Chapter 27

"You said Aisling isn't a name, it's a command," Brayden persisted. "Did you dream for them? Is that what this is about?"

Wil shook his head. "There's... I can't...." It was getting harder and harder to breathe.

"Are you a prophet? Some kind of oracle?"

"Wait." It ground out of Wil's throat on a whisper. He clenched his eyes shut tight. "I'll tell you, just... just *wait*, let me... just...."

A moment, he needed just a moment to slow his pulse, calm his breathing--

"Are the Brethren part of the Guild?"

"No--*no*, just... stop for just a moment, all right, let me--"

"What did they tell you about the Guardian? Why are you so afraid of me?"

Wil snapped his head up, blurted, "Because you're a bloody terrifying man!" He tried to shove his hair out of his eyes before he realized he was using the bandaged hand and was doing nothing more than pawing stupidly at his head. "Look at you--d'you have any idea what it's like to... to... I mean, if you were me, wouldn't you be afraid?"