A Lead

I blinked numerous times, after hearing the mage's statement. A 4th life... He must be joking, surely.

It was as if he's trying to pertain that I was originally Lucy, that is probably why I transmigrated into the story.

I'm just probably being delusional, since alot of comics I once read had a cliché plot like that.


"You're kidding." I snorted.

[Do I look like I am?]

"I don't see your face, so I'll stick to the 'You're kidding' truth."

[Be it the truth or not, I don't care, so should you, what matters now is the life you are currently living.]

"Oh is that a word of wisdom I hear?"

[No, I'm just practically saying what words first pop up in my head.]

I rolled my eyes to what he had replied. Well, half of me wants to trust to what he says but also a half that doesn't.

It would be actually more believable if he had said that I am in a coma and is only experiencing a long term dream. At least I could live with that.

But as to hearing that I had three lifetimes before this, made me to even more confuse.

It just sounds too absurd.

Well, the fact that I am inside of a novel is much more ridiculous than the fact that I've already had four lifetimes, nevertheless, both thoughts are full of absurdity.

Since I am technically inside of a novel, I initially thought of survival, perhaps live somewhere peaceful with a full load of money. But then again, I'm in the possession of the heroine. Like hell I'll have an easy life.

Just look at the situation I'm in right now, even if I didn't possess the heroine, unless my soul went into a royalty, my life wouldn't still be easy.

Wow, life must've like me too much.

I don't even have the slightest idea whether I'm dead nor alive in my own world.

Damn it, thinking about that just makes me crave for technology!

Ever since I got here my mind was too focus on things that it slipped my mind about alot of things.

Such as my habit of holding a phone whenever I'm anxious, to the point that I'll look for my phone even though it's on my hand, using its flashlight.

Believe it or not, I'm literally addicted to technology.

To think I can go on for days without it in this world. I'm proud.

I heaved a sigh, "I miss my phone." I muttered hugging my knees.

[Say,] The mage began to speak once again disturbing my train of thoughts [When will your fiancée rescue you? Geez. It's getting way too late.]

He complained. Seriously, I should be the on complaining not him! He could literally get me out of here, but since he's an asshole, he decided not to, and is using me for his own entertainment.

I groaned in annoyance when I heard him yawn and chuckled faintly after.

"Why are you even here? If it's late, then go home."

[I'm not feeling it.]

"Ugh. You're too damn stubborn, just leave already. Dang it!" I spat.

[You should beat them if you want to leave in this shack, rather than taking out your frustrations at me.]

I groaned as a response and just stayed silent since there no use to start a nonsense argument with him.

I then stood up as I dust myself.

Suddenly, the door burst open, almost smacking the hell out of me, for I was standing right in front of it.

Fortunately, only my arm got smack, though it still hurts.



My ears perks from the voice I just heard, I hurriedly looked at the person who opened the door, and my eyes widen by the sight.

Jazz, Ophelia, Ian and... Aldrich? What is he doing here? Wait, he was the other person with them—Nevermind. More importantly, why are there splatter of blood everywhere?! Including them?!

I was petrified by the sight my companions just showed me that I couldn't even utter a word nor scold them.

[Woah...they killed them.]

I whish my head to the back, groaning in frustration. Is he seriously laughing in this situation?! Crazy mage.

Suddenly, Ophelia came to me as she hugged me tightly, wailing. She was saying something, but they were muffled which I couldn't decrypt, although one line of her was saying "I'm glad you're alright, your Highness!"

I patted her back in return, calming her down from crying, as for the others, they only looked at me with a relief.

While still hugging Ophelia, I started questioning about the blood stains on them. There are even a few on Ophelia.

"We killed the—"

Ian was about to speak, but Jazz butted in.

"We beat them, however they're just unconscious. They're still breathing, so don't worry."

Jazz then gave Ian a glare, which he only shrug off and whistles as he went out first.

Beat them? With that much blood on you, you're just saying you beat them? Oh Gosh, just how much strength did they even use for blood to splatter?

"Did you guys bring any guards?"

"We did...ah er, how about we discuss these things on the way back, alright?" Jazz suggested. Well, he's right, heaven knows when will those douchebags regain consciousness.

