In Your Arms


Sasha ran to Zev and threw herself into his chest, fighting tears of relief. When his hands pressed into the small of her back, pulling her close, she let go of a huge breath she'd been holding.

For a moment they just held each other, then she lifted her head to meet his eyes and found him staring down at her, his gorgeous blue eyes penetrating—and sparkling with delight.

"Is that a yes, then?" he murmured playfully.

"Yes! I mean, yes! Yes!" she repeated, turning to face the crowd still milling close and staring. "Zev is my mate. He's the one I want! I choose him!"

Zev chuckled, the warm rich sound vibrating under her palm on his chest, and she turned back. "Is that it? Can you stop fighting now?"

"Not quite," he said, the smile falling from his face. "But things are looking up, definitely."

"Always the optimist," Lhars muttered from the dirt at their feet.