blank. She again wrote the  same content but the day after that the paper was once again blank.

    'Does this mean, the story won't be following what has been written In the book? That's... complicated.'

   Suddenly, the door burst open making her to jolt back up.

  "Ah, I'm sorry for coming in without knocking, sister."

    Lucy sighed in relief to see that it was only Erik. She signaled him to come over.

    Closing the door, her brother approached her and sat on the chair next to her bed.

   "What brings you here?" Lucy asked, hugging a pillow as she faced Erik.

    "Oh that, I came to check in on you."

    "Hmm? Why?"

    "I assumed that you snuck out again."


    Hearing Erik statement made Lucy recall a part of the original book.

   [ Shaaa.

    Lucy finds the sound of the rain to be calming. For her who was always been locked up inside a deafening silent room, rain became her companion. With its sound the silence that is almost making her deaf, lessen. And because of this she always snuck out of her room by creating a rope of blanket that would lead her enough to the ground.]

     Lucy thought that the novel Lucy was fearless enough to snuck out of the 300 feet tower. If it was her, she'll rather watch the rain from the window.

    "Don't worry, from now on I will stop doing that," she told Erik with a smile.

   'She's fearless, I'm not.' she thought.

    She sighed in disbelief, chuckling at herself. To think that she's the total opposite of Lucy; interesting, a great leader, unafraid of death, and had an interesting love story.


   Speaking of love story, she remembered that Lucy  had a harem along with her. And of course only one person won and the others got rejected by her.

   It was mentioned that there were five love interest, since it was a fantasy-romance focused.

    'Harem huh... Seems like a pain in the ass, I'd rather not,' she once thought.

    To alot of people it maybe a blessing, however, for jade who never had any interest in love ever since she had been cheated countless of times by her ex's, having a alot of handsome guys swarm around her would be a curse.

    Just imaging her being lovey-dovey with alot of men sent chills to her spine. However, if this phenomenon cannot be avoided in this novel then she just need to live with it. Although, Poly relationship can also be an option.

   While lost in her thoughts Erik had been giving her weird looks, as if asking what has gotten into her or why is she acting weird.

     "Do wanna go the training ground?" Erik suddenly suggested.

    At this moment, Lucy nodded countless of time at Erik; Excitement was written all over her face.

   A training ground? How cool would that be? Maybe she'll get to hold a sword along, it has always been her dream to hold and use a sword as a former member of kudo.

    Without further adieu, the two then started to head on the closed Training ground.


    Lucy gaped as they arrived at the area where knights are training, sparring each other.

   Unlike what she imagined, this training ground was a closed space. She always thought  it was an open space but she then thought it was raining so maybe they changed location for them to not get caught in the rain.

     "Captain and— Your highness!" A knight came running towards them and suddenly bowed as to when it see Lucy.

      Whispers and chattering of voices started to fill the room. It seems they're all uncomfortable to be in the same room with the princess.

    Their stares scream as though they wanted Lucy to leave, gazes of theirs started to Peirce into her skin.

   She did know that Lucy was hated but she did not know that even the knights despite her this much. All Lucy can do was to sigh and awkwardly smile at these people.

   Tiptoeing, Lucy tapped Erik for him to lend his ear as she began to whisper.

     "I should probably go."

     And without even waiting for Erik's reply she smiled then bowed to the knights and slowly turned her back on to them.

    'Even knights detest me. Well Lucy did cause havoc whenever she visits the knights. Seriously, she's one heck of a princess.'

    As to when she was about to grab the handle of the door, it suddenly opened making her to almost trip and lost her balance. Luckily a strong heavy arm catched her.

    "A-are you alright, your highness? That scared me." The person said as he let's go of Lucy's shoulder.


    That surprises her. Lucy began to fix her composure and looked up at the person standing in front of her.

    The man has an ebony colored hair, he has a much barbaric figure than the knights she saw earlier. It's scary how she was just half of the size of this man. He was tall, very tall, like a giant. Though his face rings a bell to Lucy.


    She remembers now, this was man Rafael Tremeel; the vice captain of the knight and is the mentor of Erik before. He was a half giant, that's why he was very tall unlike the average human height.


Once again, murmurs and whispers filled the room. Lucy gripped her clenching hands tighter as she looked up at the giant in front of her then smiled, leaving the room as if she just pass by.

