Moving On

~ LHARS ~ 

Everything in Lhars' head said to step carefully. Not to push. To find every reason to discuss with Kyelle that had nothing to do with him… but he couldn't think clearly. His entire body vibrated with barely concealed panic.

"Lhars, what—?" she started swimming towards him and he did panic then. He couldn't let her touch him or she'd discover exactly how his body responded to her!

"I talked to Zev," he blurted, then his heart sank as her eyes lit for a moment before the flare in them faded.

Stupid, stupid, stupid male. When was he ever going to learn to believe that her face would never light that way for him?

"Oh?" she asked carefully. "About what?"

"We… reconciled, I suppose you could say," Lhars said. "I think… I think we've made peace. I think he'll let me help him now."

Kyelle beamed. "Lhars, that's wonderful! Why did you look so serious?"

He shrugged uncomfortably.