
"Nava Etrama Di Miki, heir to the school of Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, grandson of the World Rank Top 3 Hero. How are you yung mastha?"

The creepy old man asked me while still having the shit stain smile. I smiled back at him and tried my best to replicate that creep smile- holy f*ckk l can actually do it!!

So like this, two people with extremely creepy smiles stared at each other.

"I am fine-"

Before I could finish my sentence, the old man burst into another series of laughter. He took out a traditional Japanese sweet from midair and popped one into his mouth.

"Do you want one?" He asked me with a curious expression.

"No." We dont take candies from strange old men.

"Hmmm. Well, I look forward to your fight, I want to see how powerful you are and how far you can go with it?"

A shudder went through my body, I could feel the seriousness in his eyes. This tournament is a gathering of the strongest fighters from all over Japan.

Some are those who have been training since birth, some who are heaven-sent geniuses and some are hidden masters.

However, I too haven't been slacking off. Since birth, I have trained. My grandpa being Bang and my uncle being, Maldong.

The air around me changed, all those in the dome could feel the change. My expression too turned serious with a slightly amused smile.

Even in my previous life I would never back down and would always be on the top of the hierarchy. Bob the Mob is what they would call me.

Metsudo's eyes widened and he started to chuckle, the usually stoic Agito was finally out of his daze and looked at me.

"How far I will go hmm? I will go so far that you will look like an ant in front of me. An ant who I can crush anytime."

The aura from my body intensified and finally came to a stop, making many people who were not able to handle it sigh in relief.

Some were in a cold sweat while many were choking. They all knew one thing, that the king maker's nephew was not a king nor was he destined to be one.

"Hohohoho, I look forward to that day, I look forward" I could feel that Metsudo was indeed amused and excited.

He looked at me for one last time before turning away and walking towards the announcing area. Kanoh Agito too took one final glance at me before nodding and following behind Metsudo.

Some might be thinking that I was being cocky but I have trust in myself. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not even the next 10 years. Still, I will be at the top.

It's never bad to have dreams but remember, 'dreams' are called 'dreams' because they are 'dreams' and I dont have a 'dream', I have an ambition. A goal.

I could feel many eyes on me. Some were hostile, some were excited while some looked at me as if I was an idiot.

None of their gazes mattered to me because I was now staring at an extremely beautiful young woman with smooth light tanned skin, she had straight platinum hair partially plaited on the left side. A voluptuous hourglass figure and she wore a low-cut, high-slitted dark evening gown.

I immediately recognized her. Sayaka Katahara, the daughter of Katahara Metsudo. The woman with the exhibitionist kink. She has a tsundere siscon half-brother too, Katahara Retsudo, who dislikes her exhibitionist fetish.

[Picture Insert here]

I wonder where he is right now, I would love to see his reaction when I change his sister's kink from exhibitionist to masochism.

Like that her problem of revealing her body to everyone will be cured. Retsudo is happy, Sayaka is happy and above all, I am happy.

Everyone wins.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen and all the participants for the tournament GOD OF HIGH SCHOOL!!!!"

She screamed into her mic and got powerful applause from the audience and the participants including me.

Many were hooting and screaming her name. Fucking simps. Beside her was a tall, slim man with long blond hair, which he wears spiked upwards in a large tuft behind his head, and a small brown mustache.

He had rectangular eyes with concentric greenish-yellow pupils and he had the largest smile I have ever seen, it waa going down till his nostrils.

He wore a black jacket with a very tall collar, upturned and complete with studs, and matching black pants and knee-high boots while sporting tan shoulder pads and a red belt and elbow pads, all studded, and black fingerless gloves.

Present Mic. The voice hero from My Hero Academia. If All Might is in this world and even Present Mic is here then that means that I can assume that even All for One is here along with the other plot characters.

[Picture Insert here]


This world really is a mash-up. From Korean novels to Japanese animes, I wonder if Chinese novels are here. I wouldn't mind slapping some young masters.

I looked at the two announcers and started to listen to them.

"I am Purezento Maikoooo and-"

Present Mic stopped midway and Sayaka spoke in her mic.

"I am Sayaka Metsudo!!"

Then both of them spoke into their mic.

"And we are the hosts of today's evening!!!!!"

Present Mic quickly spoke after their introduction.

"Alright listen up everyone! For those who don't know, God of Highschool is an international tournament."

Present Mic switched up with Sayaka as she spoke.

"Every country will be sending its regional team and participating internationally. It is similar to the Olympics but strictly restricted to fighting and is on a larger scale. All the big countries are pooling their money for this tournament."

Sayaka then switched with Present Mic.

"The winner of the regional tournament will have any wish within limits fulfilled while the winner of the international tournament can wish for anything! ANYTHING!!! From getting the dead back to life to buying an entire planet! Any wish will be fulfilled."

Present Mic spoke.

"The tournament consists of four stages. Preliminaries and Regional that will take place today and then National that will take place in a week's time and lastly International that will take place in South Korea."

Sayaka spoke in her mic, twirling her gown, showing her exquisite body.

"The preliminaries will be a free for all fight between all the contestants."

Murmurs exploded in the crowd, I nodded to myself. Probably right now, the same free for all fight is taking place in Seol, the capital of South Korea.

Present Mic then spoke, "The preliminary's knock-out round will begin in the next 5 seconds."

All the lights of the stadium were switched off. An eery darkness permeated from the surroundings.

Suddenly a massive headlight switched on and I noticed that the ground I was standing on was a massive professional fighting arena ground with a cage surrounding it



Everyone was shocked at the high technology and were dumbfounded at the fact that the tournament was already beginning to start."


We all looked at each other with aggressive gazes. Many had already marked their opponents, I could feel some battle junkies marking me too.


However, it depends on whether they can catch me to put a hole in my face. I never said that I would play fair, I am not keen on showing my powers. It is better to hide in the shadows, after all, I am not interested in mobs.


I shall be at the top where the air is thin and crisp. Protagonists are my stepping stones and I am ready to make a mountain taller than the skies out of them.


"Let the preliminaries commence!!!!"

I am destined to be a God.