She was shown to a glass counter by the entrance to the store.
Various jewelry was displayed in its transparent chambers.
The elegant interviewer who she believed was the owner of the store, briefed her on what she was supposed to do for the day before leaving the matter in her hands.
Camilla brimmed with happiness and excitement.
Judging from the salary she would be receiving, it wouldn't be long before she could move out of Alicia's apartment.
Although it was still too early to decide, she was confident that the job was within her grasp.
"Hello, Sir... What would you like to purchase?"she greeted with a friendly smile when a gentleman walked into the store.
" Oh uh.... I am looking for a perfect ring for my fiancee. Any suggestions?" with Camilla's friendly smile, it was only natural for him to be friendly in return.
He looked through the glass chambers as he examined the multiple diamond rings in it.
But he couldn't pick one. All of them were simply too gorgeous.
" Oh.... Uh... "Camilla slid open a glass chamber and picked out the most glamorous wedding rings. She lay them in a line on top of the counter as she awaited for the man's choice.
" Which one of these do you prefer? That's an emerald diamond starch ring... Golden clod mercury diamond. Street golden ring. Blue Dwarven silver ring and pure gold crested ring." she introduced the rings one by one with her friendly tone, "Which one do you think she would prefer?"
The gentle man creased his brows as he scratches the back of his head. His gaze switched between the rings but they were all tempting.
He didn't want to buy a ring that his fiancee wouldn't like.
Letting out a sigh, he asked with embarrassment," I can't decide. Which one do you think she would like?"
He had all the reasons to be embarrassed. He didn't know what his own fiancee liked!
Camilla looked into the empty air in thought as she used her arms as support against the glass counter.
Her face lit up again as an idea popped up in her head.
" Hmm.... Tell me more about your fiancee.... What she likes...her dislikes... Her personality."
"Uh.... Okay.... Let me see.." The man rested his hand I'm his waste as the other stroke his chin. "She likes puppies.... Her hobby is hiking in the woods. Well, she is the type of person that can fight for herself. She has the gentlest and most dangerous gaze..." he narrated.
With a blush forming on his cheeks every now and then as he recalled the things he loved about her.
Camilla even got lost in his narration and could only wish she would find someone like that man.
She could really feel his love for her fiancee in his eyes.
And the way he spoke about her in a sweet tone made her jealous of his fiancee.
Not jealous because she liked the man, but jealous because wished she could get someone that could love her as much as this man loved his fiancee.
"Yeah... I think... That's it!" he concluded.
Camilla snapped out of her daze as the man's words played in her mind.
After a few seconds of debating with herself.
She stretched out her hand into the glass drawer and pulled out an open velvet blue box that had a ring in it.
" I think she will like this." she said.
The man's brows farrowed when he saw the ring.
It wasn't as glamorous and expensive as the other rings yet it was the choice Camilla had decided.
"Yes..." Camilla said with a bemused smile, "Judging from your description. Your girlfriend.... Sorry.. Your fiancee, is a really nice person. And she would prefers things that don't bring to much attention to her. I would suggest this ring. It suits her best."
Now that the man thought of it, what Camilla said was absolutely right.
His fiancee has always loved simple things. Never before has she asked for anything expensive. He had the money, yes. And he would prefer to spend it all on her.
But whenever he got her something expensive, she would always tell him that he wouldn't have.
As long as they were in a relationship, she had only wore the expensive drew he bought for her only once.
And the rest, sat quietly in her closet.
"Yeah... You might be right." he picked up the ring in the box and examined it.
"That's a Primal wood brown ring."
It was coated brown and it's circumference had a design of tiny wooden twigs folded together into a ring.
A tiny red ruby was planted on the top of it. And it looked like the ruby was holding the twigs together.
Although it looked realistically wooden, it was made of copper and gold.
Nothing in the store was of low standards.
It was also expensive but not as much as the others.
