The Spring

~ LHARS ~ 

When Lhars turned from speaking with Skhal about gathering a dozen of the best trackers and hunters, it was to find Kyelle just farewelling her own second and started for the door. He excused himself quickly, nodding to Zev with a hurried agreement in their minds to return in a couple hours, and followed.

Outside, she was already beyond the building and into the clearing, heading towards her own home.

"Kyelle!" he called, "wait!"

She turned, surprised, but smiled when she saw him trotting up to fall in step with her. "What's going on, Lhars?" she asked easily.

She'd always been easy with him—even at the worst of his conflicts with Zev, Kyelle had always remained a friend. Though she had an uncomfortable habit of trying to get them both to see each other differently.

And he'd had to avoid her whenever her scent began to drench in her desire for his brother. It was just too painful.