Chapter 26

"TURN YOUR head to the left now."

Wil obeyed and allowed the woman to prod at his throat until a bony finger pressed too hard at an especially tender spot. He hissed, reflexively pulling back. The bath had made him feel worlds better, and a full belly hadn't hurt. His head was starting to feel less like a giant lump of "ow," and he'd even been able to chew the bread and eggs Brayden had given him after they'd returned from the hostel.

"All right, then." The healer leaned back and helped Wil get his shirt back on and laced. "Besides the hand, there's plenty bruised, but nothing broken. I don't like that big one across your middle, but there's no swelling, so you've not ruptured anything. Likely bruised a kidney. Have ye been pissing blood?"

Wil flushed, but answered, "I don't know. I can't see very well right now."

"Hm," said the healer. "Has it got worse or better since you've been up?"