It was also a designers ring but it had lost its fame some time back.
And very few knew of it.
She was surprised to see it among the rings being sold here.
Though she wanted to go for something cheaper, that was the only ring that didn't stand out that much.
It was so simple yet elegant.
She bet that whoever his fiancée was, she would like it with no doubt.
"Alright I'll take it... How much is it?" the man hurriedly checked his pockets for his credit card.
"Let me.... See..." Camilla picked out her tongue as she checked under the ring's box for the price tag. "300 dollars."
"Fine... I'll take it." he swiped his credit card through the pay machine before bidding the friendly shop attendant a farewell.
He excitedly excitedly left the store.
Although he trusted Camilla, he still had his doubts about the ring.
Camilla beamed with happiness as she fought the urge to hope all the way back to the apartment.
The elegant employer was so impressed by her work that she gave her the job immediately after selling 4 goods successfully.
"I have to tell Alicia the good news!"
Knock! knock! knock!
"Who is it!" Alicia spoke from the other side of the door.
"Its me."
Hearing Camilla's voice, she immediately unlocked the door.
"Where had you been?" was the first thing Alicia asked when Camilla stepped in.
"I have good news?"
"what is it?"Alicia smiled along, her paranoia face gone.
She didn't know why but whenever Camilla smiled, she smiled too.
It felt like her smile was a trigger for a mirror effect.
Kinda like a yawn.
If you looked at someone yawn, you would also yawn. That was the mirror effect.
"I got a job!" Camilla said excitedly.
"For real.... See..... Your fate isn't as ugly as you thought. At least now things are coming up your way. Don't you think?"Alicia couldn't help but feel excited for the girl she met yesterday.
During breakfast that morning, Camilla had told her about her story. Though she excluded the part about being Becca the actress.
Camilla had gotten tired of seeing the disdained gazes thrown at her whenever she claimed to be Becca.
From now on, she was Camilla. Not Becca. If anyone were to ask about her, she wouldn't bother telling them about her old self.
Just her new self. The new Camilla.
The part of her reborn by fate.
"So which job did you get?"
"Just an attendant at the BBK store in the Serenity Mall."
"Wow!" Alicia exclaimed as she was very familiar with the store.
She would often pass by the place when she visited the mall.
Though she never had enough money to buy a single item from the shop.
She was fine with staring at the magnificent dresses.
And now that the girl she met yesterday got a job there, why wouldn't she be surprised.
"How did you know they were hiring?"
"I saw a notice yesterday. So I thought I should give it a try!"
"That's very good new indeed... Here, we'll drink to that!" Alicia walked across the neat room and picked out a bottle of beer.
"Sorry.... I don't drink."
She rejected politely.
Alicia simply facepalmrd her self at her foolishness again. Of cause Camilla didn't drink!
"What do you mean lil T. Got beaten up by a mere receptionist!" An angry voice mixed with the club music that filled the place.
The light moved around with different colors.
And the waitresses moved around the place half necked.
In a VIP coner, two people sat opposite each other on red sofasets.
One of them enjoyed thq company of the women touching his chest. But he looked completely furious.
His brows had farrowed downwards in anger at what he had just been told.
He had a good physic and but dangerous appearance.
He had three claw marks on his left cheeck.
And each time the light passed by his bald head, it would reflect a little making his head look shiny.
"Yes Saia... I saw him run out of that place with his tail in between his legs. He was completely disfigured."
"That fool....our Gang will be a laughing stalk if this news spreads out." the bald mafia lord clenched his fist so hard that blood dripped out of his palm.
"You know how that fool is. I told you that we should get rid of him as soon as possible. Now look the shame he has brought to us."
The bald mafia bit his bottom lip as he came to the realization.
"Call him up. Now and tell him to handle his problem before I come there and settle it my self." he growled.
"With pleasure!" the man seated with the mafia king pulled out his phone with a smirk on his lips and dialed the number.