

The game had started the second the contestants got teleported onto the beach. Most people had started to run off on their own towards the center of the island while others fought the people nearest to them.

The two people closest to Acrona consisted of a reasonably well-built man and one that was on the skinnier side. They were both average-looking, but that wasn't what she was paying attention to right then.

The two seemed to come to a mutual agreement and had begun to close the short distance between them.

What were the chances she gets placed next to two creeps like this? What made the matter worse was two drones were floating around leisurely as if they were waiting for a show to happen.

"Jeez, Pedos are fucking immature assholes these days."

Acrona tried to break the ice a little bit, but the two of them didn't seem to understand what she meant other than calling them a pedo.

"You should have taken that fat bastard's deal, kid. Maybe you could have lived for a little longer."

"Ah, yes, thank you for your opinion."

She calmly replied while crouching down and reaching for a decently sized rock underneath her. She had a smirk on her face that disturbed the guy a little, but he didn't want to let her arm herself, so he immediately dashed towards her, closing in the last meter of distance between them.

Acrona had managed to pick up the rock just in time, narrowly dodging his attempt at grabbing her. The man wasn't trained at all and was merely trying to rely on his strength to overpower her.

Acrona had no specific fighting style. She learned from sparing with various people in her previous life while she was growing up. It required her to get beaten up a decent amount of times, but she had never given up; eventually, with experience and time, she became confident in her ability to control the flow of a battle, whether it was with guns, fists, or even rocks.

He lunged again, but she quickly ducked under to his left while simultaneously hitting him as hard as she could in the liver with the rock while abusing their height difference. She was lucky he was wearing thin clothing that wouldn't serve as protection. Also, the rock she had picked up was more effective than expected. Acrona had never really been in a situation where she needed to use such methods. If it were her previous body, she would have just beat the shit out of them both.

The man wasn't expecting such an attack and fell on one knee while in excruciating pain. The last blow had almost caused him to faint.

The skinny man who was watching the show, thinking his new friend would be toying with the girl, started to move, realizing she was an actual threat.

"You little bi-"

The buff guy was about to recover and began to jeer when Acrona bashed the back of his head in with the rock while giggling. The man fell onto the ground while Acrona quickly went in to finish him off. The whole thing happened very quickly—the skinny man was in shock and hesitated. After all, the little girl had taken his partner down so quickly with just a rock.

Was she trained since birth or something? How could she take him out so quickly? He hadn't even been able to help him out in time. Even worse, the girl was laughing while she smashed his head in repeatedly while looking at him. Deciding the little girl was too scary, he began to run away without looking back.

"Ah, maybe this lesson will change his preferences."

Acrona mumbled to herself while she got up off the man's back before kicking his corpse and spitting on him. She wasn't actually enjoying what she just did to that extent, but sometimes a little psychological warfare is practical.

After killing the guy, she heard a voice in her mind, almost causing her to freak out because of it.

[System Initializing]




[System Initialized]

[1 human killed 50xp]

It was rather annoying hearing it count individually to 100%, but the results were something she wasn't expecting. A screen had appeared in front of her. After looking around her and making sure the coast was clear, she read it.


Name Acrona Adams

Age: 9

Race: Human

Lvl: 1(50/100)

Power: Energy manipulation


Energy Shield lvl 1: Makes a small shield that can block and reflect attacks(Current limit: Up to 5 attacks depending on intensity)

Energy blade lvl 1: Form an energy blade around either arm which can currently slice through a regular humans body)

Energy Bullet lvl 1: Fire an energy bullet(Current limit: 10 meters)

Passive abilities:

Energized body lvl 1: Passively absorb energy into the body. Improves the body's capabilities, resistance, and healing

Acrona was pleased with the power as it seemed like energy manipulation could become very strong in the future. Her body felt the best it had ever felt before in both lives as she felt energy flowing into her. She hadn't forgotten about the drones who must have captured the entire show she just put on, so she decided not to test any of the abilities.

She was deep in thought but still started to walk down the beach in the direction the man ran off a minute ago. The situation's absurdity didn't escape her mind; only she was rather good at keeping her cool. She had just gained a system and superpowers, which were something that didn't exist in her previous world, at least to her knowledge.

Acrona also had an intuitive feeling that she would be able to do way more than just what her abilities stated, and those were just ones made by the System for convenience.

If her creativity could run free, she already had many ideas, but she put that in the back of her mind deciding it would be better to save it for the future. For now, she had to figure out a way to survive and deal with the aftermath of this game.