Chapter 46: Live to Fight Another Day

Mercy Hall

A blood-curdling scream cuts the thick evening air. It pierces her heart. She lunges to her feet, but she's yanked into a crouch.

"Nay, use your head for once, not emotion." Graysen's voice is barely above a whisper. "Don't be stupid." He motions for her to remain hidden. "We don't yet know what we're dealing with."

An armor-covered giant, wearing the king's colors, backs out of the front door. A flash of blue streaks past the man.

Mercy's chest tightens.

The massive man swings a spiked arm, knocking a figure onto the rocky path.

Mercy calls on the senses of her inner gargouille. She focuses on the mass of fabric huddled into a tight ball.

"Mother." The single word tears loose and rolls from her lips. Twisting free of her brother's grasp, she bolts.

The giant unsheathes his gold-encrusted sword.