He instructed his friends to cut down the bamboo around Them and make a way to go back and then went closer to the bamboo shoot which looked like it was made of green jade.
As soon as he reached the edge of it he began to smell a particular smell and he did not know what it smelled but when he smelled it he had a special feeling he felt refreshed.
Because of his curiosity he touched and tasted some of the juice coming out of it and as soon as it went into his mouth he was amazed as it tasted like honey but not viscous and the fatigue of all the work he had done since this morning left him.
He called all his friends without wasting any time and gave them all a portion of it and when they drank this juice he could see the wonder and joy on their faces and they asked him for a seconds after drinking their share but he nodded his head as there was only a little juice following out.
The auto children after drinking their share went back to cut down the bamboos but Lar continued to search for more of the bamboos and it was a success as he found ten more of them and four among them were bigger and gave more juice out.
Then he cut a bamboo shoots out of it and cleaned the inside of it with a knife and put it in such a way that the juice that came out would fall into it after that he joined his friends in cutting down the bamboos he found that the bamboos were resilient than his previous world and took more time but it wasn't that hard as they had time and people and with the crock teeth knife it was easier.
They cut the bamboo together and started stacking it together and they had collected as many bamboo shoots as they needed before evening and used wild vines to tie them up and started dragging it back.
They were walking back through the bamboo forest, but before they could get out of the bamboo forest, they found the presence of a wild animal.
Lar immediately felt danger amd used his senses and soon he found the source to the left side he told the rest to quit down and after that slowly and stealthily moves towards the area and soon saw a large boars which were not much like a boar except it's nose.
That wild boar was the size of an hippopotamus and it had two horns on its face and one horn on it's forehead and its black body had a armour like covering that looked like steel each time it let out a breath it let out smoke like substance and it was not alone as there were many and they were going to the otherside.
He went back to his group and instructed them to go back with the bamboos they collected the other wanted to stop him as it was dangerous but atlast they decided to follow there leaders instruction after that Lar went back to the area where he found the wild boar herds.
Then he began to observe them slowly, remembering the path they traveled and the food they ate along the way and their behavior.
These wild boars were not much different from the pigs of his old world. He observed the wild boar's path as they traveled and Soon after, he found a small pond where the wild boar was bathing in the water and had water he could also see tracks that showed that this was an area were boars came frequently.
Then he thought about how to kill the wild boar, so he took a knife in his hand and threw it at the boar with all his might the knife went with swiik sound splitting the air but the knife did not pierce the boar as he expected but made sparks as it was deflected away.
He did not even inflict a baby wound on the boar and he the boar which was attacked was at alert and slowly raised it's head and looked around but saw no one it was then that Lar saw that steel armour surrounding it's body did not extend into the under area including the neck and he found the weak area but he didn't attack again as he saw that all the male boars in the herd was in alert.
After that he walked through the bamboo forest and reached his cave and by the time he got there it was already late evening.
He saw in front of the cave a lot of bamboo shoots and wild vines stacked up one above the other and as he entered the cave the rest were resting due to exhaustion.
By the side were some fruits which were purple in clour with perfect round shape and looked like grapes but the size and color of the grapes were slightly different but without thinking about it he slowly sat down to eat the fruits it was sweet with a single large seed at the center and the inside were orange yellow in colour.
When he finished two of the fruits he saw a small cute head by his side looking at him with the watery eyes and it was his sister due to her continues stare he gave her three fruit which brought a large smile across her face but suddenly he saw a lot of eyes staring at him intensely at last defeated he gave all the fruits to the small children who ate it with a smile.
He then went to the store room inside the cave and took out some meat and some eggs and went out of the cave and made a fire and then put a flat stone above the fire and started to heat it.
Then he began to roast the meat in which he added some wild plants and break the eggs which was also mixed with wild herbs and started prepare it on the stone.
The smell of the food prepared by Lar had brought all the children out of the cave when they reach the Lar, Lar had already prepared all the food for his cave, so he set aside some of it for himself and his sister and then gave the rest to the others in his cave.