Wandering Knight

The town square was full of people, chattering and murmurs filled the air. The center fountain was full of commoners as they sat at the edge of the fountain, laughing and enjoying their time with each other.

At a corner was a place for vendors who sells various of things: skewers, drinks, jewels, candies, potions and many others in a much lower price than what the stores most aristocrats go to in the empire.

Lucy who was standing in the middle of the town square was in a gape. She couldn't believe to see a location mentioned only in the novel, for her to see such a thing with her own eyes was such a dream come true. The road was made out of cobblestones and the center of the town square was made out of cement and marble for the fountain. It was such a sight to see.

"Your highness, you shouldn't wander around too much." Said a maid who was her only aide in this time. The maid was 2 years older than her, they say she was horribly ugly, but it was not true; her honey blonde hair that was tied up in a neat bun sparkles as light reflected on the top of it. Not to mention her eyes was in a silvery blue color, they sparkle like a polished gem. Her face, there was freckles imprinted on it which just sit perfectly into it.

'How dare they say that she's horribly ugly? What kind of beauty standards does people in this world have?' She irritatedly thought as she bit her lips, jealous to have such a maid. In all honesty, this Lady looked more of an aristocrat than a maid if she was dress up nicely.


Do you wonder how this princess got out of the palace? Well, Lucy happen to successfully convinced the king to let her out and to only bring one maid with her around.

Although she was now out of that suffocating place, she needed to disguise herself. She asked the head maid to bring her something to wear that isn't luxurious in the eyes and is able to blend in with what commoners of the empire wear, not only that she also had asked to find her a wig, sadly, people in this world seem to not know that sort of thing. That is why, she only bought a hat that might help her cover her hair which is a trait of the royal family and her carnation colored eyes.

If she were to be found out, a commotion will happen, she knew very well how the commoners and other nobility in this empire treat her as though she was a useless and a good for nothing heir, who will only bring misfortunes if she were to be able to sit on the throne one day.

"Hmm, I should've invited The young lord." She mumbled, it was quite boring to have her go wander alone, not to mention her aide was not really much of a talker and Lucy think, that she scares her. Maybe Lucy has a more of villainous face than what a Heroine should have.

"Do you mean the young master of the Burton dukedom? Would you like for me to go back and seek his audience, your highness?" The maid said. She had a poker face but her hand was seen to tremble as she spoke.

Lucy frowned to such sight, "No need." There was really no need for that, she eventually thought that the sight of him would make an uproar and maybe people would start a silly rumor as they would see the young lord together with a stranger-or would appear as a commoner getting all chummy to each other. Lucy does not want that kind of attention, it would exhaust her much more. "Oh by the way, I haven't asked for your name yet." She added as she face the maid who flinch at her statement.

Lucy saw how this maid clench her hand tightly to one another. It seems she was taken aback from that response, or it would be most likely that she may have thought she's asking her name so she would be punished later on. Lucy bit her lip and sighed.

"I only wanted to know your name for I don't remember hearing it from the head maid. And, I assure you, I won't do what you are thinking so please be at peace." Lucy wanted for her to trust her and maybe make her less scared, hopefully.

The maid looked convinced but she was still trembling, not a second pass she introduced herself as she place her hand onto her chest and bowed:

"I... I am Ophelia Cortez, and from now on I shall be your highness's lady in waiting. I am not familiar to this kind of job so please spare this stupid maid." She said as she stutter. The way she introduced herself was very similar to how the imperial knights do. Maid mostly introduced themselves courteously to their lady but she was rather different. She instead placed her right hand into her chest as she firmly bowed.

"Were you a knight before? Or did you take a qualification to become a knight?" Lucy asked out of the blue. Ophelia didn't respond, and sometimes, silence means yes. "Hmm, I see. But can I ask you something?" She added.

"O-of course your highness." Ophelia raised her head suddenly after that, sweating and nervous onto what her Highness would ask her.

"Why?" Lucy asked.

"Yes?" Ophelia looked at her baffled.

"Why didn't you became a knight? Honestly I think you'll have what it takes to be on a knight position, but you somehow ended up being a maid in the palace. I remember most of the maid talked about a colleague who fought the Assasin when I collapse, I am guessing it's you who they were talking about."

"That..." Ophelia hesitated as she bit her lips and looked down, clenching onto her dress.

Lucy looked at her and sighed, "Nevermind. We can talk about it later, anyway, let's go? I'm starving, I wanna try the skewers in this world."


