Revealing Quan's truth

"Hey! What are you doing here? Get in the kitchen and start serving the guests!" a maid, who caught Camilla roaming around in the halls commanded.

Camilla obediently nodded in the black and white maid uniform she stole from the staff closet.

After a minute or so, she arrived in the kitchen and was handed a tray of drinks.

" Put this on every table that has no drinks."

"Okay." she nodded before leaving.

All this time, she tried her best to avoid both Loreen and Quan as they had seen her face and were familiar with her.

If she were caught, then she would have to create a scene in front of everyone.

Loreen chatted merrily with her guests when she noticed a maid walk past her; "Hey, give me a drink please."

Camilla halted in her steps as her heart raced fast.

"Hey, did you hear me?" Lorene asked again when she saw the maid do nothing but just stand there with her back facing her.

"Uh... Yes, miss. Most certainly." she turned around and immediately looked to the ground as she walked to Lorene.

She then stretched out the tray that had one glass of red wine and Lorene picked up the glass and took a sip.

"You can go now."

She immediately turned around and breathed a sigh of relief before proceeding.

But just as she was about to take a step, Lorene said, "Wait!"

Camilla halted.

"Have I seen you before?"

"Uh... Of cause you have but I don't think you pay any attention to me. Am just a lowly maid in your mansion." Camilla started as she faced her back at Lorene.

"Can you turn around so I can see you?"

Camilla's heart races once again as she turned around with her face lowered.

"Raise up your head. I want to see your face."

Camilla hesitated as she slowly raised up her head with her hands strengthening the grip on the tray.

Lorene who eagerly waited to see the maid's face, heard someone call her.


She promptly turned her head to see who it was and her face lit up immediately as she walked to talk to the man.

Camilla breathed a sigh of relief as she saw Lorene head to talk to Caleb.

She immediately turned around and left in a random direction.

Anywhere that could get her away from this.

As she hurriedly walked, she bumped into a hard chest and accidentally dropped her tray.

"Am sorry," she said as she tucked her hair behind her ear and bent down to pick up the tray.

When she stood up again the world seemed to come to a standstill when she looked at the man in the eyes.

The classical music that played in the background slowed to her ears.

He had long black silky hair that he tied into a ponytail.

Which revealed all his beautiful facial features.

His skin hugged his cheekbones tightly revealing a well-defined jaw.

His eyes were the deepest shade of black and void of any emotion.

His red-pink lips shimmered in the well-lit room.

And his skin was the smoothest she had ever seen.

His suit hugged his well-chiseled chest and big biceps.

When she looked at him, she couldn't help but think of the devil's alluring beauty portrayed in fantasy books.

"Move out of my way!" he growled in a low tone as he gently pushed Camilla out of his way.

Camilla looked at the beautiful man's back as he left; "Yish! What a rude man!"

She then proceeded to the kitchen.

After an hour of serving guests, Camilla wandered around the mansion.

The occasion ended later that night at midnight.

And Loreen bid her guests a farewell.

"Kyle won't you stay a little longer?" she said in a saddened tone, "We'll have a little celebration with the boys."

The beautiful man named Kyle stared at the drunk actress with a playful smile that didn't reach his eyes.

He walked closer to her and braced her cheeks; "You know I am a very busy man. I'll have to attend to some matters."

"Aww... Alright. Good night cutie boo. Make sure to visit tomorrow, okay?"

"Alright... I'll see," Kyle said before leaving through the giant doors.

"Wooo!" Lorene laughed merrily as she staggered around.

"I love my life."

She climbed up the staircase and headed to the upstairs lounge where Quan and Caleb chatted as they had their day of a lifetime.

"Loreen!" they both said in unison as they raised their wine glasses at Lorene.

"I'll be.... I'll.... B.... Right back." Lorene staggered around as she was drunk and proceeded to the bathroom.

Caleb and Quan laughed at this sight.

"She seems to have had a lot this time around," Caleb said.

"Woo.... That's it, girl. Work that pole hard!" Quan said to the strippers who were entertaining them.

The upstairs lounge now looked like a strip club with pink and red flashing lights.

And the intriguing music gave the room a rather seducing feeling.

Camilla, who loitered in the hall, noticed Lorene enter a room.

"Now is the best time. She's alone now!" she said as she quickly ran to the door Lorene entered.

The moment she entered the lounge, her excited expression sunk deeply.

"YOU!" she growled when she saw Quan.

Tears watered up in her eyes as the world around her stopped.

She angrily walked to Quan and started beating and slapping his chest as she held his collar tightly. "You...."

"You ruined my life."

"It's all monster. Your despicable."

She screamed to the bottom of her lungs as she broke down.

Caleb was a little confused by the sudden appearance of the maid.

He hurriedly stood up and tried to pill Camilla off Quan; "Lady. What do you think you're doing?" he said as he stood between Quan and her.

Camilla wiped her tears with the back of her hand as she stared at the carefree Quan angrily.

"Caleb....You don't know what kind of mam Quan is."

She tried to jump at Quan again but she was blocked by Caleb.

"What are you talking about?"

Just as Camilla opened her mouth to speak, a familiar voice filled the room.

"What is going on here?" Loreen who was in the bathroom throwing up had heard the commotion in the other room.

After she felt better, she went to check it out.

Only to find the poor lady she met at the gate shouting at the top of her lungs.

"Loreen!" Camilla's eyes teared up in joy.

She quickly ran up to her and gave her a hug.

Lorene pulled away and looked at the crying maid.

"You? How did you get in here?"

"It's a long story, Lorene. It feels so good to hug you again." she tried to hug Loreen again but the actress pulled away before she could lay a hand on her.

"Please leave my house. Whoever you are."

"No Lorene listen. I am not dead. Him, Quan did this to me."

"Please....just leave. You think it's cool to just come into my house and start blaming who ever you see."

"Listen. I am Becca. How should I prove this to you..."Camilla wiped the tears in her eyes as she thought desperately," I know. Ask me anything about you that inky Becca could know. "

"Just leave!"

"Please... Just this one chance alright."

"mm... Fine."

The moment Loreen said those words, Camilla's face lit up.

"Where did Becca and I meet?"

"In the university's halls when you were being picked on."

"That's simple everyone knows that story....alright, my first pet's name?"

"Sqooshi. A German Shepherd." Camilla answered question after question almost immediately.

"Alright, I believe you." Loreen turned to Quan who sat on the chair.

A hint of fear appeared in his eyes as both Caleb and Loreen looked at him angrily.

"Is this true Quan? Did you do this to Becca?" Loreen puffed as she walked to Quan and clenched his collar.

"Please... You don't even have to ask. He isn't denying it. See." Becca said with a satisfied smile as she looked at the scared Quan who shook his head in denial.

"Lorene, I'll handle it." Caleb pulled Loreen back and stared at Quan angrily.

"No. No...don't believe her. She's just a crazy fan." Quan denied.

Caleb grabbed Quan by the collar made him stand up.

He stared at him coldly as he raised his fist at him.

"See Quan....I told you I would make you pay. This suits you right." Camilla mocked as happiness surged through her heart.