Ticking Clock

~ ZEV ~

Somehow it was still dark when they walked away from Nick, leaving him in the hands of Yhet and Ernie, who Zev had called for help keeping Nick in his shack. Zev was concerned he was more motivated than ever to work against them and didn't want him to have any chance—or motivation—to try and leave. Nick was allowed to see them both, taking positions on either side of the shack, along with guards circling it. 

"I don't care if he has to shit in his own bed, he doesn't leave there unless Sasha or I give the order personally."

They all nodded and planted their feet. Then Zev turned to Sasha, took her hand and led her towards the trail. Neither of them spoke. They didn't hurry, though Zev was brimming with excess energy, and Sasha gripped his hand so tightly she threatened to cut off blood flow.

Are we alone? She asked him through the bond.