New Plan


Sasha's skin crawled at the images blooming in her mind of her baby, wrapped in some kind of silicon bag and… growing. Without her. Without his father. Without anything but people in white coats and clipboards.

She shuddered.

She'd always wanted to sing to her baby.

Tears pricked her eyes and she blinked them back. "How can you know that's when they'll… deliver him?" she asked.

"Because the process is very precise."

"And when he's out of this… process?"

"He'll be raised like any of the Chimera—fed, watered, bathed… but he won't have parents unless I take you to him."

"But they'll grow him, right? Grow him faster than usual?"

"They try not to do that because it causes a dissonance between the mind and body," Nick said, then blinked. "Wait, how did you know—?"

"My questions, your answers, Nick. How do we get our son out of there?"

"You'll need my help."