Kirukiru Amou

The black-haired woman stared at me in surprise and I stared back at her. My hand was stretched outwards towards her to hold and I currently had an innocent expression etched on my face.

"Hello?" I snapped my fingers in front of her face due to her being in a daze with my other hand.

"Take my hand," I ordered her to which she subconsciously moved forward and gave her hand. I held her palm tightly and pulled her near me.

It was soft. Probably the smoothest skin I had ever touched. None of my ex-girlfriends had such good skin.

My left hand grabbed her shoulder while my right was on her waist, dangerously close to her perky butt.

I wouldn't lie, just the feeling of her thighs was goon enough. I wanted those two thighs to choke me and give me a lap pillow.

I am part of the Thigh Supremacy.

Instantaneously, she pushed me from her and took a few steps back hastily. She almost tripped again, her emotionless face had a blush and her hollow eyes had a glint in them.

One could easily tell that she was flustered. I too was a bit shocked about that, the woman I know from the anime wouldn't care about skin contact or any contact for that matter.

So why did she react like this? Oh well. Maybe my charm is too good.

I looked at her face once again and couldn't help but nod to myself, that embarrassed expression needs to belong to me.

"Alright. I will be taking my leave. Good luck... erm... I didn't get your name?"

The woman had recovered from her flustered expression and reached her hand forward to shake with mine but since I was in a hurry and was concentrating more on her face and previously on her thighs, I didn't notice it.

Her face twitched as she took back her hand, seemingly being ignored. Must have been humiliating for her since she was cruel, condescending to everyone, and a dominating girl who refuses to submit to anyone.

She put up a cold and emotionless face as she quickly spoke, however, a slight smile could be seen on it.

"Kirukiru Amou, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Hmmm. I nod to myself, now she is exactly similar to the anime character I remember.

"Your future husband. A pleasure to make your acquaintance too."





"Bye. I'll be taking my leave, see you later Amou."

Amou subconsciously waved back to me, her system still down, refusing to operate or catch up to what... just happened.

I didn't notice it at that time but a genuinely amused smile crept onto her visage. A smile that contained various emotions and feelings.

One apparent thing was the bloodlust flowing from it. An eagerness to battle, a fight to win that she very much looked forward to.


[Amou POV]

I enrolled for the tournament 'God of Highschool' to find someone strong enough to defeat me and furthermore because my dear former friend, Nomura Fudou was joining in and I was stalking him.

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Since a young child, no one has been strong enough to even touch me. Nomura Fudou was the first one to do that and eventually became my friend.

At that time in my previous school before transferring to a private girls academy for being too violent, Nomura Fudou was the only one who could lay a finger on me.

He quickly caught my interest and I wanted him to be my friend. Slowly, I noticed my feelings for him increasing and eventually becoming too intense. Before I knew it, I had fallen in deep love with him.

Did I mention why I got kicked out? I told Nomura to be my man but he refused so I stabbed him in his back.

My backstory aside, I have been too conceited. I thought I was strong but today I realized something.

Maybe being called the Empress made me too lightheaded.

There are many people stronger than me. I am just a frog in a well. When I met Mr.Husband and crashed into him, he didn't even budge while I fell on my butt.

He. Didn't. Even. Budge.

At first, I felt angry, even more, when my body subconsciously followed his every order. From ordering me to hold his hand to waving him goodbye.... he didn't even shake his hands with me!

By shaking hands, I was going to try to crush it but to my expectations, he didn't shake them. Instead, he ignored them. At that time I knew how amazing the person in front of me was.

He could even detect my malicious intent and my plan to crush his hands. Simply amazing. A true, dedicated martial artist.

I could feel a flame burning in my body, I felt an emotion that I thought I had long forgotten. Battle lust, the urge to fight to the death. Yes, this was it.

Ahhhhhh~~ How long has it been since I felt this way?

Mr.Husband... oh Mr.Husband... I look forward to our battle. If I dominate you then you will be my man but if you dominate me, I will be your woman.

Huhhuehuehuehue.... thank you Foudou. I am glad you rejected me and that I stalked you or else I would have never joined this tournament.

I won two things from this. One being, I awakened one of the instincts I had forgotten, battle lust, and the second, Mr.Husband.

I look forward to our battle Mr.Husband. Now I know why people always say that first love always fails.

Congratulations, I am no longer obsessed with you Fudou. Exactly how you wanted. I hope you dont regret letting go of me because I don't regret letting go of you.

Even if you do regret it. I dont care about your feelings.


Somewhere in the Dome.

A handsome and tall young man, with green eyes and black hair, with a well-trained body, was stretching his legs.

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He was Nomura Fudou.

"Why do I suddenly feel depressed?"



I sneezed. Is someone thinking about how hot I am? I guess I'll have to get used to these sneezes.

Suddenly I shuddered as an ominous feeling came over me.

Some psycho girl must be thinking about me. I Gotta hide my skin and face, dont want peeps r.a.p.i.n.g. me now do we? To be honest, I dont dislike that idea if the woman is my type.

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Genos beside me finally spoke up.

"Yung Mastha. It seems that the tournament is going to start soon."

He pointed towards a distinguished old man with sharply defined facial features, noticeably defined wrinkles, long white hair that flows past his neck, piercing eyes, thick white eyebrows, a white thick mustache, and a short thick beard that splits down the middle.

I noticed the scary-looking old man.

Katahara Metsudo, the former chairman of the Kengan Association and a character from Kengan Ashura.

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