Conversation between Alpha and Moon Child

As Nina felt better, the couple sat down in their seats. Nina raised her eyes to see Ace with a disturbed look. His eyes were roaming around the house, and lips were pursuing tightly. All the expressions on his sad face were evident that he was on the edge of crying.

Even though she didn't understand what made him suddenly feel like crying, she couldn't go and console him in front of her parents and grow unnecessary attention and curiosity in them. In the same way, she can't talk to him at that moment as he might burst in any second.

At that moment, an idea sparked her, "Ace, did you inform Mr. Cook that you were coming here? Go and contact him!"

Ace understood what she meant, spontaneously got up, washed his hand and excused himself, rushing to the guest room. "Concentrate on the present, she is happy, her parents are happy. You can try your best to make her future happy too," he assured himself as the only option that he or Nina was left with was hope. He could only hope that everything destined to happen could only bring happiness for both of them, even if they aren't together.

Taking a deep breath, Ace sat down on the bed and laid down, while the tears that his beautiful eyes were carrying swept from the corner of his eyes to the ear and then fell on the bed. Gulping down, he realized that he had been crying most of the time since Nina came into his life. He never dealt with emotional issues as he always found a perfectly practical solution for all the problems. But the meddling of the heart in that particular issue brought him to a devastating state. Though he didn't know whether all that emotional roller coaster would end positively or not, he wanted to enjoy every single second until every favourable situation escapes from his hand. His eyes gradually closed since he was tired and the heavy eyelids needed rest.

In Chandragram, hundred miles from the next Luna, a man drove towards the village and stood at the entrance, asking to convey a message to the Alpha from Mr. Cook. The werewolf in the human form nodded and converted to a dark brown wolf while he ran in the direction of Andrew. Reaching the pack leader, the wolf stared at the Alpha as if conveying something, which a normal human can't predict or understand. As Andrew sighed, the wolf went away in the same direction it came.

At about six in the morning, Ace took bath and reached for the olive shirt, which had Nina's lingering scent over the collar. Deeply sniffing, a small smile appeared, remembering all the happy moments that they had experienced. Wearing the shirt, he felt as if hugging Nina.

Nina got up at half past seven, which shocked her parents. Both of them thought that the only best thing that happened due to her visit to that random village made her punctual. Rubbing her eyes, she came into the hall, where her father was reading the newspaper, "Good Morning Dad!" As she sat beside him, her eyes wandered around, searching for Ace. "Shouldn't Ace wake up early, as they have to travel back?" she thought to herself. A slight fear ran through her sprain, recollecting that he was tired and cried the before night. "Dad, did Ace wake up?" Nina inquired her father with a racing heart.

"Yes, he got ready too." her shoulders and backbone relaxed, hearing that. "Your mom served him milk and some bread as he didn't eat the dinner properly yesterday."

"Ok," Nina nodded and knuckled her fingers in relief. "Then I will get freshen up too," she uttered, stretching her arms and legs walking to her room.

In an hour, Nina got dressed up in a sky blue denim shirt and completed her breakfast. As they were about to step out of the house after asking byes, Steven asked her if she was forgetting anything. It was then Nina remembered to ask for the money to purchase new mobile. "Shit!" she cursed herself. In the midst of all the chaos, she forgot the most thing.

"I have already transferred to your account. Brought your card, right?"

"Yes!" Nina shouted and jumped to hug her father.

They reached the mobile repair shop in order to collect their memories, while in Chandragram, Andrew got into a vehicle to reach the town.

"Hello, James!! What did you want to talk to me, that you asked me to call you early in the morning?"

"Hi, Andrew!! I wanted to talk about Nina."

"What about her? Didn't she and your nephew come to meet you?"

"Yes! I told her that she is fated bride of the next Alpha."

The word 'Next Alpha' didn't please him. Though none of the villagers knew the meaning of luna scent, he was aware of it. His wife, who died protecting him, explained about when a next luna started emitting the scent. He wasn't afraid that something might happen to him, but he was worried about his son's future. As far as he knew, Czar was a childish guy who didn't have knowledge either of affairs outside or inside the village. Even though he wanted to educate his son similar to Ace or Tala, being in the position to protect the traditions didn't allow him. Everyone in the village wanted to live more on the wolf practices rather than following the steps of humans.

"How did she react when you told about that?"

"She didn't agree just like any girl other would. Being from the city, she didn't want to be restricted to the forest. However, I believe that once she gets to know her Alpha, she might change her opinion just as Sarika accepted you for your caring and helping nature, which of course is lost now."

"Even you think that I changed due to power. (Smiling) Whatever, what do you want to tell?"

"Yaa, Keep Nina away from men. You might not know as we found Sarika after you became Alpha, so I am telling you this." Andrew's ears grew eager as to what James would say. "Marrying or forcing her won't make them an Alpha, but instead they would become the enemy to the next Alpha for hurting his luna."

The old leader felt his heart slip an inch on hearing that statement. All the ideas that his brain generated to make his son an Alpha went to the drain within an instant.

On the other side of the phone, James was grinning to himself, imagining Andrew's expression. On purpose, he conveyed the point without touching the things Ace complained or said regarding him. "So, I want you to help me keep her safe. I have already mentioned it to Ace, but I think he would need your support too."

"Ace!! Isn't he a guy?" the leader questioned the moon child with rage.