Lucy and her questions

Lucy who keep on circling around as she bite her nails, uneasy on to what kind of torture would await her. Well, the guards who had been with her earlier didn't exactly kept their words for it has been four hours since.

Thanks to the annoying mage who was still with her—rather his familiar, he at least let her know the time and scenery outside. It was already dark.

She then flinch when she heard someone stops in front of the door, but doesn't seem to be entering anytime.

"So what do we do now? The carriage that was supposed to arrived earlier got destroyed, damn it. Should we just kill her?"

The last words the person has said gave her a shudder.

She can't die now, not until she knew how the heroine of a book suddenly became her. Lucy just died recently (maybe), and she don't expect to die again, not knowing whether she'll go back alive in her world or die unexplainably in this one.

"Are you dumb? We can't kill her! She's a valuable item for negotiation. Beside, boss wants her alive."

"What should we do then? This is starting to give me a headache. Why does the boss wants her anyway? She looks dumb."


Lucy fumed ready to bang her hand onto the wooden door, but she waver, calming herself down as she lowered her fist. 

'Dumb?! How dare they insult me!'

She irritatedly sat on the dirty-dusty floor. It was no time to be concerned about some dusts. She needed to get out of here ASAP, even if it means to have her pursuers killed.

Well maybe not that extreme. Just enough to let their guard down for her to escape marvelously.

The two men outside seem to be done talking as Lucy heard the footsteps becoming faint. She then let out a long sigh.

Lucy stayed sitted at the floor as she put her hand over her cheeks starting get lost in thoughts.

:Ah, who am I kidding I've got nothing to think about. I can't even think straight at the moment.'

She laughed bitterly as her head drop.

Raising her head as she stare at the blue bird who had been staring at her as well. Creepy. It was stiff and it's eyes was glowing that made her shudder for some reason.

"B-By the way," she started, avoiding the bird's gaze "can you answer my questions?"

Lucy was itching to get some plausible answers to the questions building up inside of her head since the very beginning.

[I don't mind.]


Lucy hesitated a bit, this mage seem to be playful enough to not answer her questions or give her some unrelated answers.

But she didn't have a choice, he's a mage, he must be alot knowledgeable than an average person. Who knows how long this mage had lived?


"Then... what happened to the mage that stopped the war in Ishigar?"

[. . .]

There was a huge paused before the mage eventually talked.

[He disappeared what else?]

Lucy looked at the bird with contempt. Ah, why bother ask if he won't even give a damn straight answer. But that didn't stop her.

"To where? Why did the mage disappear?"

[You. . .]

"Surely that mage took an apprentice or two. And perhaps you're one of them!" Lucy continued as she put a bit of enthusiasm to her words. "So I'm sure you must know something!"

Despite the fact that Jade had read the novel cover to cover; the mage's character was vaguely describe. The only thing she could recall about the mage on the original novel was:

[ Splish. Splash.

  The sound of water slapping through the ship's bottom resonated. There was a slight storm passing by whilst why the water had started swaying aggressively.

  Inside the ship on a small room, Lucy and the others had gathered on a bleeding companion.

  A glowing green light illuminated the dim space, their companion who was a mage was currently tending the severely injured Person. He was the tower's mage back in Gozania. The prideful and admirable mage decided to follow Lucy for he too had a goal to set similar to hers. Although he stayed in the shadows only appearing when one of lucy's companion gets injured.

  Alyssa and Liana had their hand clutch with each other praying to the heaven above to save Tyron... ]

It took almost took 4 volumes for the mage to get another description, he was already introduced faintly on the 2nd part of the book. After that description, the mage had only gotten a few faint screentime as the story progress. Mostly was his interaction with Erik or another characters.

Lucy didn't paid much attention to it since he seem to has a very minor role, even in fight or battles the characters went through, he only pretty much just became their healer and eventually vanished in the 5th volume till end. And since Lucy didn't really had a bit of concern to such characters she completely forgotten about him and read the story till the end.

But now she seem to be bursting with curiosity. Why did such character only had such minor roles? Why did he vanished when when the story was about to end?

[You don't need to concern yourself with that, but fine. For your information, that old fart that was rumored long time ago, got four apprentices and I was the third one. But as far as I remember, he just only vanished one day leaving us four behind. We all made a speculation that the world tree must've taken him back. As time passes by, the four of us eventually parted ways, they went to other empire whilst I stayed here.]

His voice made Lucy unease. It was lifeless, dull and boring. He was hurrying his words as if he wanted to finished it as quickly as possible.

Maybe she shouldn't have asked it in the first place. But how would she know that this person would react that way.

Ignoring the tension Lucy came up with another question.

"Can you tell my past life?" She asked laughing awkwardly.

[I was a wood in my past life, and died when I got turned into a coal.] He jeered.

"Very funny." Said Lucy sarcastically, sighing. "I said mine, not yours."

[Hmm... Ah! You're a mosquito who died when got squashed—]

"Be serious!" Lucy yelled.

The mage laughed faintly. The bird on the other hand seem to be tired of all the two's shenanigans.

[Well, do you want to know?] He said in a singsong voice.

"I wouldn't ask it in the first first if I don't."

Well it was partly a lie, obviously that question came out of nowhere. She only wanted to make the atmosphere light again.

[If I tell you that you're living your 4th life, would you believe me?]


Honestly speaking, it could be true. Jade had always believed that everyone has a past life. She believed that when you die you will most likely be reborn with the same soul in a different body but without your memories, and the cycle would repeat.

[Well? Would you?]

"Err, no, not really." She answered honestly, at some point it do sound quite absurd.

[Guess so.]

But there was something in here that want to believe in what the mage wants to say. She wanted to hear it.

" it true?"

[. . .]

The mage didn't respond for quite a while, but he could hear a humming. Practically he's putting up a suspense.

But a minute later he finally responded.

[Actually, this is indeed your 4th life.]