Visiting Loreen

She had to change her name from Becca to Camilla since everyone thought she was crazy.

Camilla had lost all faith in ever getting an acting career again.

The only solution out of this rat hole was for her to work hard and raise her transport fair so she can reveal Quan's evil intention.

As she vacuumed the mansion later the next day.

The boss's kid watched television.

An award show was being showcased.

Becca turned off the vacuum and paid close attention to the event.

"Loreen?" she saw her best friends on the stage as she was nominated for the award.

"First of all, I would like to say. That I am doing this for my late best friend, my sister. She was there for me when I needed her. She made me happy." Tears rolled down Loreen's eyes as she received the award, "And today I've made it to where I am because of her, her memories that still live in my heart. In everyone's hearts. And I know that she is in a happy place right now. And if she can hear us, I miss you, Becca. I will always miss you, Becca."

Tears filled up in the audience's eyes as they watched this emotional moment.

" Loreen.... " tears rolled down Becca's cheeks when she saw her best friend cry for her.

She immediately ran to a bathroom and sobbed in front of a mirror.

" I am not dead Loreen. I am not..... dead." she leaned on the tiled walls and slid to the floor crying.

" I have to tell everyone the truth..." she hugged her knees and placed her head on them.

The heavy lump in her throat grew the more she cried.

Quan was really a despicable man.

" I am coming, Lorene... I am coming." she wiped her tears with determination growing inside her.

She had to get to Loreen as soon as possible.

Maybe she would believe her.

At this moment, someone knocked on the bathroom door; "Becca are you okay?" Mama Di's voice could be heard from outside.

Becca immediately stood up and cleaned the last bits of tears lingering under her eyes and replied, "Yes I'm, fine. My stomach has been acting up. But it's all better now."

She tried to conceal any hints of crying in her voice.

"Okay then. Hurry up okay."


Becca turned on the tap and flashed some water on her face before leaving the bathroom.

She continued with her chores and later in the afternoon.

Mama Di gathered all the household staff and handed them their month's salary.

Becca's eyes lit up as she saw the white envelope in her hands.

The envelope she held was her only hope of getting justice.

Later that day, she asked for a leave from their master.

And they granted it to her.

Excitement and determination filled her entire being that night.

"Mama Di. I'll be going on leave tomorrow."

"mm. Why?"

"I've said it before. I want to set things right. I know you don't believe but hopefully, everyone will get to know the truth."

"Oh, dear." Mama Di walked to Camilla and hugged her.

She then pulled away and looked Camilla in the eyes.

"Why don't you just let it be dear?" she tried putting some sense into her.

"No. I have to do this." Camilla insisted.

"Is this what you really want?"


Mama Di could only give up on Camilla's stubbornness.

"Who am I to refuse you? Please take care of yourself dear." tears wailed up on Mama Di's eyes.

" Don't cry. I'll set everything fine. When the truth comes out. I'll bring you to live in my mansion. "Camilla comforted as she wiped the tears in Mama Di's eyes although she too was crying.

Mama Di simply smiled before saying," Take this with you."

She picked up her envelope with her salary and removed a portion of the money inside and gave it to Camilla.

"No, I can't take this. That's your money." Camilla rejected it politely.

"No, I insist. This will help sustain you while you there. Please don't refuse it." she placed the money into Camilla's hands.


"No buts.....if you don't take this then I won't let you leave."

Camilla gave in at the old woman's persuasion.

Early the next morning, Camilla bid Mama Do and all the other maids a farewell before leaving for the train station.

She went down to the underground train station and bought a ticket.

They patiently waited for her train to arrive.

Five minutes later, she boarded her train, and off she went.

Ecstasy filled her heart as she looked out the train window.

Lights passed by her eyes at a high speed.

She couldn't believe she was now on her way to the city.

Six hours later, she arrived at her long-awaited destination.

She walked on the familiar bust streets looking for a cab.

Previously, she drove on the streets, now she walked on foot.

She had learned the hard way that nothing lasts forever.

She stood at the side of the road waiting for a cab to show up.

When she saw one, she raised up her thumb for the cab to pull over.

"Miss... Where would you like to go?"

"Can you take me to Loreen's house?"

"Loreen the actress?"

"Yes, that one."

"Okay get in."

She immediately hopped into the back seat and off she went to her best friend's house.

"So miss.... You related to Miss Loreen in any way?" the cab driver asked as he turned the steering wheel.

"Yes....I'm a friend." Camilla said with a smile filled with disdain.

A year back, everyone knew her.

Now, not even a single person recognized her.

"Uh.... Nice.... You know she is a really nice person."

"Yes, I know." Becca smile when she remembered the memories she shares together with her.

Ten minutes later, the cab pulled over by a vast mansion.

Camilla stepped out of the cab and paid the fare before it drove off.

She looked at the house as if it was her only hope of survival.

She couldn't help but feel proud of her best friend.

The gates were opened and many luxurious cars were packed inside.

"It seems like Loreen is hosting a party." Camilla smiled widely.

She then proceeded to the gates but the guards blocked her way.

"Excuse you, miss. Who do you think you are?" the guard asked her looking down at her attire.

"Sir... I am Loreen's friend."

When Camilla said that, the guards burst into a peal of loud laughter.

"Miss... Please get out of here. I have never seen any of Loreen's friends dress like you." the guard mocked, "If you think your tricks will work on me, then guess again. You think you are the first to come here and claim to be Loreen's friend?"

"It's the truth. I am her friend." Camilla puffed in anger.

"What a waste! Please leave this place before I throw you out myself."

"Okay, you don't believe me? Fine. You can call her and ask her yourself."

"Miss I don't have time for this. Please go."

"No! You scared that I am telling the truth."

"Miss please...."

Before the guard could finish his sentence, Camilla interrupted, "Call her up and prove me wrong." she dared.

Being helpless, the guard walked to his chambers near the gate and dialed Loreen's number.

"Hello... Miss Loreen. There's someone at the gate who claims to be your friend. But she has never been here before and neither have I seen her anywhere."


Camilla could only hear the guard's side of the conversation while he spoke to Loreen.

The guard walked back and said, "Miss. Loreen will be here shortly."

After a minute, Loreen showed up wearing a glamorous blue dress with a long slot on her left leg.

Diamonds were embedded into the chest area.

Her silky black hair fell over her revealed shoulder.

Her rosy pink lips were just as seductive as Camilla's.

Her long eyelashes covered made her big eyes look like precious pearls.

Her cheeks had a small hint of red which made her look like the most innocent creature in the world.

"Loreen!" Camila smiled.

"Yes..... And you are?" Loreen looked at Camilla while raising her right brow in confusion.

"It's me..." Camilla's eyes teared up with joy.

"Am sorry, do I know you?"