Chapter 144

"I was shot."

"And thrown from a horse," Dallin reminded him grimly as he finally extracted himself and stood. "And... other things. Don't put the shirt on yet, Corliss, I'll want to check the bandage."

He watched Corliss work for a moment, watched Wil try not to flinch every time he moved, then sighed and turned his attention to Singrene. A low conversation between the two ensued above Wil's head, during which Wil hoped threats were not exchanged.

Corliss's mouth pinched as she dropped Wil's soggy coat and began working the shirt off his left arm. She stopped, thoughtful, then shook her head.

"No point in making it worse."

She slipped a long knife from her belt and proceeded to cut the shirt, careful to draw the knife down and away from Wil's chest. Too bad. That shirt was nice and soft, almost as green as the cavern, and he didn't even know who'd given it to him. Corliss shot a quick look up at Wil, strangely pointed, then turned her glance up and over Wil's shoulder.