Her Happiness is more Important!

[Song Suggestion - Lovely(Billie Eilish)]

Ace fetched the glass of water to James' table to Nina, however, he stood a little far from her. Nina gulped the water from the transparent glass quickly, with eyes tightly closed to avoid seeing any other weird and terrific stuff.

Even after emptying the glass, she didn't open her eyes. As she pressed the eyelids firmly, wrinkles appeared under her eyes. The fingers were holding the glass solid hard that the glass might break into tiny pieces in any instant.

James opened his eyes and noticed the tension in both the faces. Ace was glaring at him while Nina sat stiffly in the chair with fear written all over her face.

"You can open your eyes." he feebly said, afraid to frighten Nina, once again.

Nina slowly opened her right eye and carefully examined James with a single eye. After she concluded that everything was normal, she opened her other eye too.

"I am sorry, I lost control!" James apologized, bending his head forward with guilt.

Ace stood at the back of the chair, next to Nina's, hesitating to sit. As any person would ponder after that incident, he was also in doubt whether to sit or wait for James to tell.

"Sit down, Ace!"

"Thank God!" Ace thought to himself as he sat on the chair in front of James. "Why did you ask us to visit you?" Ace inquired, changing the cold and tensed atmosphere.

'Would it be appropriate to speak about that after terrifying the poor children horribly? But if I don't express my opinion, I may not have another chance.' Struggling to himself and articulating every sentence, he remarked, "Nina, why don't you stay here and take up any other place?" He chose not to tell them about what the old fat leader fed his brain as he didn't want Ace to misunderstand him for not trusting him. But the fact is that he was worried about his sister's family. Being under a single roof, the possibility of feelings to start between his nephews or Nina was larger compared to other boys. If that really happened, he thought he would not be able to release himself from the guilt that his sister's family might face.

Nina put her face forward with lips forming a circle. 'Did he get the brain of an animal, or did he become muddled suddenly?'

Ace was awestruck too by the statement, "Wasn't he the person who sent her so that she would get adapted to the village?" he questioned himself upon hearing that ridiculous suggestion.

"Why?" Nina asked out, narrowing her eyes on what the grey eyes man was planning that time.

"Mmmm..... I see that you have ambitions to travel around, which you won't be able to do later. So, I thought of allowing you to enjoy these thirty days. What do you think?"

Nina's eyes sparkled with excitement and thrill. "Can I choose the place?" she asked abruptly as various beautiful places scattered in her visual.

"Of course!"

Similar to the past scenario when she came for a job, Nina again fell into his trap, but Ace found everything fake and felt as if his uncle was hiding something from them. If he wanted to bring Nina at the appropriate time, he wouldn't have bothered to spend money and time attracting her to Chandragram. He inhaled deeply to check whether Nina was still emitting out the smell. His nose seemed to be habituated to her scent as he has been close to her almost every day. On using the werewolf's smelling ability, there were traces of that Luna fragrance on her, then why is he making her stay afar.

While Nina was thinking and planning about the locations to visit, she remembered Ace and the cause for going to Chandragram again. Choosing between her dream and Ace suddenly seemed very tough and complex for her. Both the options appeared like she couldn't do them after the next full moon day. She gazed at Ace through the corner of her eyes to check on his condition after listening to James' idea.

Ace seemed to be zoned out with his right thumb's nail in between the teeth, which appeared to Nina as he was deeply thinking about whether she would choose him or not. But that wasn't the case with Ace; he wasn't interested in the superficial things, instead, he was digging deep into what the cause might be for the sudden change in James' mind.

Abruptly, Ace turned towards her, "Can you wait outside for a while?" Nina blinked her eyes in confusion but nodded and left the office, excusing James. She wished she could keep an ear over the conservation but immediately cancelled that idea, remembering that they weren't humans but sniffing werewolves.

"What happened?" Ace asked as Nina's scent went far away.

It was a question that James expected from Ace. He always knew that he was more mature and thoughtful than he appeared. On the first look, Ace appears like a rowdy with long hair and an untamed beard, but once learning about him, anyone would realize how a kind, caring, sophisticated and clever person he is.

"I can't risk sending her to the village again," he answered crisp short.


"Didn't you tell that Andrew was planning to get his son married to Nina? Being an Alpha, still, he wants his son to become the leader too, then what do you think about the guys?"

"Do you think that I can't protect her? However, didn't you tell that no one could become Alpha that way?"

"So? Do you think that putting her at risk is correct?"

Ace was speechless. Even though he was confident in protecting Nina, he believed that every situation might not be in his hands. Noticing that Ace fell in thought, James smiled to himself but displayed an expressionless face to the outside world. On working with his brain for a while, he also felt that his uncle idea was correct. But if he wanted to do that way, he had to sacrifice Nina along with the time they planned to spend together.

Recalling Nina's excitement when she was told about visiting places, he suddenly felt as if she disliked him as a werewolf. 'Although she was fine after knowing about me, meeting her family or after a whole night's thoughts, she might have concluded that. You can't become angry or sad. Any human with a proper mindset would choose to keep your kind far away. This is actually an opportunist to escape in order not to become a puppet in hands of fate. Isn't it something that you wished yesterday, her happiness? So, be delighted and make sure not to become clingy on meeting her.' Ace encouraged himself with some words, though his heart was throbbing and bleeding. At the moment, he wanted to transform and growl loud to calm himself.

"What you thought is perfect, uncle! It is better to keep her away from our kind."