Chapter 33

"Calm and slow, now," Dallin said evenly. "Put it on the floor and lace your hands behind your head."

The man's glance shot to either side of him, finally taking in the fates of his compatriots with wondering eyes. Dallin watched him for a telltale shift of the jaw, saw it, and launched himself across the room, slamming the butt of his gun to the man's temple before he had a chance to complete his suicide. It was going to be interesting, Dallin thought as he laid the man on his back on the floor, finding a way to prevent him from chewing the capsule from inside his cheek in a way that would still allow him to talk, but he wanted at least one of these men alive, damn it. Provided Dallin hadn't just cracked the man's skull, that was.

Dallin stood, well away from the openings in the windows, thinking how ridiculous it would be for him to get shot now by one of the men at the hostel or livery, then made his way over to the door. He flattened himself to the jamb as he cracked it open.