Chapter 34

WHEN DALLIN got back to the office, it was to an argument a little too similar to the one he'd woken to only a short while ago--which reminded him he hadn't even had a bleeding cup of tea yet!--except this one didn't make him want to chuckle.

"--don't even know who you are," Wil was snarling. "You've no right--"

"Back off them bars, boy, or I'll show you what rights I've got."

Dallin stepped over the threshold, dragging his now less-limp cargo with him, to see Wil--face clean now, and dressed as though ready to take to the road, coat and all--glaring out through the closed cell door at Kenton. Kenton was glaring right back. Dallin shoved his man down through the office and to the opposite cell. Stopped. Frowned.