Motive Matters

~ ZEV ~

He was cracking up. Literally losing his mind. Nick stared at him, his eyes wary, while Sasha's hand tightened on his back.

"You think…" he spluttered, "that I'm… giving you my kid… when he's… seven?"

Nick glared. "I didn't mean giving him to me. I just meant that we can start training—shit!"

Faster than lightning, Zev picked Nick up and plowed him into the dirt, dropping with him, one hand on his neck and using it to pin him to the ground.

Nick made a strange, sputtering noise and clawed at Zev's hand. But Zev had him pinned and his hand clamped down on his throat.

"You think I don't remember my training, Nick?" he muttered through his teeth. "I do. I remember every moment of it. Every kind of weapon you made me to be. I know exactly how strong I am, and exactly how long it will take you to die."

Unable to speak, or even breathe, Nick flailed for a moment, his eyes wide and panicked. Zev nodded.