Bamboo forest

While Lar and his group were collecting and hunting on the other side at the outer area the group of girls were collecting wild vines.

As they were collecting vines they saw a bunch of purple round clusters of fruits These fruits were not unfamiliar to them. They have seen some people eat this before, although they have not been lucky enough to eat it before they knew it was edible.

So without thinking of anything else they plucked the fruits one by one and wrapped them in a cloth made of fur and within 15 minutes they had two bundles full of fruits in their hands.

They had gathered a lot of wild vines just before noon and with that they collected the wild fruits and when they did, the sun was at its peak so they decided to going back from there so they separated the wild vines they had collected into four bundles and began to carry them back together.

They soon arrived in their cave and when they got there they saw Lar, Thar and Stone with two large bundles and a small bundle on their shoulders and also three rabbits and four ducks coming from a far.

When Lar and rest of his group reached the cave were the other were the people in the second group heard the voices of the ducklings and their faces filled with confusion and curiosity.

"what that big sack is full of and there's a sound coming from inside"asked may.

"Come I'll show all of you" Lar said to the rest who followed without hesitation.

Soon he entered the cave with the bag and opened the bag directly into the small room at the far end of the cave and let the ducklings out.

The boys in the cave had different facial expressions as they watched it. The boys looked at each other with suspicion as to what Lar wanted to do. The girls ran into this small room of the cave and watched with a smile as the small cute figured run to a corner of the room and mia and children of similar age had a look of curiosity as they watched a new thing they have never seen.

"What are we going to do with these" Thar asked a question which was lingering in the mind of all the children.

"Oh! That simple we are going to grow them" He said with a smile.

How was question on everyone's face as poultry was a foreign concept to these primitive tribal people and Lar could see this from there face and so he explained to the group.

"We still have a lot of work to do to grow these and we need to get it done today and tomorrow" he said to the group of confused children.

After that he instructed the others to rest and he went out of the cave alone leaving the rest behind

he walked slowly and soon reached the shamans cave and then he slowly went inside to see the old man on the far end of the cave drawing something and seeing Lar coming the shaman put down the rock boul with plant pigment and looked towards Lar.

"what are you here for Lar" the shaman asked Lar

Lar didn't reply immediately but went to the stone boul with pigments slowly dipped into it and started to draw a picture of a plant and this plant was none other than bamboo in his previous world it was an all item as he could make a lot of essential items like bed, rope, bucket and etc.

"Shaman do you know where I can find this kind of plant " he asked the shaman the shaman looked at the picture which was clear and a different style compared to his drawing and started to ponder about it.

After thinking for a while, shaman looked at Lar and told him that when he went a little farther into the woods on the east side, he could see trees like this and Lar who got the information he needed had a smile filled with happiness he incured more about the area and also the surrounding wild beast to make sure that it was a safe area for him and his group to venture out into.

"Be safe even though it's not a dangerous place it still the forest " the shaman said with a genuine concern in his voice.

"I will old man" he said accidentally by reflex and it was later he noticed it seeing the shaman didn't mind it he also felt at ease and said sorry before going out.

When he got the information he wanted he started to go back to the cave from there without wasting any time as he slowly descended that small hill and reached his cave it was already past noon.

He wasted no time in calling all the awakened children in the cave and started going to his destination as he had the information given by the shaman so they were able to reach their destination without wasting much time.

When they started walking through the forest, they saw a lot of animal life, but they did not see anything dangerous to them. After a while, they reached a bamboo forest It was the most beautiful bamboo forest he had ever seen.

He soon began to notice the difference between these bamboo's and his old world bamboo's , which were slightly larger and shiny as if they had been polished and were spread over long distances and the bamboo seems to give the surrounding a special atmosphere.

He walked for a while through those bamboo groves and soon he noticed that some of the bamboo branches between these bamboos had an appearance that like it was made of green jade.