First Kiss!

"I am Nina's mother, Anna!"

Ace's sleepy head turned numb at once. All the sleepiness he was having vanished in an instant. The hand that was holding the phone started shaking with fear. His heart was running as fast as a horse, making his mind crazy with all his body reactions. He wanted to reply or apologize, but he wasn't able to. His lips were trembling, and his tongue seemed to be tied up. How could he leave such a negative impression?

"Hello! Hello!"

On hearing Nina's mom's voice again, he threw the mobile on Nina's lap. He always gave out positive and trustful vibes, but it was the first time that he left a rude and the worst impression. He wouldn't have felt devastated if it was someone unknown, but it wasn't. The lady he spoke disrespectfully was the mother of the girl he loved.

Nina glanced at the mobile, which fell upside down on her lap and shifted her gaze on Ace. Her eyes widened as he never saw Ace trembling. He was rubbing his palms, and his eyeballs were wandered everywhere. "What happened? Are you fine?" Nina tensely asked, placing her palm on Ace's cold, ice-like hands.

'Aren't werewolves warm?'

"Y..o..u..r M...m...o...m!" Ace murmured, pointing to the mobile he threw on her.

Nina took the mobile and gulped, staring at the screen.

"Mmm..maa!" she fumbled.

"Who was he? How can one talk in such a rough manner? Why are you travelling with that kind of person?" her mom vexed. Nina recalled how Ace talked to the person on the phone, who disturbed his sleep. Slamming her forehead, Nina calmed replied, "Maa! He isn't that kind of person. He is the son of the lady who provided me with accommodation in the village. Since I would be travelling alone, he drove me to the city. He appeared tired and weak, so I suggested taking a cab from the office. He just slept a few minutes, and your call interrupted him. So, he....spoke that way."

Ace was staring at her as she tried explaining and removing the false impression her mother got on him. Though she was trying to solve the issue, Ace felt guilty for speaking that way. He cursed his sleepy brain for committing that mistake.

"Is it? Should I speak to him and tell him that I wasn't offended? He might be feeling guilty." Anna quickly understood the situation and the kind of person Ace actually was.

"No! It's ok! We are on the way. Bye!" Nina uttered, cutting the call as she remembered to check if the blue coloured hair person was taking them in the correct direction.

She immediately opened the maps and typed her house address. "Thank God!" she exclaimed as she observed that the driver was indeed going in the right direction and that they would reach home in seven more minutes.

Ace was still gazing at her, and his lips traced, "What?" by watching her happy reaction. His eyes narrowed, and his eyebrows formed a 'V' frustrated by Nina's excitement. 'Shouldn't she let me know about her mother's response? What is there to be happy about? Does her happiness mean that her mother was satisfied with the description she gave? Ahh!!! Can't she clarify it to me?'

Poking her on the arm, "Do you plan to let me know about what your mother said?"

"Ohhh!!! Sorry, I forgot."

"Forgot??" Breathing loudly and controlling his anger by clenching the fist tightly, "How...How could you forget? Don't you see me tensed and worry here? What was so important that made you overlook me?" he faintly growled, grinding his teeth.

Nina took back, hearing a wild sound and noticing a fierce look on his face. Swallowing hard, "Mom.....understood! She is not angry with you." Her eyes were wide open with fear, her voice was trembling, but she spoke as fast as she could in terror, and her palms were joined, near her chest in a praying position.

The next ten seconds, silence prevailed, and both were looking into each other's eyes. Nina's back was touching the car door, and she seemed to be ready to escape the next minute the door opened. Ace's expression turned to sadness as he never thought that he would behave in such a way with Nina. "I am so sorry!" he confessed softly and moved his palm forward to caress her, but Nina's fear increased by watching his hand move towards her, and she further moved towards the door, almost sticking herself to the window.

Ace's pulled his hand sadly, biting his lip. He literally felt like slamming his head to the glass window. He didn't understand why and how he was terrifying people that day. He never intended to do what he had done to Nina and her mom, but the situation made him react rudely without knowing himself.

As Ace was quietly sitting scolding and cursing himself, Nina's cold right palm joined his left palm. Although Nina was frightened of Ace, his calm appearance afterwards gave her brain a soothing feeling. His touch was relaxing the racing pulse and heart. Ace was shocked as he didn't expect that reaction from her. He shifted his eyes towards Nina, who was sitting close to him with an expressionless face.

Out of nowhere, her fingers started tightening, and tears flowed down from his eyes. Even though his presence was subsiding her fear and anxiousness, Ace's violent face was flashing every minute, making her brain go crazy. Her heart was filled with mixed emotions, and she even didn't know why she was crying.

Ace was startled by Nina's varying emotions, "What happened?" he inquired feebly and softly.

Nina shook her head and forced a smile, but her fingers were still shivering and tightly clenching his hand. "Can I help you in any way?" he whispered, turning her face towards him with his other hand such that they could see each other's eyes.

"Calm me down!" she uttered very faintly. Her chest was moving in and out fast, and her pink lips were pressing hard to cover the fear. As he was examining her red face and uneven breath, the car passed through a cave, darkening the surroundings.

Suddenly Nina's eyes wide opened as she felt a pair of lips on her's. Her heart started racing, and the movement of her chest increased. The fingers of her right hand were crushing Ace's fingers. Everything was as same as before, but of course, it was because of excitement than fear that very moment.

Ace's lips felt immediately as the light entered the car. Bending her head down, Nina grinned to herself. Her heart was beating so loudly that it might fall out at any second.