"Oh, uhh, I mean, I haven't tried street foods for I've been locked up in the palace most of the time, Hahaha..Ha.." Lucy felt embarrassed, to think that'll slip into her mouth. But it was true that Lucy Haven't tried the street food of her own empire for she was always locked up, only going out when she's handling a project in the town.

They pass by the street market on the corner. Lucy's eyes sparkle at the sight of the food lining up in each vendors. She was almost drooling. She then decided to buy four pork meat skewer and a two glass of candies. Lucy handed the two skewer and the other glass of jeweled shape candies to Ophelia.

"Your highness, I couldn't possibly-"

"Just take it," she insisted as she shove it all to Ophelia before she could even refuse her once more. "Oh and, don't address me as royalty; Just call me, hmm. . .Jade, just for today."

"O-of course!" Burst Ophelia.

"And stop with the formality, act like I'm a commoner, no status, not a royalty nor a nobility, just someone who lives free." Lucy said as she smiled and walk away first.

The two went to Various of shops in town, Lucy purposely avoided going to the shops where nobles go, as if she knew where it was in the first place. She honestly don't know where those stores located on, fortunately, Ophelia was here to guide her.

During their trip they came across an alleyway on the way back to the carriage outside the town. As to when they where about to pass by, a hand caught Ophelia's leg that made her scream and unconsciously kicked her way out. They then heard a groan in pain.

Once Ophelia calmed down, Lucy crouch and walked closer to the dark alley, and to her surprise there she saw a man in a ragged clothes a sword on his waist, moreover, he was rather skinny and bruises was all over his body, he was pale too.

"Seems like he's dying..." mumbled Lucy as she stood up and turned around "Oh well, not my problem I'm just a lowly commoner, Hahaha, what can I do, just let him di-oof!" She then suddenly to trip and fell into the ground.

"Your- I mean- Jade!" Yelled Ophelia, she seems to be still playing her part which is good as Lucy thought.

Lucy turned around irritatedly to see that the man caught her leg. Though he seemed pale his grip was tight as if he wasn't a poor malnutritious being.

"You...damn... Bastard! Let go of me!" Like Ophelia did before, Lucy kicked the man with her all might, his grip loosened and she was able to escape. "Geez, just who is this man? Hmm?" Lucy leaned in closer as she set a side his front hair which was covering his face.

She was then thunderstruck by the sight of him. It was as if there was blinding light coming from the man's face. He was handsome, no, beautiful, no, gorgeous, no that's not it... He was... Godly-Looking! What is such a Godly-looking man be doing in this alley all beat up and pale? Could it be?

'Is this my new love interest? Hmm not bad not bad.' Is what she initially thought, snickering as she thought of her dreaming of having a love story with a non male lead, but then, that dream of her were crushed when she suddenly became familiar with this Godly-Looking face.

Her eyes widen as her nose wrinkled as she finally process and remembered him

Oh no.

A male lead!

The third male lead to be precise. Originally, Lucy was supposedly to meet this man around five months after. Their first meeting was him being transferred in this empire to be a knight to Lucy, but it seems like that plot has already gone to waste, because they've already met, accidentally that is.

Lucy never really thought he'll meet the third interest sooner than the second. Initially, she wanted to follow the plot but it seems like she has altered the story ever since she got transmigrated in the novel.


'Since it's already here, might as well just go to my own choice. I'd like to leave him here, but he's petty looking I can't help but feel bad, hmmm...'

"Ophelia." Lucy called as she turn around to Ophelia.

"Yes, your highness?" Ophelia replied, going back to being formal.

"Can you carry him?" Lucy asked, she then went and grab the handle of the sword in the man's waist drawing it out, in the lower part of the sword, near the handle there was a crest of a vine of rose wrapped around in a sword and shield. "He seems to be a knight from The western Empire: Azazel, basing from the crest imprinted on this sword." She then put the sword back on it's place, "so can you carry him?" She added.

Ophelia was thunderstruck but then put up a serious face and nodded.

Lucy stepped back for Ophelia to go through. Suddenly, Lucy was dumbstruck by how this maid carry this big yet rather skinny man, a princess carry- that is how ophelia carried him. Lucy thought that she'll only try to put his hand on her shoulder, but it was much more interesting than she thought. Or was it because he's skinny?

"I-isn't he heavy?" Said Lucy worriedly.

"Oh, he's light as a feather." Replied Ophelia who seem to have no problem at all.

That statement made Lucy more worried, just how many days did this knight starve himself, well from the looks of it, it seems his properties have been robbed, the bruises must have came from a fight he had. Poor man.