All in love!

"Isn't it!!! It's my first time seeing a waterfall." Nina smiled widely, watching the water splashing on the rocks below. Hearing no response from Tala, she turned her head to see Tala expression. His eyebrows were raised, and he was smiling widely, exposing his teeth as if astonished.

"Hello!!" she waved her palm in front of his face. "Tala!" she hit her shoulder, snapping him out.

'What happened to me? She will be our leader's wife; I can't think of her in that way. But, how could I ignore this beauty these two days?' Recalling her chuckling and smiling face, 'Though she is from the city, she isn't pretentious or proud. She never complained, seeing the weird eating habits, old traditions and underdevelopment. Moreover, in just two days, she helped Czar to eat properly. If she is the destined spouse of the next Alpha, the village will be developed a lot. So, I shouldn't mess up the whole situation because of my feelings.'

As Tala for staring at the river spacing out in thoughts, Nina enjoyed the drizzle falling on her face.

"Shall we go back? It's already 1'o clock." Tala suddenly suggested.

Nina pouted and took out the camera to take few pictures. After clicking some stunning shots, "Here!" she handed the cam to Tala to snap her. She smiled at the waterfall, making a heart with her fingers.

"Won't you look at the lens?"

Sighing and hitting her forehead, "I want a candid pic."

"What did you do to the can?" Tala asked, tilting his head and blinking, not understanding from where the can came suddenly.

Nina cracked up, hearing that, but controlled her laugh by biting her lower lip since she didn't want to embarrass him. "There is no can. A photo taken without my knowledge is called Candid picture."

"But, Didn't you ask to take a picture?" Tala fumbled as to how he should take a kind of photo when she herself asked to click. Nina got annoyed listening to his question, "Just take a shot when I tell you to. Is that fine?" she asked without showing any sign of irritation in her expression or voice.

Completing taking some pictures of Nina and the scenery, they drove back to the house.

Jennie was drying out the clothes on a wire tied to two wooden sticks. Noticing that even her previous day's top was among them, Nina rushed to Jennie "Aunty! I would have washed my laundry."

"You are a guest, Nina." Jennie warmly grinned, leaving Nina with no choice except to utter a thank you.

After a few minutes, everyone sat for lunch except Ace. "Where's bro?" Tala asked his mother, looking at the empty chair.

"Yes, Even I want to ask, why he is so tired and weak? What happened yesterday?"

That remembered, Nina that she collapsed near the door after seeing a wild animal. She wanted to ask about that in the morning but forgot due to the whole Ace's incident.

"I saw a wolf or fox." she blabbered, shocking Jennie and Tala.

"What? Where?" Jennie asked, acting shocked with popped out eyes, lifted eyebrows and making an 'O-shape' with her lips.

Tala watching his mom's terrific acting, pulled his lips inside, trying hard to control laughter.

"When I sat out fearing that an animal is inside the house."

"Then?" Jennie inquired with a racing heart and startled look.

"I fainted there and woke up on my bed."

Learning that Jennie heart gradually calmed down and started beating at a steady pace. "I saw you near the door, so I brought you to your room. Hmmm... I thought that you felt suffocated inside, but it seems like you were frightened!!" Jennie nodded, putting on a worried look.

"Thanks, Aunty!" Nina said and continued eating. As they were eating, Ace walked to the dining table lifelessly and sat down with half-closed eyes. "Bro, You missed it!!"

"What?" Ace asked, yawning.

"An Amazing Performance!!" Tala smirked, looking at his mother. "Cut it out!!" Jennie glared at him.

Not bothered by their nonsense, he inquired Nina if she was coming with him or not the next day.

"Why are you asking her? It's our responsibility to take care of her. When you both are going in the direction, why do you guys want to be alone on the long journey? Ridiculous!! You both are going together, and that's final!!" she strictly mentioned, leaving with her empty plate.

"If you hate to travel with me, don't worry!! I will talk to my mother." Ace whispered, putting the food on his plate. Nina continued eating without answering and not even giving a glance at him.

"Hi, Nina!!" Czar greeted the moment he entered the house and directly walked towards her.

"Are we invisible to you?" Tala asked, burning with jealously. "Of course not! Dad asked to greet Nina."

'What is this Alpha planning? Yesterday he planned to attack her, and today he sent his son to talk to her. Doesn't he know that she will become the wife of Alpha?.....ORRRR.....Is the reverse possible by any chance?' That question brought Ace the answers to all the mysteries. The Alpha didn't want to hurt Nina but actually had planned to take her away to get her married.

'That can't be. If there's such a possibility, everyone in the village would have tried to marry her and make the village a war zone. Is it a secret known only to Alpha? I need to ask all these questions to uncle. It's making me crazy.'

Annoyed with the duty of bodyguard, he got up the table after eating few bites. "Don't waste food...Ah! Ah! Ah!!!" Advising Ace, Nina choked.

But that wasn't the shocking scene, watching all the three men fetching water to her was an unexpected and unbelievable view. Ace brought his glass to her mouth and patted her head gently, Tala fetched put her glass into her hand, and Czar opened her bottle. Ace chuckled and sighed to himself, bringing his glass down.

As he was about to, she held Ace's hand and drank the water from his glass, gazing at him.

Czar looked at the opened bottle in his hand and Nina's glass, which Tala put in her hand. 'Why did she leave her water and drink from Ace's glass? Shouldn't she be angry or upset with him for rejecting her? Why did Tala give water to her immediately? Why did I also rush? Is it just a reflex to help, or are we all in love with her?'

Nina felt that Ace was acting with Czar in order to avoid her. The reactions in the room were enough to conclude that. Czar didn't show any signs of jealousy but looked upset, watching the bottle in his hand. Ace too didn't care about Czar's feelings but instead appeared relaxed that Nina was fine.

Though she felt glad, there was a question that haunted her, 'Why are they acting? It is clear that Ace doesn't hate me. So, why?'

As she completely drank the water, "Sorry! I shouldn't have drunk from Ace's glass. His glass was near me. I am extremely sorry if I caused a misunderstanding between you." Nina feebly apologised to the acting guy couple.

Ace and Czar shook their heads together, remembering that they are a couple.