
~ ZEV ~

Zev tugged her through the crowd, accepting the submission and the wary glances as they passed most of the wolf population.

He would prove himself to them again. He would. But just then he needed to Sasha out and away. He needed to smell her and touch her and hold her, remind himself that she was his, and prove himself to her. Because this was going to get harder before it got easier.

They broke through the last of the crowd and he rushed her, jogging, through the village towards the trail that would take them to his cave. It was work not to be impatient as she hurried after him, gripping his hand like a vice. But her breath was heaving and by Chimera standards, she set a snail's pace. If they didn't speed up, they weren't going to get any time in the cave to themselves, because Lhars would have located everyone and brought them there before they even reached it.