
Everything about Tala's physique was extraordinary, except for his dressing style, which appeared messy. He wore a grey collarless loose thin shirt with black boxers.

He came rushing towards Nina to help her with the luggage. They walked silently towards a green colored old jeep and placed the trolley inside. As the jeep roared with dark smoke, Nina phone rang; it was her mother.


"Is everything fine?"

"Don't worry. I am fine."

"Dad and I know that you wanted to become strong and independent, and that is why we have agreed to send you to that place. Please be safe, child."

Nina eyes filled with tears as she heard that from her mother. She never told them that she wasn't interested in living in the same city as a cute, sweet and innocent girl. Her thoughts and ideas were always on the mountains, forest, beaches and adventures. Her heart enjoyed a sense of achievement and satisfaction, realizing that her parents were aware and accepted her interests.

"Thanks, Mom. I will be safe."

As she cut the call, Tala asked with a worried look, "Is it the first time without your family?"

Nina nodded as the tears rolled out her pink cheeks.

Tala scratched his head because he hadn't been in her situation before. He never once left the village and forest. So, he didn't understand how to console her. All he could do was to divert her to another topic, "The villagers are preparing a feast for you."

"What? Why?" The situation was absurd since she was just a normal person who would roam around the area. There wasn't a necessity to prepare a feast for her.

"Because you...we prepare delicious food for every new person entering the village," Tala replied calmly, though fumbled at the start.

"Wow!! That's nice of you."

It was pitch dark around them, except the road in front was lit up by the jeep's lights. It was a different and exciting experience for Nina, although she was a little bit afraid somewhere in the corner of her heart. She chose not to speak to Tala as she could see his face.

Since it was dark and fearful looking outside, she searched, if she had any games on her phone. Out of luck, they was a game, which she installed way back in her college. She stopped a moment before she opened the game, as she thought it would be inappropriate for her to play games when Tala was driving her, and the villagers planned a feast respecting her.

So, she started gazing at the light falling on the road without turning her head towards darkness. After few minutes, the brightness on the road increased, and the jeep stopped. Nina lifted her head to witness a group of people standing at the entrance of the village.

Nina got down from the vehicle and walked towards them with fear. As she reached them, a woman came towards her with a garland. The lady gracefully put that garland around Nina's neck and welcomed her. All the worry she was having along the way disappeared, looking at the smiles on the villager's face.

Even though she didn't understand why they were treating her like a princess, she smiled at the lady. As she walked into the crowd, people around her started talking and whispering out of nowhere.

Suddenly everyone silenced as a person in a turban stood from his chair. He seemed old, around 70-80 years of age. "Welcome to Chandragram!" she said in a bold and loud voice that ran a shiver along her spine.

As he sat down on the chair placed in front of a long dining table, every villager hurriedly sat down in the other chairs. Viewing at the respect the villagers gave him, anyone can depict that might be a village head or leader. Nina looked weirdly at the villagers as they were eating clumsily and awfully.

Tala's voice interrupted her, making her realize that she was actually gazing at them with a disgusting look. He dragged a chair nearby and asked her to sit, putting a long banana leaf in front of her. Before he could put rice on the leaf, the old man shouted, "Put her leaf beside me." His voice was so loud that a mic wouldn't be necessary if he wanted to conduct a meeting with the whole village.

Nina looked at him and literally ran towards him and sat on the empty chair to his left side. Tala chuckled to himself, watching her race. He also rushed to her and placed a leaf along with all varieties the villagers cooked.

She felt nauseatic and uncomfortable, viewing and sitting beside them. Everyone around was chewing and licking her hands loudly, their mouths were filled with food, and it was spilling all over as they talked. To add to that, the leader was constantly gazing at her.

Looking at her plate filled with delicious dishes, the only thought that stroke her brain was how many food particles fell into her plate from those mouths. That idea itself caused sickness in her stomach. She felt alone, viewing around not understanding whom to ask.

Glancing around she noticed that half of the people were looking at her and whispering. The only person whom she knew among them was Tala, but she didn't understand how to call and convey him when the next person was glaring at her from the beginning.

"This is my son, Czar," the old leader uttered by pointing to the person in front of her.

"Hi, Czar." she greeted, looking at a heavy build young man, who mouth was surrounded by rice particles.

He did not even bother to reply, instead, he threw her a glare and went back to his chicken piece. Nina then completely lost interest in sitting at the table. She started gazing around, widening her eyes in search of Tala, the only person she knew.

"Hi! I am Tala's brother, Ace. He asked me to assist you in case you need any help." a person softly said in her ear, standing next to her.

"Take me away from here" was all that she could reply. Her reply was so sudden and fast that made Ace chuckle, but he tried his best not to display that in front of the Alpha, the leader. Nina's heart skipped a beat, hearing Ace's giggle. However, she felt relieved that she didn't utter it aloud.

"The washrooms are that side. Let me guide you." Ace said.

Nina was quick to grasp, and she stood up immediately. Excusing the old turban man, she followed Ace. Following him, she realized that she hadn't looked at his face. All she could notice then was his muscular body with broad shoulders and his long brown hair tied as a bun.