Job interview (NOT EDITED)

"Am off to work now. I missed my nightshift. Now I have to work a day shift. Feel free to have the clothes in my wardrobe in case you want to go out! Don't loiter around dangerous places again." Alicia put on her shoes as she lectured the innocent Camilla.

She wore her signature receptionist suit again. But instead of black trousers, she wore a black skirt that ended right above her knee.

She hurriedly walked to the door and unlocked the five locks running across its edges.

But just as she was about to step, she turned to look at Camilla again; "Don't burn my house. And don't let anyone in. No one! Whenever you come back here, make sure your not followed. And when you get in, lock the door with all the locks. When you enter my room... Leave everything the way it is. Don't mess around. Your only allowed to use the bathroom and check my closet. Besides that, don't poke your nose in any of my stuff. "

Camilla simply smiled at the paranoid receptionist saying," Don't worry... I'll do exactly as you said. You can go now. Rest assured. "

Alicia had been lecturing her the entire time she was getting dressed.

And this was the third time telling her not to let anyone in.

With one last glance around the neat room, Alicia left apartment.

And just as she was instructed, Becca walled to the door and locked it.

She couldn't thank her enough for saving her and giving her a place to live. Waking up early in the morning to organize her messy sitting room was the list she could do.

Although her stay here was free, she swore to help with the house chores and pay back the money used to accommodate her.

All she needed now was a job.

She wouldn't make a mistake of asking Alicia to connect her to her boss.

Given the fact that the place she worked in was a rathole.

But never the less did she disrespect her job. She could earn much more if she had become one of those cheap prostitutes. But she chose to keep her dignity.

That place was the first place she had ever heard mourns from.

It was the most dangerous place she had ever been to in her entire life.

Well, besides the forest.

But she would never compare the two.

The forest was a place she loved ever since she was young.

She wasn't like the other kids who were afraid of slimy creatures and creeping bugs.

When she saw any of them, she would run closer to take a closer look.

Fascinated by the way the bugs' 6 or eight legs walked in harmony.

Taking a step after another.

Like a crowd of spectators doing a wave.

And the way the legless animals' slimy bellies swayed on the ground in an s pattern.

It was exactly for this reason that her parents always hesitated before taking her to the woods.

You never knew when the girl would go pick up a snake.

Whenever they took her for a hike, they always kept her close.

Never letting her wander five meters away from them.

It was only until middle school that she realized the dangers of some of these animals.

When her childhood best friend was bitten by a snake during their childhood.

But even so, she still liked the creatures.

Although she became cautious a little and would watch some of them from a distance, her parents still maintained their watchful eyes on her.

It was only until high-school that she was given a little freedom. Although it wasn't that much, she still enjoyed every last bit of it.

Her tears watered up when she thought of the times she spent with her parents.

She had continuously tried to call up her parents when she was with mama Di'. But no one answered.

Although the payphone would always say that the subscriber was unreachable, she never gave up on dialing the numbers.

And one day, some one picked up, telling her that they had passed away. That after her death, her father committed suicide. And her mother couldn't bear the pain of loosing her two loved ones. So she died of her heart attack.

The day that news was broken to her, she felt like her heart was being ripped out of her chest.

She didn't eat for over five days.

She wouldn't wake up from her bed in the maid's chambers.

And locked herself away from the world.

She turned sickly from the depression that she almost died. Spending the rest of the month in the hospital bed.

But luckily, Mama Di was by her side.

Although she didn't tell her about anything.

Mama Di respected that and didn't force her to spill the matter.

Instead, she was by her side and comforted her during that time.

Luckily, her master was a kind and sweet person. She paid for her hospital bills and let mama Di off duty to look after her.

From time to time, she would also visit her in the hospital.

She had even thought of ending her own life. But she was the type of person that couldn't hurt a fly. And bringing her self to do it was completely difficult.

She would never forget Mama Di in this life and even the next.

If not for her, she would have to go through another rehab.

In fact, when she thought of the matter, she couldn't help but thank all those that have stood by her side until now.

First it was mama Di, her master, Kyle's friends, the food stall lady, and now Alicia.

It was like they knew when she would need something.

Although Kyle's friends didn't do much. They only left their coats behind. And it was those coats that helped shield her from the night cold. So she would still take that as indirect help.

Though they never met personally.

"Hmm.."she let out a deep breath and wiped the tears on her eyes.

" I need to get a job first. I can't let Alicia provide everything for me. " she headed to Alicia's room and wore one of her signature suits before leaving the apartment.

That attire wasn't the one she had in mind but she had no choice.

Besides the suits, the rest of Alicia's clothes were short and revealing.

Anyways, it wouldn't hurt going for a job interview in a suit.

On their way to the apartment the day before, she had noticed a job advert on a wall.

She took note of the location accordingly.

And that was where she was heading to.

As she walked the streets, people threw glances her way from time to time.

It was because she wore an elegant suit yet she had old worn out flat shoes on her feet.

But she simply ignored them as she was already used to it.

After 10 minutes of walking, she arrived at her destination.

She looked at the huge building in front of her.

Running her eyes along its height. It had a total of ten floors.

The words "Serenity Mall" were hang over its entrance.


"So... Uhh Miss. ...? " the interviewer leaned her elbows on her desk.


"Uh yes... Camilla. How good are your social and communication skills?"

Camilla crossed her right leg over her left as she responded confidently, "I think my communication skills are top notch mam.... Though I don't have a cv.... I hope you can give me this job. I promise not to let you down. I did a lot of acting some time back and I am sure I can handle the customers here."

"Hmm... Interesting. I can't say for now. But since your the first that has applied for the position since the advertisement. Why not give you a chance? You can have the job temporarily for today." the elegant lady stood up from her office chair and walked around her desk," And if your performance is good. You can keep it. Okay. "

Camilla's eyes widened with excitement.

Finally, a job that wasn't about cleaning and house chores.

She rose from her seat with a wide smile.

"Ah... Thank you mam.... I promise not to let you down." she shook the lady's hand excitedly.

The elegant interviewer with the fancy accent led Camilla out of the office and into the clothing store.

Where several designer's clothing and bags were displayed.

She could see a lot of fancy shining jewelry in the glass display chambers.

They stretched from a variety of gold necklaces to diamond rings.

All the items in the store were beaming with glory.

And not even one of these merchandise looked cheap.

A few workers in pink uniforms strolled through the rows of menicans and dresses.

Some wore dresses on the menicans and others cleaned the display cases.

A few wealthy and elegant customers moved around the place, admiring the dresses and bags.

As they looked for the right one to buy.

But they were all gorgeous. They had a hard time choosing.

Some left the store with over 5 shopping bags and had to rely on their body guards to carry them.