Stomping her feet as she return to her room slamming the door. She frowned, throwing herself in her bed, tears started to swell in her eyes.


Before she tears starts to stream down she immediately wipe her face, However, it didn't stop. And before she know she began to cry uncontrollably, burying her face in the pillow, hiccuping between her sobs.

Was this how Lucy felt? Did she also cried herself until her eyes became puffy? Has she always felt left out? Unwanted? Those piercing gaze of disgust and judgement was too much for her.

She guessed this was also the reason why Lucy wanted to be banish, to be forgotten and start anew.

Once again Lucy remembered part of the novel.

[ Their eyes was fixed onto the maiden in front, bathe in smashed tomatoes and black goo.

Lucy smiled, wiping her face with a cloth, deeply sighing as she bowed. Her eyes felt hot, starting to be blurry. No, she cannot cry, she does not want people to see her being weakened. Before facing the crowd once again she first wipe off the tears building up and fixed her composure.]

Her train of thoughts was interrupted when she heard something that hit her balcony door. It startled her that it made her instantly wipe her face and trying to fix herself before walking to the balcony door.

As she approached the door a stone was thrown, over and over which eventually made her pissed that she aggressively opened the door. Though, small rock made contact with her head, it didn't bleed but it did hurt her.

This only made her more furious, "Ah!" She yelled as she started to lean into the balcony fence. "What the hell do you want?! Come out and face me you coward! Show yourself!!"

At that moment another rock was thrown at her. She should be scared right now, but she was already at her limit. Lucy does not care whether it's an assassin or just some punk hiding that wants to mess with her, moreover, she already had alot in her head for goodness sake.

Lucy waited and waited for the culprit to show itself but it didn't show up. As she thought, it was just some punk messing with her.

'Ah whatever, let's head' in she thought as she went in locking her balcony door. But before she could even take another step there was once again the loud bang behind her.

She pretended to not hear it for she thought it will be just a waste of time. Obviously, the sound of rocks being thrown in at the balcony door did not stop, but then again, she ignored it and decided to rest her swollen eyes.

'I hope that punk's pillow would be hot in both sides tonight.' She cursed in her thoughts rumbling as her eyes started to felt heavy and thought of nothing as she started to drift into slumber.

A man sitting wearing a dark Robe at a tree near Lucy's chamber was smirking, playing with rocks on hands. The man then started to jump off landing at the balcony. Wind started to blow, taking off the robe's hood onto his head. There revealed his glistening Silver hair and bloody red eyes.

He approached the door, silently opening it inside with the use of magic. As he got in he then advance onto the soundlessly sleeping maiden. Of course he made sure to not make any sound that would wake her up.

As he was already close to her bed, he stood there and only looked at her for quite awhile.

'Seems like there's a fascinating soul that ended up in this chaos world'. Is what he thought while looking at the defenseless girl below her.

The man looked at Lucy for a while. Before Deciding to flee, he first put a protection spell on her. Placing his hands into her head as it started to glow a golden color and was eventually faded after.

"That should help her for awhile," He muttered. Suddenly, the girl flinch under the white comforter as he took his hand away, ah so she was awake.

Indeed, Lucy has been awake after that stranger approached her bed. Her instinct was strong for intruders, for robbers had attempted to rob her house countlessly of time. But of course she pretended to sleep for she thought he was not a bad guy at all, though she felt rather uncomfortable.

The man sighed before again casting a spell, this time he pointed his finger into her forehead.

"You're..." Lucy suddenly shot her eyes open but the man was unfazed, "you're the punk who's been throwing rocks earlier, aren't you?!" she suddenly shouted in rage.

All the man did was rolled his eyes. This was no time for chit-chat he thought, he then began to tap her forehead. White translucent particles started to appear around Lucy. Her eyes started to felt heavy once again. She attempted to see the person's face but the light was making it harder for her to see.

"Forget about this day, I'm sure we'll meet again." Is what Lucy have heard before she once again drifted into slumber.

After making her fall asleep the man put his hood back on as he turn his back and completely disappear into thin air.

Surely, her and that punk will most likely to encounter each other once again in the future. After all, he's the only one who knows about her existence in this world.