Breaking in!

"Am sorry do I know you?"

At this point, the guard who stood nearby sent Camilla a mocking smile.

"Loreen it's me.... It's me Becca!" Camilla pointed to her herself with tears in her eyes.

The guard gaped at Camilla like he was looking at a mad person. He then scoffed while shaking his head at the stupid woman.

Loreen simply sent the guard a cold stare after seeing the way he was acting; "Can you please return to your post?" she said before focusing on Camilla again.

"Sorry miss what are you talking about?" Loreen looked at Camilla in a confused way.

"It's me, your best friend Loreen. I know it's hard to believe but Quan did this to me as revenge."

"I'm not following. Becca is dead. My best friend is dead. You look nothing like her."

"Quan did plastic surgery on me. Please believe me." Camilla cried.

Loreen nodded as she bit her lower lip in realization; "I get it now. You are just a crazy fan trying to be a star from Becca's hard work. Please get out of here now. I don't talk to imposters."

"No, listen it's me...."

"Guards, take her out of here." Loreen didn't bother to let the imposter finish her sentence.

"No... No... Loreen, it's me!" Camilla cried as she tried to resist the strong arms pulling her away.

The gate was immediately locked after she was thrown out.

She banged on the gate continuously as she tried to get attention from Loreen who was headed back inside.

" Loreen, Loreen. Wait." she cried.

But the famous actress paid no heed.

Camilla lost all energy in her knees as she fell to the ground and cried.

"Why.... Why can't my best friend recognize me?"

"Why Quan? Why did you do this to me, you bastard?"

" can't end like this!" she tagged on her hair like a crazy person.

The guards who were on the other side of the gate watched the drama before them merrily.


"I have to say, for a crazy fun like her, she's way too good at acting."

Camilla sat there crying for over five minutes.

"No... I've come this far. I can't let it end here! I have to convince Loreen no matter what." determination filled Camilla as she wiped away her tears and stood up.

"Since I can't enter through the main gate, I'll have to find another way in." she thought to herself as she looked at the guards on the other side of the gate.

She picked up her worn-out handbag and immediately left the premises.

"aww... She left. I was enjoying the drama!"

"Well, it's about time she gave up! How dare she impersonate miss Lorene's best friend!"

The guards chatted with themselves.

After disappearing from the guard's watchful eyes, Camilla circled the vast fence taking note of possible ways of getting in.

And it was giving her a headache.

The white fence was reinforced with electric wires at the top.

And judging by the voltage sound they have off, climbing over the dense wasn't an option.

She had to look for another way in.

There was a back gate but it was shut tight.

"Maybe if I cut the electric WI...." she tugged at her hair in frustration, "Aggghhh..... This is too hard. I don't even have any pliers on me now."

She paced back and forth as she tried to look for a possible solution.

All this time, she maintained a safe distance from the camera's view as she marked the location of every security camera.

If she walked any closer, they would surely notice her engaging in suspicious activity.

And that would ruin all her hard work so far.

As she walked to the other side of the fence, she discovered a mango tree by the fence.

Her eyes lit up as a ray of hope ignited in her.

And moreover, that was her safest way into the compound.

There was only one camera stationed here and it was facing the opposite direction.

She immediately ran to the mango tree and climbed it as fast as she could.

She sat at a branch higher than the fence where she could easily jump in without having to face the electric wires.

She didn't hesitate though.

She sat there in the dark as she carefully surveyed the surrounding.

She made estimations of when and where the guards would patrol at intervals.

And the safest hiding spots from the cameras.

After thirty minutes of watching, she jumped over the fence and into the dumpster by the fence.

The ruffling noise attracted the attention of one of the female security guards.

She flashed her torch in the direction the sound came from but saw nothing.

Her companion who she patrolled with looked behind and noticed that she was flashing her torch at the shaking branch and advancing towards the dumpster; "Valarie, what are you doing? Come on let's go."

"But I heard something here."

"It's nothing. Do you see anything here?"

"But am sure I heard something."

"Come down...look... See it's just a cat." he pointed at the black cat that stared down at them from up the branch with its reflective green eyes.

Having said that, the both of them continued with their patrol around the house.

Camilla, who held her breath the entire time inside the dumpster, breathed a sigh of relief as she poked out her head slowly.

She immediately jumped out of the dumpster and ran straight for a small bush next to the house and squatted beside it.

Looking up above her, she noticed that the camera hinged in her direction.

She sucked in a cold breath and immediately ran to another blind spot.

"I heard something... Over there." she saw a guard's shadow approach from around the corner.

She couldn't turn back for the camera would spot her and neither could she stay where she was for they would catch her.

She breathes heavily as she thought of a plan to get out of the mess she was in.

But then, she noticed she was leaning beside a brown door.

She immediately tried to open it silently praying that it was unlocked.

And luckily for her, she heard the knob turned fully and she was able to enter.

She immediately shut the door slowly behind her and leaned her ear on it.

"What is it?"

"Hmm. There's nothing here. Let's go."

The guards bypassed the door and advanced forward.

She breathed a sigh of relief as she slowly leaned her back on the door.

After a moment, she realized she was in a dark room.

She searched for the light switch blindly along the wall.

And with a flick of her finger, the room was illuminated by the bulb above.

Seeing what was inside the room, she smiled happily; "Perfect looks like luck is on my side this time around."