Chapter 59

DAWN FOUND Dallin poring over his map--a wide roll of leather, browning and curling at the edges--when Wil snorted awake and blinked over at him with a wide, lazy yawn. "This," he slurred contentedly, "is a very comfortable bedroll."

Dallin didn't look up, but he smiled as he took a slurp of his coffee. "Well, you'll have to drag yourself out of it soon. I want to get started as soon as we can." He tilted a curious look at Wil. "D'you know that your fingers are always moving when you sleep?"

Wil paused in midstretch to frown up at the sky for a moment. He grimaced. "Yeah, so? You snore." He lifted his hands, squinting at them, fingers of the left hand flexing and wavering in front of his nose. "Why the rush? Something wrong?"

"No, no." Dallin turned his gaze to the map. "It's time we started being proper fugitives and trying to hide our trail a bit better. Besides a change of course, that'll mean no more target practice or evening fires. Sorry."