Chapter 145

"A thousand men."

Dallin's reply was calm and even, but that didn't make it any less shocking. Wil's heart took a jolt in his chest.

"A thousand?! Plus all the Brethren?" He shut his eyes tight before looking back into Dallin's unruffled gaze. "Surely there aren't enough of the Weardas to hold them all back? Lind will be overrun."

Unaccountably, Dallin smiled. "They're outnumbered at least ten to one, if it comes to it. The Weardas are not the only ones who carry weapons. No Linder forewarned is defenseless. Anyway, Wisena's already got Wheeler's men convinced they arrived just in time to stop an invasion, and he's ceded command to Shaw. A soldier wants a general, and Shaw's reputation will do what no direct order from Wheeler ever could. Unless Aeledfyres prevails"--there was only the barest hint of an angry grimace--"which he *won't*, Lind and its people are safe from Cynewisan's guns for the moment."

"Did you know all this before?" Thorne asked from behind.