Chapter 45: Coming of Age

Mercy Hall

A shrub shakes. Big sprigs of grass part to reveal a pair of leather boots.

"You missed a good venison stew last night." Graysen, her older brother, kneels on the ground next to the water.

His tone of voice is calm and controlled, but the throbbing vein on his head tells another story.

"Wasn't hungry. Besides, I wouldn't have enjoyed the company, anyway."

"Never know, you are coming of age." He points at the cave. "You know you're forbidden to sleep in there." He holds her gaze with a somber look. "So, does Mother know you weren't in your bed last night? That you're never in your bed?"

A tinge of anger bubbles in her gut. "Shut up." She shoves him toward the water. "What about you?"

He slides on the wet soil. "What about me?" His arm slips off the bank and plunges into the water, soaking his cotton sleeve from cuff to elbow.

"You're not supposed to stay out all night, either so I guess we're even."