Chapter 58

DALLIN DIDN'T jolt this time, didn't wake panting and shaking. He merely opened his eyes, sighed up at the stars, and groaned.

"Fucking hell."

Of all the things around which this mess could have centered, it just had to be dreams, didn't it? Just his luck. The groan turned into a light growl.

He shook his head, listening to Wil's soft footfalls in the damp undergrowth, walking his watch.

It was funny--two days ago Dallin wouldn't have even considered allowing Wil to leave his sight, let alone stand guard while Dallin slept. Now he wasn't even surprised that Wil hadn't taken the opportunity to skive off. Relieved, yes, but not really surprised. It wasn't trust, at least not the sort of trust with which Dallin was familiar. It was... something else. Mutual need, perhaps. After all, there were no illusions that Wil would stick with him if Dallin proved to be other than an asset in keeping them both alive. Wil wasn't here for Dallin's dazzling personality.