Change in behavior

After walking some distance, he stopped and turned around. Since Nina was walking absent-mindedly, she bumped into his chest.

"Sorry! Sorry!", she stepped back and raised her head.

Both of their pupils dilated, looking at each other. Ace was gazing at her dark black lovely eyes with his golden-brown eyes. They were staring at each other as if they were present in a different world alone.

"Ace," an elderly women's voice made them snap out of the 'staring game'. Nina immediately looked down, adjusting her hair and putting it back of the ear, while Ace pressed his lips and looked in the direction of the voice while stroking his beard.

"Shall we go?" Ace asked, clearing his throat. She again followed him as she walked towards the lady, who put the garland on her.

"Child, You can eat alone if you are uncomfortable here? I saw that you didn't touch your food at the table."

Nina wanted to say no, but her hungry stomach made her nod.

"Ace, Take her to our house."

Nina instantly turned her face towards Ace and unknowingly began admiring him. His rugged look was mesmerizing her, and without her knowledge, she started smiling with her eyes and lips brightly.

"Nina, Are you fine with the stay at our house?" Ace's mother asked. Nina, who was busy enjoying looking at the honey-toned sexy man, didn't bother to hear the voice of a forty-year-old woman. Listening to no answer, Ace turned his head towards Nina to see her smiling cutely and madly.

"Nina!" Ace called her a little loud.

"Ah!!" she panicked.

Ace's mother didn't notice that happening as she was busy writing down the expenditure of the feast, but lifted her head hearing Nina.

"Nina, Is it fine?"

"Yes, Aunty. Yes!" she blabbered.

"Ace, take her and show her the guest room. I have put some food separately, you both can have dinner and go to sleep." saying that, she went back to the gathering.

"Did I just say, YES?" she blabbered, groaning.

Ace smiled, looking at her being confused. His sparkling eyes and smile were evident that he was enjoying seeing her in that state.

"Shall we go?" Ace asked, biting his lower lip to control laughter. "Yes," she murmured as she then didn't have any choice and energy to search for another stay in the night. She once again was following the muscular man. All the way, she could only think about Ace's eyes and the moment she crashed into his chest. Recalling that scene, again and again, made her body warm and her face turned red.

"We are here."

Ace opened the door and walked towards the guest room, putting the luggage aside, he looked at Nina. "Do you have a fever?" she asked, placing his palm on her forehead. "No, then why are red?"

Nina felt as if fate was playing with her. She didn't understand how many times and why she was embarrassing herself in front of him.

"No, Just tired", she weakly lied.

"I will put the dinner on the table in the hall. Freshen up and have it. The bathroom is present beside the back door of the house. I am going to sleep." He said with a straight face and went out of the room. Nina watched him as he walked out, she didn't understand why he was suddenly upset and behaving oddly.

She looked around the house, every wall was painted in white and blue. The two-third of the wall was in white, while the bottom one-third was in light blue. Every piece of furniture looked very old and strong with an antique look. As she completed eating, she crawled to the bed. Staring at the old modelled fan, she noticed that the roof was pretty high.

Closing her tired eyes, she tried to visualize the beach and the moon, but she would only remember Ace's eyes. She recalled every incident that happened after meeting him. He seemed to be smiling and in joy until he reached home. Finding no answer to his sudden change in behaviour, she gradually fell asleep.

On the other side, Ace was unable to sleep too. His brain seemed to be filled with Nina's eyes, smile and voice. He was rolling on the bed and giggling to himself, remembering the abrupt and childish replies Nina gave.


Hearing a knock on the door, She woke up and ran towards the mirror to adjust her hair and dress. With a smile, she opened the door anticipating Ace. That smile disappeared the next second she saw it was Tala.

"Good Morning Nina!" he cheerfully said. He was dressed in a white shirt and jeans and appeared much more handsome than the previous day.

"Good Morning! I will be ready in fifteen minutes," she uttered as she opened her bag to take the toiletries and clothes.

"No problem, I can wait."

Nina speeded up every task and rushed towards her room from the bathroom, passing through the dining area and hall. Tieing her hair loosely with a rubber band, she took the camera, book and pen and rushed to Tala, who was sitting on a wooden hair in the hall.

"Shall we go?"

"A guest is waiting for you," Tala said, pointing to a man.


"Oh!!! So, You both know each other." Tala exclaimed.

"Dad asked me to talk to you." Czar blatantly said.


"He didn't tell me."

"What?" she said in a shocking tone. "Fine! What else did he tell you?"

"To be with you and help you."

Bending down a little towards Tala, "What do these father and son want from me?" she whispered.

"YOU!" he said calmly, but that one word made Nina startled, and her heart picked up the speed of the racing bike. Watching Czar's heavy body and big stomach, and recalling that he was the son of the head, she didn't understand how to deal with the situation.

At the same time, Ace entered the house sweating profusely. "What made you both dress up as urban?" he asked, glancing at Czar and Tala. Then she turned his gaze at Nina, "Understood! Continue!"

Nina widened her eyes, "What?..... What do you mean?"

"Can't you see that these two are trying to flirt with you?"

"Me?" Nina asked, looking at Tala doubtfully as she didn't get that vibe or look from Tala.

"No! No! I daren't try to flirt with you. That's highly risky." Tala blabbered.

"Risk?" she thought to herself.

"Tell her not to come out today night." Ace told her brother and left to his room.

"Why? It's a full moon today. I planned to go to the beach." Nina murmured, looking at Tala with cute puppy eyes.

Ace's face turned furious, hearing that. His eyes narrowed, and his jaw clenched, bring out an intense and angry look. Tightening his fist, he continued walking towards his room.