Encounter with creepy old man

Katahara Metsudo walked towards the center of the dome. Behind him was a tall, highly muscular man with black, slicked-back hair.

He lacked eyebrows, instead of possessing strong eyebrow ridges, complimented with stern, narrow eyes with dark lines underneath and a chiseled facial structure. 

I recognized him too. Agito Kanoh. He had a small, star-shaped scar on his forehead, I remembered that it was the constant reminder of his first defeat.

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It seems that he caught me staring because he looked right at me. My body froze as I got shudders. No. It was not fear instead it was this body's natural bloodlust towards him.

I felt excited. I want to mutilate his stoic face, cut his hard flesh, castrate his penis and force him to eat it raw.

Am I disgusting? Maybe but this is a natural thought that comes to the head of every fighter. Just imagine the sound of crushing bones, the cracks, and grinding.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh~! Pure ecstasy.

That sounded like Hisoka. I wonder if Hxh is in this world though. I hope it is.

He nodded towards me, I frowned because his gaze was behind me? I tilted my head and saw a ripped guy who was very buffed, not much compared to Agito Kanoh but very much, one could feel the pure energy resounding from his muscles.


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Baki, Son of the Ogre.

I want to crush him too. I want to humiliate him. If I remember correctly, then he has a rather beautiful girlfriend.

Kosue Matsumoto.

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In the manga, she disapproved of Baki's violent life, quite a sweet and caring girl. I like women like her. She has a mother too, Kinyuo Matsumoto who has a dead husband.

I guess I can try oyakadon. It's my favorite egg dish.

I could feel a massive rush of adrenaline. Sighhh! The adrenaline is making me go a bit crazy I think. Need to control my actions during the influence of it, I can't go drunk over it.

Breathe in....breathe out....breathe in.....breath out. Okay.... now I am fine.

I tilted my head to look at the other fighters who I felt were strong or if I remembered anyone else from any anime.

It was then that I noticed one character. An average height and build of a fifteen-year-old, with strawberry-blond hair and blue eyes and was wearing a student uniform.

Zenkichi Hitoyoshi.

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Beside him was an extremely beautiful woman. Long purple hair that reached down to her waist and bangs that barely overlap her red eyes, as well as a semi-straight ahoge. A beautiful body and especially large breasts

Medaka Kurokami. One of the hottest waifus along with her smart but stupid personality.

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Hmmm... this is going to be fun. Childhood ntr. Childhood sweethearts deserved to get cucked.

I tilted my head to look at the others. A look of surprise came on my face and I almost burst out laughing.

Brown hair and sharp black eyes, rather muscular with a widespread build while wearing a worn-out shirt, a brown leather jacket, and plain pants.

Tatsumi Oga. The protagonist from one of my most favorite fluffy and funny animes. Beelzebub.

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I wonder if Hilda and Beelzebub are cheering for him from the stands.

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Turning around another guy caught my interest. Above-average height and an extremely athletic build. A mop of messy, dark hair that seemed similar to seaweed and a narrow gaze that exuded both confidence and general indifference.

Ohma Tokita. The protagonist of Kenan Ashura.

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This is going to be fun.

I stopped scouting for protagonists and the likes and started to pay attention to the old man. The old man narrowed his eyes as he scanned the entire area before landing over me.

I could feel his eye widen as if seeing someone familiar, he smiled at me similar to one that a grandfather gives to a grandson at least that's what I would want to believe.

His mustache tingled and the strands of hair stood up as if electricity has passed through them and his lips curved into a smile while bearing his teeth.

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It was the creepiest smile I have ever seen. Now I don't think I'll ever be able to sleep. I have been traumatized.

I closed my eyes and started to look in the other direction but then I noticed something odd. Everyone in the dome was staring at me.

I know I am handsome but staring at me so intently will make me blush. Keep your lecherous gazes away, you p-perverts!

It was at that moment that silence fell in the entire dome. I could hear light footsteps coming in my direction

I stopped my antics and frowned. Lifting my head, my eyes directly met with the old man's. Ahhh!!! Cursed! My eyes have been cursed! I need to immediately see some woman with big boobs and a hot body.

Swiftly I looked in the direction of Medaka and started to check her body out. Many people saw me looking at her and were a bit dumbfounded by the fact that I was openly checking her out.

Some girls blushed and whispered calling me a pervert. Since I am a handsome guy, staring and checking out someone in public will be called bold and women will term me as a bad boy which as a matter of fact, I am completely not.

I am a good, innocent, and pure boy.

If I was ugly then probably all the females would rush over and bash me up so hard that I would be puking my balls out from my mouth.


While that was happening I didn't notice that I had been continuously staring at Medaka during my monologue.

Medaka simply waved back at me not noticing the surroundings and the strange situation, her boobs jiggled a bit when she did that. What a goddess! Deserves to be mine.

Beside Medaka, her childhood friend, Zenkichi Hitoyoshi was simply dumbfounded and gazed at me with an angry glare.

Due to me, many people had noticed Medaka and some of the pervert boys glanced at her quite a bit. Understandable, she is extremely hot. Since her childhood friend is not doing a good job of protecting her, I shall protect her in his stead.

I will break every bone of their body and make sure they can't move for life for gazing at her with a lecherously.

Only I am allowed to do that.

Maybe I am immature but I dont like my women to be looked at with unpleasant gazes. Although she is not mine yet, she will be someday right?

I am a massive hypocrite, I am aware of that and I dont feel the slightest guilt.

I didn't notice it at that time but a long black-haired psycho was staring at Medaka and me, her face was etched with displeasure.


I turned my head to look at the old man. I had forgotten that he was here.

"Nava Etrama Di Miki, heir to the school of Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, grandson of the World Rank Top 3 Hero. How are you yung mastha?"