Ophelia also separated herself, wiping the tears which made her eyes became puffy. Before leaving the room, I glance towards the chair, however the bird was nowhere to be seen. It must've flee.

While on the way back, I saw imperial guards picking up the unconscious kidnappers.

It really was night already. The Moon was already at the sky together with the glittering stars. Illuminating the dim surrounding.

There was a carriage next to a tree, along with Ian who was leaning on the door, he was in the middle of wiping the splattered blood tainted onto his face. In that moment, our gazes met.

I thought it'll be the typical scenarios, with a build up of romantic atmosphere, where you'll feel butterflies in your stomach. The moment where the characters would fall in love, however, that was not the case.

Ian scrunch his nose, glaring at me, rolling his eyes and eventually went back to wiping the blood.


Did he just glare at me? Seriously? What did I even do wrong? Well, sorry that you have to beat those douchebags for my sake. He could've just went home!

[Want me to kill him?]


My liver almost drop! The bird which the mage was using suddenly landed onto my shoulder, together with the mage's voice.

'Wha— are you crazy?!' I aggressively whispered. Kill him?! He must be out of his mind! I know that killing or heavy punishment such as beheading douchebags are normal in this world and era, but just for a person who glare at me?!

Hearing him chuckle loudly just made me more frustrated.

I eventually decided to ignore him as when we got into the carriage and clip-clop our way home with the imperial wagon in front of us.


Both of the wagon and carriage steps into the gate after one guard opens it, slightly bowing when the carriage went in. From then on the wagon went into the different path, down to the imperial prison, whereas the Carriage carrying Lucy and the other took the path towards Lucy's palace.

In front of her palace gate, there waiting his brother in panic. Walking back and forth, until he noticed the carriage.

The five of them then step out after the carriage stops. Erik immediately run towards Lucy as he tightly hugged her, almost choking her at some point.

On the other hand, Lucy wanders her eye to see if the emperor was present, but sadly he wasn't. As expected.

"Mother and Father was so worried about you!" Erik cried.

Lucy smiled faintly, "Really? They should've been here to welcome me home then. But they weren't."

Erik, including the others stayed silent by her remark.

Lucy did not wait till Erik began to open his mouth, instead she immediately March inside of the palace and went straight to her chambers, followed by Ophelia who bowed at the young gentlemen' who was left outside.

Once the silhouette of the two vanished, Erik turns to jazz with a glare.

"What happened?"

Jazz sighed before answering, "She was abducted, by the same group who robbed the Young master Aldrich."

All their gazes turn to Aldrich who was fixing his clothes, but then stiffen as he felt their gaze towards him.

"Ah, right. They seem to leave one piece of a red rose flower, if not, they leave a certain rose scent after they disappear. And it seems that there are always one or two mage' along with the perpetrators." Aldrich explained.

"There's not much led then. However..." Erik gestured the guys for them to follow him into the greenhouse. "Red roses do not typically grow into this side of the empire, neither on the town."

As soon as they enter the greenhouse, they were greeted by blue and pink roses, as well as orchards of flowers, trees and exotic plants.

"If I had to pick a certain, most common place for red roses to bloom, it would be on the east coast of the empire." Erik estimated, fiddling with a blue rose below, as his gaze fixated towards jazz.

"Indeed, I'm aware. However, if you wanted to ask me for lead, the only one I can think of who are crazy about these type of rose is...." Jazz glance towards the ground then from Ian, Aldrich to Erik, "... The young lady of the house of Sanchez, the sole daughter and successor of the count of the east, Evelyn fredricka Sanchez."

"Evelyn? No, why would she?" Erik suddenly remarked.

The three men then looked at him baffled.

"I mean, she's the epitome of an adequate young lady. More so, why would she do such preposterous move?"

"I do agree with you too, your Highness. If we're talking about wild red roses in the east, unfortunately they all had been weeded out. Only the house of the count has red roses." Replied jazz.

Erik took a thought about it, however, he just couldn't suspect the lady for such behavior. There was not a single bad rumor about her, as he stated, lady Evelyn was an adequate young lady.

He then groaned as he scratched the back of his head, "Fine, get ready to go the east tomorrow, don't let my sister know about this, then goodbye." He said dismissing them.

Little do they know, a certain bird has been listening to their conversation.